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Created November 23, 2016 18:28
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package com.carterza.generator.spacecraft;
import com.carterza.generator.graph.ComparablePoint2i;
import com.carterza.generator.graph.Graph;
import com.carterza.generator.graph.Node;
import com.carterza.generator.pathfind.HallwayMover2d;
import com.carterza.generator.pathfind.HallwayPathFinder;
import com.stewsters.util.mapgen.twoDimension.MapGen2d;
import com.stewsters.util.mapgen.twoDimension.brush.DrawCell2d;
import com.stewsters.util.mapgen.twoDimension.predicate.AndPredicate2d;
import com.stewsters.util.mapgen.twoDimension.predicate.CellEquals2d;
import com.stewsters.util.mapgen.twoDimension.predicate.CellNearCell2d;
import com.stewsters.util.mapgen.twoDimension.predicate.OrPredicate2d;
import com.stewsters.util.math.Point2i;
import com.stewsters.util.noise.OpenSimplexNoise;
import com.stewsters.util.pathing.twoDimention.shared.FullPath2d;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
public class SpacecraftGenerator {
public final static Color transparent = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
private final static Random r = new Random();
private final static OpenSimplexNoise openSimplexNoise = new OpenSimplexNoise();
* Generates a ship
* @param blueprint A Blueprint that contains parameters for ship creation
* @return A Buffered Image of the ship
public static Spacecraft generate(Blueprint blueprint) {
Spacecraft spacecraft = new Spacecraft();
spacecraft.gridMap = new GridMap(blueprint.width, blueprint.height);
generateUnderlyingStructure(blueprint, spacecraft);
generateRooms(blueprint, spacecraft);
generateHallways(blueprint, spacecraft);
generateHallwayWalls(blueprint, spacecraft);
paintShip(blueprint, spacecraft);
return spacecraft;
* Generates the ship's shape
* @param blueprint
* @param spacecraft
public static void generateUnderlyingStructure(Blueprint blueprint, Spacecraft spacecraft) {
int blackX = -1;
int blackY = -1;
// Generate underlying structure;
int xStructureOffset = r.nextInt(200) - 100;
int yStructureOffset = r.nextInt(200) - 100;
for (int x = 0; x < spacecraft.gridMap.getWidthInTiles() / 2; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < spacecraft.gridMap.getHeightInTiles(); y++) {
/*int specRGB = blueprint.spec.getRGB(
(int) (((float) x / (float) blueprint.width) * blueprint.spec.getWidth()),
(int) (((float) y / (float) blueprint.height) * blueprint.spec.getHeight()));*/
int specRGB = blueprint.spec.getPixel(
(int) (((float) x / (float) blueprint.width) * blueprint.spec.getWidth()),
(int) (((float) y / (float) blueprint.height) * blueprint.spec.getHeight()));
boolean showHere = specRGB == Color.rgba8888(Color.BLACK);
if (showHere) {
blackX = x;
blackY = y;
showHere |= specRGB == Color.rgba8888(Color.WHITE) &&
(openSimplexNoise.eval((x + xStructureOffset) * (10f / blueprint.width), (y + yStructureOffset) * (10f / blueprint.height)) > 0);
if (showHere)
spacecraft.gridMap.writeToBothSides(x, y, TileType.INTERNALS);
//Trim off the underlying structure that is not contiguous
spacecraft.gridMap.trimNonContiguous(blackX, blackY);
private static Spacecraft generateRooms(Blueprint blueprint, Spacecraft spacecraft) {
spacecraft.rooms = new ArrayList<Room>();
//Generate rooms in underlying structure
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
//We start with large rooms (11-20) then work our way down to smaller closets
int roomX = r.nextInt(10) + ((100 - i) / 10) + 2;
int roomY = r.nextInt(10) + ((100 - i) / 10) + 2; // actual room size will be 2 smaller, as we need walls
int x = r.nextInt(spacecraft.gridMap.getWidthInTiles() / 2 - roomX);
int y = r.nextInt(spacecraft.gridMap.getHeightInTiles() - roomY);
boolean primed = false; // we have seen a valid spot for a room.
boolean placed = false; // we have placed the room
// we need to move in until we are over valid terrain
// move x in
while (!placed) {
boolean valid = spacecraft.gridMap.testRoom(x - 1, y - 1, x + roomX + 1, y + roomY + 1, TileType.INTERNALS);
if (valid) {
primed = true;
} else if (primed) {
//then we are no longer valid. rewind.
placed = true;
if (x >= spacecraft.gridMap.getWidthInTiles())
primed = false;
placed = false;
// move Y in
while (!placed) {
boolean valid = spacecraft.gridMap.testRoom(x - 1, y - 1, x + roomX + 1, y + roomY + 1, TileType.INTERNALS);
if (valid) {
primed = true;
} else if (primed) {
//then we are no longer valid. rewind.
placed = true;
if (y >= spacecraft.gridMap.getHeightInTiles())
if (spacecraft.gridMap.testRoom(x, y, x + roomX, y + roomY, TileType.INTERNALS)) {
Room roomOne = new Room(x, y, x + roomX, y + roomY)
, roomTwo = new Room(
spacecraft.gridMap.getWidthInTiles() - (x + roomX) - 1,
spacecraft.gridMap.getWidthInTiles() - x - 1,
y + roomY);
spacecraft.rooms.add(roomTwo );
spacecraft.gridMap.writeRoom(x, y, x + roomX, y + roomY, TileType.FLOOR, TileType.WALL, false);
spacecraft.roomGraph.addNode(new Node(new ComparablePoint2i(, true);
spacecraft.roomGraph.addNode(new Node(new ComparablePoint2i(, true);
return spacecraft;
private static Spacecraft generateHallways(Blueprint blueprint, Spacecraft spacecraft) {
// Cutting paths
HallwayPathFinder pathFinder2d = new HallwayPathFinder(spacecraft.gridMap, spacecraft.gridMap.getWidthInTiles() * spacecraft.gridMap.getHeightInTiles(), false);
HallwayMover2d hallwayMover2d = new HallwayMover2d(spacecraft.gridMap);
// for each pair of room centers
for (Room roomFrom : spacecraft.rooms) {
for (Room roomTo : spacecraft.rooms) {
Point2i roomCenterFrom =;
Point2i roomCenterTo =;
FullPath2d fullPath2d = pathFinder2d.findPath(hallwayMover2d, roomCenterFrom.x, roomCenterFrom.y, roomCenterTo.x, roomCenterTo.y);
/*if (fullPath2d != null) {
for (int step = 0; step < fullPath2d.getLength(); step++) {
TileType tileType = spacecraft.gridMap.getTile(fullPath2d.getX(step), fullPath2d.getY(step));
if (tileType == TileType.WALL || tileType == TileType.REINFORCED_WALL) {
spacecraft.gridMap.writeToBothSides(fullPath2d.getX(step), fullPath2d.getY(step), TileType.DOOR);
} else if (tileType != TileType.DOOR) {
spacecraft.gridMap.writeToBothSides(fullPath2d.getX(step), fullPath2d.getY(step), TileType.FLOOR);
if (fullPath2d != null) {
for (int step = 0; step < fullPath2d.getLength(); step++) {
TileType tileType = spacecraft.gridMap.getTile(fullPath2d.getX(step), fullPath2d.getY(step));
if (tileType == TileType.WALL || tileType == TileType.REINFORCED_WALL) {
spacecraft.gridMap.writeToBothSides(fullPath2d.getX(step), fullPath2d.getY(step), TileType.DOOR);
int widthMinusOne = spacecraft.gridMap.getWidthInTiles() - 1;
Room roomRecievingDoor = spacecraft.findRoomContainingPoint(new Point2i(fullPath2d.getX(step), fullPath2d.getY(step)));
Room oppositeRoomRecievingDoor = spacecraft.findRoomContainingPoint(new Point2i(widthMinusOne - fullPath2d.getX(step), fullPath2d.getY(step)));
int temp = step + 1;
while(spacecraft.findRoomContainingPoint(new Point2i(fullPath2d.getX(temp), fullPath2d.getY(temp))) == null) {
Room roomDoorTo = spacecraft.findRoomContainingPoint(new Point2i(fullPath2d.getX(temp), fullPath2d.getY(temp)));
Room oppositeRoomDoorTo = spacecraft.findRoomContainingPoint(new Point2i(widthMinusOne - fullPath2d.getX(temp), fullPath2d.getY(temp)));
new Door(
, fullPath2d.getY(step)
, roomRecievingDoor
, roomDoorTo
new Door(
widthMinusOne - fullPath2d.getX(step)
, fullPath2d.getY(step)
, oppositeRoomRecievingDoor
, oppositeRoomDoorTo
Graph graph = spacecraft.roomGraph;
graph.getNode(new ComparablePoint2i(,
, graph.getNode(new ComparablePoint2i(,
, ((temp-1)-(step+1)) + roomRecievingDoor.area() + roomDoorTo.area()
graph.getNode(new ComparablePoint2i(,
, graph.getNode(new ComparablePoint2i(,
, ((temp-1)-(step+1)) + oppositeRoomRecievingDoor.area() + oppositeRoomDoorTo.area()
} else if (tileType != TileType.DOOR) {
spacecraft.gridMap.writeToBothSides(fullPath2d.getX(step), fullPath2d.getY(step), TileType.FLOOR);
return spacecraft;
private static Spacecraft generateHallwayWalls(Blueprint blueprint, Spacecraft spacecraft) {
//flood fill the vacuum, everything else should be solid ship
// MapGen2d.floodFill(spacecraft.gridMap, new Point2i(0, 0), new CellEquals2d(TileType.AETHER), new DrawCell2d(TileType.VACUUM));
// MapGen2d.floodFill(spacecraft.gridMap, new Point2i(spacecraft.gridMap.getWidthInTiles() - 1, spacecraft.gridMap.getHeightInTiles() - 1), new CellEquals2d(TileType.AETHER), new DrawCell2d(TileType.VACUUM));
// // Any interior pockets should be internals
// MapGen2d.fill(spacecraft.gridMap, new CellEquals2d(TileType.AETHER), new DrawCell2d(TileType.INTERNALS));
MapGen2d.fill(spacecraft.gridMap, new CellEquals2d(TileType.AETHER), new DrawCell2d(TileType.VACUUM));
//surround any external halls with wall
new AndPredicate2d(
new CellEquals2d(TileType.VACUUM),
new CellNearCell2d(TileType.FLOOR)
new DrawCell2d(TileType.WALL)
//surround any halls with wall
new AndPredicate2d(
new CellEquals2d(TileType.INTERNALS),
new OrPredicate2d(
new CellNearCell2d(TileType.FLOOR),
new CellNearCell2d(TileType.DOOR))
new DrawCell2d(TileType.WALL)
// surround the ship with armor
new AndPredicate2d(
new CellEquals2d(TileType.VACUUM),
new OrPredicate2d(
new CellNearCell2d(TileType.WALL),
new CellNearCell2d(TileType.REINFORCED_WALL.WALL)
new DrawCell2d(TileType.ARMOR)
return spacecraft;
private static Spacecraft paintShip(Blueprint blueprint, Spacecraft spacecraft) {
int xColorOffset = r.nextInt(200) - 100;
int yColorOffset = r.nextInt(200) - 100;
spacecraft.output = new Pixmap(blueprint.width, blueprint.height, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);
for (int x = 0; x < spacecraft.output.getWidth() / 2; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < spacecraft.output.getHeight(); y++) {
Color color;
if (spacecraft.gridMap.getTile(x, y) == TileType.INTERNALS) {
int index = (int) (blueprint.colorPalette.colors.size() * (openSimplexNoise.eval((x + xColorOffset) * (10f / blueprint.width), (y + yColorOffset) * (10f / blueprint.height)) + 1) / 2.0);
color = blueprint.colorPalette.colors.get(index);
} else if (!spacecraft.gridMap.getTile(x, y).equals(TileType.AETHER) && !spacecraft.gridMap.getTile(x, y).equals(TileType.VACUUM)) {
color = spacecraft.gridMap.getTile(x, y).color;
} else {
color = transparent;
spacecraft.output.drawPixel(x, y, Color.rgba8888(color));
spacecraft.output.drawPixel(spacecraft.output.getWidth() - 1 - x, y, Color.rgba8888(color));
/*for(Room room : spacecraft.rooms) {
Color color = new Color(r.nextFloat(), r.nextFloat(), r.nextFloat(), 1.0f);
for(int x = room.x1; x < room.x2; x++) {
for(int y = room.y1; y < room.y2; y++) {
spacecraft.output.drawPixel(x, y, Color.rgba8888(color));
return spacecraft;
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