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Created April 16, 2014 15:34
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<skuidpage showsidebar="false" showheader="true" tabtooverride="Contact">
<model id="Contact" limit="100" query="true" createrowifnonefound="false" sobject="Contact">
<field id="CreatedDate"/>
<field id="AccountId"/>
<field id="Account.Name"/>
<field id="Birthdate"/>
<field id="Name"/>
<model id="NewTasks" limit="" query="false" createrowifnonefound="false" sobject="Task">
<field id="WhatId"/>
<field id="What.Name"/>
<field id="WhoId"/>
<field id="Who.Name"/>
<field id="Subject"/>
<field id="Priority"/>
<field id="Status"/>
<field id="ActivityDate"/>
<field id="OwnerId"/>
<field id="Owner.Name"/>
<model id="ProtoTask" limit="" query="false" createrowifnonefound="true" sobject="Task">
<field id="Status"/>
<field id="Priority"/>
<field id="OwnerId"/>
<field id="Owner.Name"/>
<field id="ActivityDate"/>
<field id="WhatId"/>
<field id="What.Name"/>
<field id="Subject"/>
<pagetitle model="Contact">
<maintitle>Create Tasks</maintitle>
<basicfieldeditor showheader="true" showsavecancel="false" model="ProtoTask" buttonposition="" mode="edit">
<column width="33.3%">
<section title="With...">
<field id="Subject"/>
<field id="Status" addnoneoption="true"/>
<field id="Priority" addnoneoption="true"/>
<column width="33.3%">
<section title="Related to...">
<field id="WhatId">
<column width="33.3%">
<section title="Assigned To">
<field id="OwnerId">
<label>Assigned To</label>
<field id="ActivityDate">
<label>Due Date</label>
<pagetitle model="Contact">
<maintitle>for Contacts</maintitle>
<skootable showconditions="true" showsavecancel="false" searchmethod="server" searchbox="true" showexportbuttons="false" pagesize="10" createrecords="false" model="Contact" mode="read">
<field id="Name" allowordering="true"/>
<field id="AccountId"/>
<field id="Birthdate"/>
<field id="CreatedDate" allowordering="true"/>
<action type="custom" label="Create Task for {{Name}}" icon="ui-silk-basket-add" snippet="CreateTasksForContacts"/>
<massactions usefirstitemasdefault="true">
<action type="custom" label="Create Tasks for selected" icon="ui-silk-basket-add" snippet="CreateTasksForContacts"/>
<view type="standard"/>
<skootable showconditions="true" showsavecancel="true" searchmethod="server" searchbox="true" showexportbuttons="false" pagesize="10" createrecords="true" model="NewTasks" buttonposition="" mode="edit">
<field id="Subject"/>
<field id="WhoId">
<field id="WhatId">
<field id="Priority"/>
<field id="Status"/>
<field id="ActivityDate">
<label>Due Date</label>
<field id="OwnerId">
<label>Assigned To</label>
<action type="edit"/>
<action type="delete"/>
<massactions usefirstitemasdefault="true">
<action type="massupdate"/>
<action type="massdelete"/>
<view type="standard"/>
<jsitem location="inlinesnippet" name="CreateTasksForContacts" cachelocation="false">var params = arguments[0],
$ = skuid.$,
items = params.item ? [params.item] : params.list.getSelectedItems(),
NewTasksModel = skuid.model.getModel('NewTasks'),
ProtoModel = skuid.model.getModel('ProtoTask'),
ProtoRow = ProtoModel.getFirstRow();
var newRowIds = {};
var protoConditions = [];
var protoUpdates = {};
var fieldMetadata = ProtoModel.getField(field);
if (fieldMetadata &amp;&amp; (typeof value !== 'undefined')) {
var c = {
field: field,
value: value
if (fieldMetadata.displaytype === 'REFERENCE'){
var conditions = [];
field: 'WhoId',
var row = NewTasksModel.createRow({
additionalConditions: conditions
var updates = {};
// Refresh the fields in the NewTasks model
// so that they will show the related field data
if (rowId in newRowIds) {
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