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Created December 17, 2016 03:11
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//attributes from vertex shader
varying vec4 vColor;
varying vec2 vTexCoord;
//our texture samplers
uniform sampler2D u_texture; //diffuse map
uniform sampler2D u_normals; //normal map
//values used for shading algorithm...
uniform vec2 Resolution; //resolution of screen
uniform vec4 LightColor; //light RGBA -- alpha is intensity
uniform vec4 AmbientColor; //ambient RGBA -- alpha is intensity
uniform vec3 Falloff; //attenuation coefficients
void main() {
//RGBA of our diffuse color
vec4 DiffuseColor = texture2D(u_texture, vTexCoord);
//RGB of our normal map
vec3 NormalMap = texture2D(u_normals, vTexCoord).rgb;
//The delta position of light
vec3 LightDir = vec3(vec2(.25,.25) - (gl_FragCoord.xy / Resolution.xy), .5);
//Correct for aspect ratio
LightDir.x *= Resolution.x / Resolution.y;
//Determine distance (used for attenuation) BEFORE we normalize our LightDir
float D = length(LightDir);
//normalize our vectors
vec3 N = normalize(NormalMap * 2.0 - 1.0);
vec3 L = normalize(LightDir);
//Pre-multiply light color with intensity
//Then perform "N dot L" to determine our diffuse term
vec3 Diffuse = (LightColor.rgb * LightColor.a) * max(dot(N, L), 0.0);
//pre-multiply ambient color with intensity
vec3 Ambient = AmbientColor.rgb * AmbientColor.a;
//calculate attenuation
float Attenuation = 1.0 / ( Falloff.x + (Falloff.y*D) + (Falloff.z*D*D) );
//the calculation which brings it all together
vec3 Intensity = Ambient + Diffuse * Attenuation;
vec3 FinalColor = DiffuseColor.rgb * Intensity;
gl_FragColor = vColor * vec4(FinalColor, DiffuseColor.a);
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