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Created November 1, 2023 18:35
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Mountaineer Metrics Javascript
// v1 -- 2023 -- Written for
function id(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
function resetBtns() {
id('btn_2023').style.fontSize = null;
id('btn_2022').style.fontSize = null;
id('btn_2021').style.fontSize = null;
let year = 2023;
function update(year = "2023", timer = false) {
if (year !== 2023 && timer) {
if (!timer) {
id('data').innerHTML = "Loading scores for " + year + "...<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>";
id('btn_' + year).style.fontSize = "24px";
const root_ep = "" + year + "_season.php";
let overall = "";
let full = [];
let data_html = "";
let Data = {};
let Games = {};
fetch(root_ep, {
method: 'GET',
type: 'text/plain',
}).then(function(response) {
return response.text()
}).then(function(raw) {
let pstr = "";
var str_array = raw.split('\r');
let game_id = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < str_array.length; i++) {
// Trim the excess whitespace.
let row = str_array[i].trim();
if (row == "") {
//if(pstr.includes("Overall") || row.includes("Overall")) {
if (i == 1) {
Data.Year = row.replaceAll(" Football Schedule", "").trim();
if (i == 3) {
Data.Overall = row.replaceAll("Overall ", "").trim();
if (i == 4) {
Data.Conference = row.replaceAll("Conference ", "").trim();
if (i == 5) {
Data.Streak = row.replaceAll("Streak ", "").trim();
if (i == 6) {
Data.Home = row.replaceAll("Home ", "").trim();
if (i == 7) {
Data.Away = row.replaceAll("Away ", "").trim();
if (i == 8) {
Data.Neutral = row.replaceAll("Neutral ", "").trim();
if (i >= 11) { // Begin game lines
let Game = {};
Game.Month = row.substring(0, 3);
Game.Day = row.substring(4, 6).trim();
Game.Dow = row.substring(6, 12).replaceAll("(", "").replaceAll(")", "").trim();
// Trim what was parsed out of row.
row = row.replaceAll(Game.Month, "").replaceAll(Game.Day, "").replaceAll(Game.Dow, "").replaceAll("()", "").trim();
Game.Time = row.replaceAll(".", "").substring(0, 7).replaceAll("ET", "").replaceAll("MT", "").replaceAll("CT", "").trim();
// Trim time out of row to continue parse
let away_ind = row.indexOf("Away");
let home_ind = row.indexOf("Home");
let neu_ind = row.indexOf("Neutral");
// Row trim everything before Away/Home and parse
// Championship won't return Home/Away, instead returns Neutral
if (neu_ind > 0) {
row = row.substr(neu_ind + 8, row.length);
Game.Loc = "TBD";
} else
if (home_ind <= -1) {
Game.Loc = "Away";
row = row.substr(away_ind + 5, row.length);
} else
if (away_ind <= -1) {
Game.Loc = "Home";
row = row.substr(home_ind + 5, row.length);
// Get scores first to leave the location left.
let check_score_str = row.substr(row.length - 7, row.length).trim();
if (check_score_str.indexOf("-") >= 0) {
// - means theres a score in that space.
if (check_score_str.indexOf("W") >= 0) {
Game.Won = true;
} else if (check_score_str.indexOf("L") >= 0) {
Game.Won = false;
Game.Score = check_score_str.replaceAll("W", "").replaceAll("L", "").trim();
} else {
Game.Score = "TBD";
row = row.replaceAll("(Kidd Brewer Stadium)", "").replaceAll("BOONE, N.C.", "").replaceAll(check_score_str, "").trim();
Game.Opponent = row;
switch (Game.Dow) {
case "Mon":
Game.Dow = "Monday";
case "Tue":
Game.Dow = "Tuesday";
case "Wed":
Game.Dow = "Wednesday";
case "Thu":
Game.Dow = "Thursday";
case "Fri":
Game.Dow = "Friday";
case "Sat":
Game.Dow = "Saturday";
case "Sun":
Game.Dow = "Sunday";
Games[game_id] = Game;
data_html += "<h4 style='font-weight:750'>" + Game.Opponent + "</h4>";
if (Game.Score == "TBD") {
data_html += "<ul style='font-family:monospace;'>";
data_html += "<li>Scheduled for " + Game.Month + " " + Game.Day + ", " + Data.Year + "</li>";
if (Game.Loc == "Home") {
data_html += "<li><b>Home</b> Game</li>";
if (Game.Loc == "Away") {
data_html += "<li><b>Away</b> Game</li>";
data_html += "</ul><hr>";
} else {
data_html += "<ul style='font-family:monospace;'>";
data_html += "<li>Played on " + Game.Month + " " + Game.Day + ", " + Data.Year + "</li>";
if (Game.Loc == "Home") {
data_html += "<li><b>Home</b> Game</li>";
if (Game.Loc == "Away") {
data_html += "<li><b>Away</b> Game</li>";
data_html += "<li><h4 style='padding:0;margin:0;padding:5px;font-weight:800;font-family:Arial;'>🏈 Scores:</h4></li><ul>";
if (Game.Won) {
data_html += "<li>App <span style='color:green;font-weight:800;'>WON</span> this game</li>";
} else {
data_html += "<li>App <span style='color:red;font-weight:800;'>LOST</span> this game</li>";
data_html += "<li>The final score was <b style='color:blue'>" + Game.Score + "</b></li>";
data_html += "</ul></ul><hr>";
Data.Games = Games;
id("data").innerHTML = data_html;
}).catch(function(error) {
console.error("Error: " + error);
setInterval(function() {
update('2023', true)
}, 30000);
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