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Created August 26, 2016 14:14
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The Ultimate Bad Ass VIM Cheat Sheet
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<title>The Ultimate Bad Ass VIM Cheat Sheet by Zach Browne</title>
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<h1><a class="site-title" href="/">The Ultimate Bad Ass VIM Cheat Sheet</a></h1>
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<div class="commands-container">
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<li><kbd>:help keyword</kbd> - open help for keyword</li>
<li><kbd>:o file</kbd> - open file</li>
<li><kbd>:saveas file</kbd> - save file as</li>
<li><kbd>:close</kbd> - close current pane</li>
<h2>Cursor movement</h2>
<li><kbd>h</kbd> - move cursor left</li>
<li><kbd>j</kbd> - move cursor down</li>
<li><kbd>k</kbd> - move cursor up</li>
<li><kbd>l</kbd> - move cursor right</li>
<li><kbd>w</kbd> - jump forwards to the start of a word</li>
<li><kbd>W</kbd> - jump forwards to the start of a word (words can contain punctuation)</li>
<li><kbd>e</kbd> - jump forwards to the end of a word</li>
<li><kbd>E</kbd> - jump forwards to the end of a word (words can contain punctuation)</li>
<li><kbd>b</kbd> - jump backwards to the start of a word</li>
<li><kbd>B</kbd> - jump backwards to the start of a word (words can contain punctuation)</li>
<li><kbd>0</kbd> - jump to the start of the line</li>
<li><kbd>^</kbd> - jump to the first non-blank character of the line</li>
<li><kbd>$</kbd> - jump to the end of the line</li>
<li><kbd>g_</kbd> - jump to the last non-blank character of the line</li>
<li><kbd>gg</kbd> - go to the first line of the document</li>
<li><kbd>G</kbd> - go to the last line of the document</li>
<li><kbd>5G</kbd> - go to line 5</li>
<li><kbd>fx</kbd> - jump to next occurrence of character x</li>
<li><kbd>tx</kbd> - jump to before next occurrence of character x</li>
<li><kbd>}</kbd> - jump to next paragraph (or function/block, when editing code)</li>
<li><kbd>{</kbd> - jump to previous paragraph (or function/block, when editing code)</li>
<li><kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>b</kbd> - move back one full screen</li>
<li><kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>f</kbd> - move forward one full screen</li>
<li><kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>d</kbd> - move forward 1/2 a screen</li>
<li><kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>u</kbd> - move back 1/2 a screen</li>
<div class="well">
<strong>Tip</strong> Prefix a cursor movement command with a number to repeat it. For example, <kbd>4j</kbd> moves down 4 lines.
<h2>Insert mode - inserting/appending text</h2>
<li><kbd>i</kbd> - insert before the cursor</li>
<li><kbd>I</kbd> - insert at the beginning of the line</li>
<li><kbd>a</kbd> - insert (append) after the cursor</li>
<li><kbd>A</kbd> - insert (append) at the end of the line</li>
<li><kbd>o</kbd> - append (open) a new line below the current line</li>
<li><kbd>O</kbd> - append (open) a new line above the current line</li>
<li><kbd>ea</kbd> - insert (append) at the end of the word</li>
<li><kbd>Esc</kbd> - exit insert mode</li>
<div class="grid-lg-1-3">
<li><kbd>r</kbd> - replace a single character</li>
<li><kbd>J</kbd> - join line below to the current one</li>
<li><kbd>cc</kbd> - change (replace) entire line</li>
<li><kbd>cw</kbd> - change (replace) to the end of the word</li>
<li><kbd>c$</kbd> - change (replace) to the end of the line</li>
<li><kbd>s</kbd> - delete character and substitute text</li>
<li><kbd>S</kbd> - delete line and substitute text (same as cc)</li>
<li><kbd>xp</kbd> - transpose two letters (delete and paste)</li>
<li><kbd>u</kbd> - undo</li>
<li><kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>r</kbd> - redo</li>
<li><kbd>.</kbd> - repeat last command</li>
<h2>Marking text (visual mode)</h2>
<li><kbd>v</kbd> - start visual mode, mark lines, then do a command (like y-yank)</li>
<li><kbd>V</kbd> - start linewise visual mode</li>
<li><kbd>o</kbd> - move to other end of marked area</li>
<li><kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>v</kbd> - start visual block mode</li>
<li><kbd>O</kbd> - move to other corner of block</li>
<li><kbd>aw</kbd> - mark a word</li>
<li><kbd>ab</kbd> - a block with ()</li>
<li><kbd>aB</kbd> - a block with {}</li>
<li><kbd>ib</kbd> - inner block with ()</li>
<li><kbd>iB</kbd> - inner block with {}</li>
<li><kbd>Esc</kbd> - exit visual mode</li>
<h2>Visual commands</h2>
<li><kbd>&#62;</kbd> - shift text right</li>
<li><kbd>&#60;</kbd> - shift text left</li>
<li><kbd>y</kbd> - yank (copy) marked text</li>
<li><kbd>d</kbd> - delete marked text</li>
<li><kbd>~</kbd> - switch case</li>
<li><kbd>:reg</kbd> - show registers content</li>
<li><kbd>"xy</kbd> - yank into register x</li>
<li><kbd>"0p</kbd> - paste contents of register x</li>
<div class="well">
<strong>Tip</strong> Registers are being stored in ~/.viminfo, and will be loaded again on next restart of vim.
<div class="well">
<strong>Tip</strong> Register 0 contains always the value of the last yank command.
<li><kbd>:marks</kbd> - list of marks</li>
<li><kbd>ma</kbd> - set current position for mark A</li>
<li><kbd>`a</kbd> - jump to position of mark A</li>
<li><kbd>y`a</kbd> - yank text to position of mark A</li>
<li><kbd>qa</kbd> - record macro a</li>
<li><kbd>qq</kbd> - stop recording macro</li>
<li><kbd>@@</kbd> - rerun last run macro</li>
<div class="grid-lg-1-3">
<h2>Cut and paste</h2>
<li><kbd>yy</kbd> - yank (copy) a line</li>
<li><kbd>2yy</kbd> - yank (copy) 2 lines</li>
<li><kbd>yw</kbd> - yank (copy) the characters of the word from the cursor position to the start of the next word</li>
<li><kbd>y$</kbd> - yank (copy) to end of line</li>
<li><kbd>p</kbd> - put (paste) the clipboard after cursor</li>
<li><kbd>P</kbd> - put (paste) before cursor</li>
<li><kbd>dd</kbd> - delete (cut) a line</li>
<li><kbd>2dd</kbd> - delete (cut) 2 lines</li>
<li><kbd>dw</kbd> - delete (cut) the characters of the word from the cursor position to the start of the next word</li>
<li><kbd>D</kbd> - delete (cut) to the end of the line</li>
<li><kbd>d$</kbd> - delete (cut) to the end of the line</li>
<li><kbd>x</kbd> - delete (cut) character</li>
<li><kbd>:w</kbd> - write (save) the file, but don't exit</li>
<li><kbd>:w !sudo tee %</kbd> - write out the current file using sudo</li>
<li><kbd>:wq</kbd> or <kbd>:x</kbd> or <kbd>ZZ</kbd> - write (save) and quit</li>
<li><kbd>:q</kbd> - quit (fails if there are unsaved changes)</li>
<li><kbd>:q!</kbd> or <kbd>ZQ</kbd> - quit and throw away unsaved changes</li>
<h2>Search and replace</h2>
<li><kbd>/pattern</kbd> - search for pattern</li>
<li><kbd>?pattern</kbd> - search backward for pattern</li>
<li><kbd>\vpattern</kbd> - 'very magic' pattern: non-alphanumeric characters are interpreted as special regex symbols (no escaping needed)</li>
<li><kbd>n</kbd> - repeat search in same direction</li>
<li><kbd>N</kbd> - repeat search in opposite direction</li>
<li><kbd>:%s/old/new/g</kbd> - replace all old with new throughout file</li>
<li><kbd>:%s/old/new/gc</kbd> - replace all old with new throughout file with confirmations</li>
<li><kbd>:noh</kbd> - remove highlighting of search matches</li>
<h2>Search in multiple files</h2>
<li><kbd>:vimgrep /pattern/ {file}</kbd> - search for pattern in multiple files</li>
<div class="well">
<kbd>:vimgrep /foo/ **/*</kbd>
<li><kbd>:cn</kbd> - jump to the next match</li>
<li><kbd>:cp</kbd> - jump to the previous match</li>
<li><kbd>:copen</kbd> - open a window containing the list of matches</li>
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<h2>Working with multiple files</h2>
<li><kbd>:e</kbd> filename - edit a file in a new buffer</li>
<li><kbd>:bnext</kbd> or <kbd>:bn</kbd> - go to the next buffer</li>
<li><kbd>:bprev</kbd> or <kbd>:bp</kbd> - go to the previous buffer</li>
<li><kbd>:bd</kbd> - delete a buffer (close a file)</li>
<li><kbd>:ls</kbd> - list all open buffers</li>
<li><kbd>:sp</kbd> filename - open a file in a new buffer and split window</li>
<li><kbd>:vsp</kbd> filename - open a file in a new buffer and vertically split window</li>
<li><kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>ws</kbd> - split window</li>
<li><kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>ww</kbd> - switch windows</li>
<li><kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>wq</kbd> - quit a window</li>
<li><kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>wv</kbd> - split window vertically</li>
<li><kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>wh</kbd> - move cursor to the left window (vertical split)</li>
<li><kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>wl</kbd> - move cursor to the right window (vertical split)</li>
<li><kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>wj</kbd> - move cursor to the window below (horizontal split)</li>
<li><kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>wk</kbd> - move cursor to the window above (horizontal split)</li>
<div class="grid-lg-1-3">
<li><kbd>:tabnew</kbd> filename or <kbd>:tabn</kbd> filename - open a file in a new tab</li>
<li><kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>wT</kbd> - move the current split window into its own tab</li>
<li><kbd>gt</kbd> or <kbd>:tabnext</kbd> or <kbd>:tabn</kbd> - move to the next tab</li>
<li><kbd>gT</kbd> or <kbd>:tabprev</kbd> or <kbd>:tabp</kbd> - move to the previous tab</li>
<li><kbd>#gt</kbd> - move to tab number #</li>
<li><kbd>:tabmove #</kbd> - move current tab to the #th position (indexed from 0)</li>
<li><kbd>:tabclose</kbd> or <kbd>:tabc</kbd> - close the current tab and all its windows</li>
<li><kbd>:tabonly</kbd> or <kbd>:tabo</kbd> - close all tabs except for the current one</li>
<li><kbd>:tabdo</kbd> command - run the <code>command</code> on all tabs (e.g. <code>:tabdo q</code> - closes all opened tabs)</li>
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