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Created July 19, 2009 10:05
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First stab at implementing graphs in Python.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# First stab at implementing graphs in Python.
# Horrifically undocumented.
import operator
import textwrap
class SimpleStruct(type):
def new(cls, *values):
return tuple.__new__(cls, values)
def __new__(mcls, *properties):
attrs = {}
for i, prop in enumerate(properties):
attrs[prop] = property(operator.itemgetter(i))
attrs['__new__'] =
return type('simple_struct', (tuple,), attrs)
class Node(SimpleStruct('name', 'value')):
def __new__(cls, name='', value=None):
return, name, value)
def __repr__(self):
if self.value is not None:
return '<Node(%r, %r) at 0x%x>' % (, self.value, id(self))
elif not
return '<Node at 0x%x>' % (id(self),)
return '<Node(%r) at 0x%x>' % (, id(self))
class Arc(SimpleStruct('origin', 'destination', 'weight', 'directed')):
def __new__(cls, origin, destination, weight=None, directed=True):
cls, origin, destination, weight, directed)
def __repr__(self):
description = []
if self.directed:
description.append('<DirectedArc from: %r\n' % (self.origin,))
indent = 17
description.append('<Arc from: %r\n' % (self.origin,))
indent = 9
description.append('%%%ds: ' % (indent,) % ('to'))
if self.weight is not None:
description.append('\n%%%ds: ' % (indent,) % ('weight'))
return ''.join(description)
def destination_is(self, node):
return (
(self.destination is node) or
((not self.directed) and (self.origin is node)))
def origin_is(self, node):
return (
(self.origin is node) or
((not self.directed) and (self.destination is node)))
def node_other_than(self, node):
if self.origin is node:
return self.destination
elif self.destination is node:
return self.origin
class Graph(SimpleStruct('nodes', 'arcs')):
def __new__(cls, nodes=None, arcs=None):
if nodes is None: nodes = set()
if arcs is None: arcs = set()
return, nodes, arcs)
def __repr__(self):
return '<Graph at 0x%x>' % (id(self),)
def __contains__(self, node_or_arc):
if isinstance(node_or_arc, Node):
return node_or_arc in self.nodes
elif isinstance(node_or_arc, Arc):
return node_or_arc in self.arcs
def make_subset(self, with_nodes=True, with_arcs=False):
kwargs = {}
if with_nodes: kwargs['nodes'] = self.nodes
if with_arcs: kwargs['arcs'] = self.arcs
return type(self)(**kwargs)
def is_subset_of(self, other):
return (
other.nodes.issuperset(self.nodes) and
def is_superset_of(self, other):
return (
other.nodes.issubset(self.nodes) and
def incident_arcs(self, node):
return set(arc for arc in self.arcs if arc.destination_is(node))
def outcident_arcs(self, node):
return set(arc for arc in self.arcs if arc.origin_is(node))
def nodes_where(self, name=None, value=None):
tests = [lambda node: True]
if name is not None:
tests.append(lambda node: operator.eq(, name))
if value is not None:
tests.append(lambda node: operator.eq(node.value, value))
return (n for n in self.nodes if all(test(n) for test in tests))
def arcs_where(self, origin=None, destination=None, **kwargs):
tests = [lambda arc: True]
if origin is not None:
tests.append(lambda arc: arc.origin_is(origin))
if destination is not None:
tests.append(lambda arc: arc.destination_is(destination))
if 'weight' in kwargs:
weight = kwargs['weight']
tests.append(lambda arc: operator.eq(arc.weight, weight))
return (a for a in self.arcs if all(test(a) for test in tests))
def find_shortest_path(self, origin, destination):
Label = SimpleStruct('distance', 'via', 'is_fixed')
# Setting the default distance to infinity makes sure that if any node
# has the default label set it will instantly be set to the first label
# found.
default_label = Label(float('inf'), None, False)
labels = {origin: Label(0, None, True)}
fixed = labels.copy() # This will eventually hold all fixed labels.
while destination not in fixed:
for node, label in fixed.items():
for arc in self.outcident_arcs(node):
dest = arc.node_other_than(node)
if dest in fixed:
curr_label = labels.setdefault(dest, default_label)
temp_distance = label.distance + (arc.weight or 1)
if temp_distance < curr_label.distance:
labels[dest] = Label(temp_distance, arc, False)
unfixed = [
(node, label) for node, label in labels.items()
if not label.is_fixed]
if not unfixed:
return None
next_fixed = min(unfixed, key=lambda (node, label): label.distance)
node, temp_label = next_fixed
labels[node] = Label(temp_label.distance, temp_label.via, True)
fixed[node] = labels[node]
path = []
current_node = destination
total_weight = fixed[destination].distance
while current_node is not origin:
path.insert(0, fixed[current_node].via)
current_node = fixed[current_node].via.node_other_than(current_node)
return total_weight, path
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