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Created February 10, 2012 01:15
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Save zacharyvoase/1785070 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Can't believe how hacky this is. Can't believe it kinda works.
Dynamic pattern matching in except clauses.
You can use `ABCMeta` and `__subclasshook__` to implement pattern matching in
except clauses. For this demo we're doing two things: first, we're creating
exception classes dynamically by overridding `__getattr__` on a metaclass,
which itself inherits from `abc.ABCMeta`. This allows us to do this:
>>> Errno
<class 'dynerror.Errno'>
>>> print Errno.match_errno
>>> Errno.EBADF
<class 'dynerror.Errno.EBADF'>
>>> print Errno.EBADF.match_errno
The `__subclasshook__` classmethod on `Errno` implements subclass checking
>>> error = OSError(9, 'Bad file descriptor')
`Errno` is a superclass of any exception with an `errno` attribute; however, in
order to verify this we have to raise the exception (otherwise
`__subclasshook__` only has access to the type, rather than the instance):
>>> try:
... raise error
... except Errno:
... print "It's a subclass of Errno"
It's a subclass of Errno
`Errno.EBADF` is a superclass of any exception with an `errno` of 9, but not
any other exception:
>>> try:
... raise error
... except Errno.EBADF:
... print "It's a subclass of Errno.EBADF"
It's a subclass of Errno.EBADF
>>> try:
... raise OSError(32, 'Broken pipe')
... except Errno.EBADF:
... print "You'll never see this"
... except Errno.EPIPE:
... print "But you will see this"
But you will see this
import __builtin__
import abc
import errno
import sys
class Errno(__builtin__.EnvironmentError):
match_errno = None
class __metaclass__(abc.ABCMeta):
def __getattr__(cls, attr):
if attr.isupper() and attr in vars(errno):
return cls.matcher(attr, vars(errno)[attr])
raise AttributeError(attr)
def __subclasshook__(cls, exc_type):
exc_type, exc_info, traceback = sys.exc_info()
exc_errno = getattr(exc_info, 'errno', None)
if cls.match_errno is None:
return exc_errno is not None
elif exc_errno is not None:
return exc_errno == cls.match_errno
return False
def matcher(cls, error_symbol, error_number):
# Return a dynamically-created subclass of the current class with the
# `match_errno` attribute set.
return type(cls.__name__ + "." + error_symbol,
{'match_errno': error_number,
'__module__': cls.__module__})
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