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Forked from Varriount/sigv4.nim
Created March 20, 2018 15:59
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Optimized sigv4.nim
# AWS SignatureV4 Authorization Library
Implements functions to handle the AWS Signature v4 request signing
import os, times
import strutils except toLower
import sequtils, algorithm, tables, nimSHA2
import securehash, hmac, base64, re, unicode
from uri import parseUri
AwsCredentials* = tuple
id: string
secret: string
AwsScope* = object
date*: string
region*: string
service*: string
# Our AWS4 constants, not quite sure how to handle these, so they act as defaults
# TODO - Support more just SHA256 hashing for sigv4
alg = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256"
term = "aws4_request"
# Some convenience operators, for fun and aesthetics
proc `$`(s: AwsScope): string =
return[0..7] & "/" & s.region & "/" & s.service
proc `!$`(s: string): string =
return toLowerASCII(hex(computeSHA256(s)))
proc `!$`(k, s: string): string =
return toLowerASCII(hex(hmac_sha256(k, s)))
proc `?$`(k, s: string): string =
return $hmac_sha256(k, s)
# Copied from cgi library and modified to fit the AWS-approved uri_encode
proc uri_encode(s: string, notEncode: set[char]): string =
result = newStringOfCap(s.len + s.len shr 2) # assume 12% non-alnum-chars
for i in 0..(s.len - 1):
case s[i]
of 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '-', '.', '_', '~':
add(result, s[i])
of notEncode:
add(result, s[i])
add(result, '%')
add(result, toHex(ord(s[i]), 2).toUpperASCII)
# trim leading and trailing, as well as collapse multiple into single
proc condense_whitespace(x: string): string=
return strip(x).replace(re"\s+", " ")
# don't encode the slashes in the path
proc create_canonical_path(path: string): string=
return uri_encode(path, {'/'})
# create the canonical querystring string
# TODO - Test sigv4 with query string parameters to sign
proc create_canonical_qs(query: string): string =
result = ""
if query.len < 1:
return result
var queryParts = query.split("&")
sort(queryParts, cmp[string])
for part in queryParts:
result.add(uri_encode(part, {'='}))
# create the canonical and signed headers strings
proc create_canonical_and_signed_headers(headers: TableRef): (string, string) =
# First create an ordered list of the header names
var headerNames = newSeq[string](len(headers))
for index, headerName in keys(headers):
shallowCopy(headerNames[index], headerName)
sort(headerNames, cmp[string])
# Next, create the canonical headers string and the signed headers string
canonicalHeaders = ""
signedHeaders = ""
for name in headerNames:
let loweredName = toLower(name)
let values = headers[name]
for value in values:
# create the canonical request string
proc create_canonical_request*(headers: var TableRef, action: string, url: string, payload: string="", unsignedPayload: bool=true, contentSha: bool=true): (string, string)=
uri = parseUri(url)
cpath = create_canonical_path(uri.path)
cquery = create_canonical_qs(uri.query)
var hashload = "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD"
if payload.len>0 or not unsignedPayload:
# !$a => toLowerASCII(hex(computeSHA256(a)))
hashload = !$payload
# add the host header for signing, will remove later so we don't have 2
headers["Host"] = @[uri.hostname]
# sometimes we don't want/need this, like for the AWS test suite
if contentSha:
headers["X-Amz-Content-Sha256"] = @[hashload]
let (chead, signed) = create_canonical_and_signed_headers(headers)
return (signed, ("$1\n$2\n$3\n$4\n$5\n$6" % [action, cpath, cquery, chead, signed, hashload]))
# create a signing key with a lot of hashing of the credential scope
proc create_signing_key*(secret: string, scope: AwsScope, termination: string=term): string =
# (a ?$ b) => $hmac_sha256(a, b)
return ("AWS4" & secret) ?$[0..7] ?$ scope.region ?$ scope.service ?$ termination
# ? cleaner than $hmac_sha256($hmac_sha256($hmac_sha256($hmac_sha256("AWS4" & secret, date[0..7]),region),service),termination) ?
# add AWS headers, including Authorization, to the header table, return our signing key (good for 7 days with scope)
proc create_aws_authorization*(id: string,
key: string,
request: (string, string, string),
headers: var TableRef,
scope: AwsScope,
opts: (string, string)=(alg, term)): string=
# add our AWS date header
# TODO - Check for existing Date or X-Amz-Date header and use that instead
# mostly useful for testing I think
# check for correct format or let them fail on their own?
headers["X-Amz-Date"] = @[]
# create signed headers and canonical request string
let (signed_head, canonical_request) = create_canonical_request(headers, request[0], request[1], request[2])
# delete host header since it's added by the the httpclient.request later and having 2 Host headers is Forbidden
# create string to sign
let to_sign = "$1\n$2\n$3/$4\n$5" % [opts[0],, $scope, opts[1], !$canonical_request]
# create signing key and export for caching
# sign the string with our key
let sig = key !$ to_sign
# create AWS authorization header to add to request
return ("$1 Credential=$2/$3/$4, SignedHeaders=$5, Signature=$6" % [opts[0],id,$scope, opts[1],signed_head, sig])
# add AWS headers, including Authorization, to the header table, return our signing key (good for 7 days withi scope)
proc create_aws_authorization*(creds: AwsCredentials,
request: (string, string, string),
headers: var TableRef,
scope: AwsScope,
opts: (string, string)=(alg, term)): string=
result = create_signing_key(creds[1],scope, opts[1])
# add AWS authorization header
headers["Authorization"] = @[create_aws_authorization(creds[0],result, request, headers, scope, opts)]
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