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Created April 25, 2009 14:28
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Save zacharyvoase/101634 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A utility class for operating on URLs.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# - A utility class for operating on URLs.
""" - A utility class for operating on URLs.
Example Usage::
>>> from urlobject import URLObject
>>> url = URLObject(host='')
>>> print url
>>> print url / 'some' / 'path'
>>> print url & ('key', 'value')
>>> print url & ('key', 'value') & ('key2', 'value2')
>>> print url * 'fragment'
>>> print url / u'\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE}'
>>> url
<URLObject(u'') at 0x...>
>>> new_url = url / 'place'
>>> new_url
<URLObject(u'') at 0x...>
>>> new_url &= 'key', 'value'
>>> new_url
<URLObject(u'') at 0x...>
>>> new_url &= 'key2', 'value2'
>>> new_url
<URLObject(u'') at 0x...>
>>> new_url |= 'key', 'newvalue'
>>> new_url
<URLObject(u'') at 0x...>
Important points to note:
* URLObjects are completely unicode-aware (they subclass ``unicode``). This
also means that international hostnames will be encoded to IDNA format,
and international characters in pathnames will be automatically escaped.
You should continue using unicode values for everything; the various
components will be en/decoded on-the-fly.
* ``url & (key, value)`` adds ``key=value`` to URL, even if ``key`` is
already present as a query parameter. This allows you to have multiple
appearances of ``key`` in the query.
* ``url | (key, value)`` adds ``key=value`` to URL, removing any previous
appearance of ``key`` in the query parameters.
* ``url & dictionary`` and ``url | dictionary`` work similarly to their
``(key, value)`` counterparts, only they add every key, value pair in the
dictionary to the query string. You can also pass in a list of key, value
* ``url / 'path'`` adds ``'path'`` to the current path, quoting special
characters if necessary.
* ``url // 'path'`` sets the path to ``'path'``, removing the current path
if present.
* ``url * 'fragment'`` sets the fragment to ``'fragment'``.
* ``url ^ 123`` sets the port number to ``123``.
* ``url.with_*(value)`` can be done with scheme, host, port, path, query and
fragment, returning a new URL object with the value in that place.
* ``url.without_port()``, ``url.without_path()``, ``url.without_query()``
and ``url.without_fragment()`` all exist and do something obvious.
* Operations return a *new* URL object (URL objects are immutable).
Hints and tips:
* If a URL's scheme is ``'http'`` and you try to set the port to 80, it is
equivalent to not specifying the port (same goes for ``'https'``,
``'ftp'`` and ``'ftps'`` for their appropriate ports).
* If you need to end the path with ``'/'``, you can do either ``url / ''``
or ``url / 'last_component/'``.
* The query parameters are available as a list through the ``query_list()``
method and as a dictionary via ``query_dict()``. By default, the latter
method will return a dictionary with lists as the values, corresponding to
potential multiple occurrences of the same key. You can just take the last
value by passing the ``seq=False`` keyword argument to the method.
from functools import partial
import cgi
import copy
import urllib
import urlparse
URL_COMPONENTS = ('scheme', 'host', 'path', 'query', 'fragment')
'http': 80,
'https': 443,
'ftp': 21,
'ftps': 990,
class URLObject(unicode):
def __new__(cls, host='', path='/', scheme='http', query=None, fragment=''):
if not isinstance(query, basestring):
query = encode_query(query or {}, doseq=True)
return unicode.__new__(cls,
def parse(cls, url):
return unicode.__new__(cls, url)
# Support for urlobj.scheme,, urlobj.path, etc.
for i, attr in enumerate(URL_COMPONENTS):
vars()[attr] = (
lambda index:
property(lambda self: decode_component(
vars()['with_' + attr] = (
lambda param:
lambda self, value: self.copy(**{param: value}))(attr)
# Supports without_path(), without_query() and without_fragment().
for i, attr in enumerate(URL_COMPONENTS[2:]):
vars()['without_' + attr] = (
lambda param:
lambda self: self.copy(**{param: ''}))(attr)
def components(self):
return dict(zip(URL_COMPONENTS,
map(partial(getattr, self), URL_COMPONENTS)))
def copy(self, **kwargs):
components = self.components()
return type(self)(**components)
## Scheme-related methods.
def secure(self):
return self.with_scheme(self.scheme + 's')
## Host-related methods.
def host(self):
return decode_component(urlparse.urlsplit(self)[1]).decode('idna')
def with_host(self, host):
return self.copy(host=host)
## Port-related properties and methods.
def port(self):
host, port = urllib.splitnport(, defport=None)
if (self.scheme in SCHEME_PORT_MAP) and (not port):
return SCHEME_PORT_MAP[self.scheme]
return port
def with_port(self, port):
if self.scheme in SCHEME_PORT_MAP:
if SCHEME_PORT_MAP[self.scheme] == port:
return self.without_port()
host, _ = urllib.splitport(
return self.with_host(host + ':' + str(port))
def without_port(self):
return self.copy(host=urllib.splitport([0])
## Query-related methods.
# Overrides the automatically-defined one.
def query(self):
return urlparse.urlsplit(self)[3]
def query_list(self):
return decode_query(self.query)
def query_dict(self, seq=True):
if seq:
decoded = decode_query(self.query)
query_dict = {}
for key, value in decoded:
query_dict.setdefault(key, []).append(value)
return query_dict
return dict(decode_query(self.query))
def add_query_param(self, key, value):
new_query = decode_query(self.query)
new_query.append((key, ensure_unicode(value)))
return self.with_query(new_query)
def set_query_param(self, key, value):
old_query = cgi.parse_qsl(self.query)
new_query = []
for old_key, old_value in old_query:
if old_key != key:
new_query.append((old_key, old_value))
new_query.append((key, ensure_unicode(value)))
return self.with_query(new_query)
## Path-related methods.
def path_list(self):
return filter(None, self.path.split('/'))
def add_path_component(self, path):
if path.startswith('/'):
new_path = path
elif self.path.endswith('/'):
new_path = self.path + path
new_path = self.path + '/' + path
return self.with_path(new_path)
def parent(self):
parent_path = self.path[:self.path.rindex('/')]
except IndexError:
parent_path = '/'
return self.with_path(parent_path)
def root(self):
return self.with_path('/')
## Additional magic methods.
def __repr__(self):
return '<URLObject(%r) at 0x%x>' % (unicode(self), id(self))
def __and__(self, query_param):
if hasattr(query_param, 'items'):
new = self
for qp in query_param.items():
new = new.add_query_param(*qp)
return new
return self.add_query_param(*query_param)
def __or__(self, query_param):
if hasattr(query_param, 'items'):
new = self
for qp in query_param.items():
new = new.set_query_param(*qp)
return new
return self.set_query_param(*query_param)
__div__ = add_path_component
__floordiv__ = with_path
__mul__ = with_fragment
__xor__ = with_port
## Functions to help with escaping international URLs.
(0xA0, 0xD7FF),
(0xE000, 0xF8FF),
(0xF900, 0xFDCF),
(0xFDF0, 0xFFEF),
(0x10000, 0x1FFFD),
(0x20000, 0x2FFFD),
(0x30000, 0x3FFFD),
(0x40000, 0x4FFFD),
(0x50000, 0x5FFFD),
(0x60000, 0x6FFFD),
(0x70000, 0x7FFFD),
(0x80000, 0x8FFFD),
(0x90000, 0x9FFFD),
(0xA0000, 0xAFFFD),
(0xB0000, 0xBFFFD),
(0xC0000, 0xCFFFD),
(0xD0000, 0xDFFFD),
(0xE1000, 0xEFFFD),
(0xF0000, 0xFFFFD),
(0x100000, 0x10FFFD)
def ensure_unicode(obj):
if isinstance(obj, unicode):
return obj
elif isinstance(obj, str):
return obj.decode('utf-8')
return unicode(obj)
def encode_component(component):
if isinstance(component, unicode):
encoded_list = []
for unichar in component:
if any(low <= ord(unichar) <= high for low, high in URL_ESCAPE_RANGES):
elif ord(unichar) < 128:
return ''.join(encoded_list)
return urllib.quote(component)
def decode_component(component):
return urllib.unquote(str(component)).decode('utf-8')
def encode_query(params, doseq=False):
if hasattr(params, 'items'):
params = params.items()
if doseq:
params = transform_doseq(params)
return '&'.join('='.join(map(encode_component, param)) for param in params)
def transform_doseq(items):
new_items = []
for key, value in items:
if hasattr(value, '__iter__') and not isinstance(value, basestring):
for subvalue in value:
new_items.append((key, subvalue))
new_items.append((key, value))
return new_items
def decode_query(query):
return [(key.decode('utf-8'), value.decode('utf-8'))
for key, value in cgi.parse_qsl(str(query))]
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest
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