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Last active September 16, 2017 03:42
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#include "stb_herringbone_wang_tile.h"
import stb_image/read as stbi, stb_image/write as stbiw, math
{.compile: "compile.c".}
stbhw_tile* = object
a*: cchar ## the edge or vertex constraints, according to diagram below
b*: cchar
c*: cchar
d*: cchar
e*: cchar
f*: cchar ## The herringbone wang tile data; it is a bitmap which is either
## w=2*short_sidelen,h=short_sidelen, or w=short_sidelen,h=2*short_sidelen.
## it is always RGB, stored row-major, with no padding between rows.
## (allocate stbhw_tile structure to be large enough for the pixel data)
pixels*: array[1, cuchar]
stbhw_tileset* = object
is_corner*: cint
num_color*: array[6, cint] ## number of colors for each of 6 edge types or 4 corner types
short_side_len*: cint
h_tiles*: ptr ptr stbhw_tile
v_tiles*: ptr ptr stbhw_tile
num_h_tiles*: cint
max_h_tiles*: cint
num_v_tiles*: cint
max_v_tiles*: cint
proc stbhw_build_tileset_from_image*(ts: ptr stbhw_tileset; data: ptr cuchar; stride: cint; w: cint; h: cint): cint {.importc.}
proc stbhw_generate_image*(ts: ptr stbhw_tileset; weighting: ptr ptr cint;
pixels: ptr cuchar; stride_in_bytes: cint; w: cint; h: cint): cint {.importc.}
xs, ys: int
width, height, channels: int
data: seq[uint8]
ts: stbhw_tileset
data = stbi.load("template_sean_dungeon.png", width, height, channels, stbi.Default)
xs = 128
ys = 128
assert stbhw_build_tileset_from_image(addr ts, cast[ptr cuchar](addr data[0]), cint width * 3, cint width, cint height) != 0
var imgData = createShared(cuchar, 3 * xs * ys)
assert stbhw_generate_image(addr ts, nil, imgData, cint xs * 3, cint xs, cint ys) != 0
stbiw.writePNG("test_map.png", xs, ys, 3, cast[seq[uint8]](imgData), xs * 3)
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