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Last active January 7, 2021 21:06
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  • Save zachelrath/4eef2eceaa2d56be9cf2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save zachelrath/4eef2eceaa2d56be9cf2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Skuid Page with JavaScript code for creating Models and Components dynamically from JavaScript
<skuidpage showsidebar="true" showheader="true">
<model id="DummyUserModel" datasource="salesforce" sobject="User" limit="1" query="false"/>
<custom name="DynamicTableAndModel"/>
<jsitem location="inlinecomponent" name="DynamicTableAndModel" cachelocation="false" url="">var element = arguments[0],
$ = skuid.$,
$xml = skuid.utils.makeXMLDoc;
// Add some content to our area while we are loading it in
// Define our Model(s)
var allModels = [];
var OppModel = new skuid.model.Model({
dataSourceName: "salesforce",
objectName: "Opportunity",
id: "OpportunityData",
recordsLimit: 20,
fields: [
{ id: 'Name' },
{ id: 'AccountId' },
{ id: 'Account.Name' },
{ id: 'StageName' },
{ id: 'Amount' },
{ id: 'CloseDate' },
{ id: 'OwnerId' },
{ id: 'Owner.Name' },
conditions: [
type: 'fieldvalue',
field: 'StageName',
operator: '=',
value: '',
state: 'filterableoff',
inactive: true,
name: 'StageName',
encloseValueInQuotes: true
// Initialize each of our Models
// so that they have index maps created
// and other internal guts,
// then register them with Skuid
// so that Skuid officially knows about them
// Register each of our Models with Skuid
// Define the XML for the component we want to show in our element,
// which we'll instantiate once our Models are loaded
var xmlDefinition = $xml(
'&lt;skootable showconditions="true" showsavecancel="true" searchmethod="server" searchbox="true" showexportbuttons="false" pagesize="10" createrecords="true" model="OpportunityData" mode="read"/&gt;'
$xml('&lt;field id="Name" allowordering="true"/&gt;'),
$xml('&lt;field id="AccountId"/&gt;'),
$xml('&lt;field id="StageName"/&gt;'),
$xml('&lt;field id="Amount"/&gt;'),
$xml('&lt;field id="CloseDate"/&gt;'),
$xml('&lt;field id="OwnerId"/&gt;')
$xml('&lt;action type="edit"/&gt;'),
$xml('&lt;action type="delete"/&gt;')
$xml('&lt;massactions usefirstitemasdefault="true"/&gt;').append(
$xml('&lt;action type="massupdate"/&gt;'),
$xml('&lt;action type="massdelete"/&gt;')
$xml('&lt;views&gt;&lt;view type="standard"/&gt;&lt;/views&gt;'),
$xml('&lt;filter type="select" filteroffoptionlabel="Any Stage" createfilteroffoption="true" affectcookies="true" autocompthreshold="25" condition="StageName"/&gt;')
$xml('&lt;sources&gt;&lt;source type="metadata" effectsbehavior="justdefault"/&gt;&lt;/sources&gt;')
// Load all Models --- this will:
// (a) populate all metadata
// (b) run the queries on the models
// Once the loading is finished,
// we'll build our components from XML
element: element,
xmlDefinition: xmlDefinition
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@hasanthaera @sankaran1984 I have revised the Gist to work with the Brooklyn release.

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Thanks @zachelrath this works now

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Hi @zachelrath,

I'm trying to add a custom filter to the table, but it doesn't show me the filter list. It just shows a button instead.
My CompetitionTeam__u field is a UI field which I'm trying to populate the values from another model.
Heres the snippet;

`var element = arguments[0],
$ = skuid.$,
$xml = skuid.utils.makeXMLDoc;
// Add some content to our area while we are loading it in
var originalSource = skuid.$M('PlayerStatistics');
var Statisticsdefinition = skuid.$M('Statisticsdefinition');
// Define our Model(s)
var allModels = [];

$.each(allModels, function() {
// Register each of our Models with Skuid

// Define the XML for the component we want to show in our element,
// which we'll instantiate once our Models are loaded

//generate the table column headers dynamically, this is the main reason we used a custom table component
var statFields = [];
var statFieldsForModel = [];

// adding default fields
statFields.push('NAME') ;
statFieldsForModel.push({id: 'NAME', label: 'NAME', accessible: true, displaytype: "TEXT", filterable: true});
statFieldsForModel.push({id: 'CompetitionTeam__u', label: 'Competition Team', accessible: true, displaytype: "PICKLIST", filterable: true, snippet : "CompetitionTeamPicklIstRenderer"});

//dunamically adding the fields
$.each(, function(i,row){
statFields.push(row.code) ;
statFieldsForModel.push({id: row.code, label: row.code, accessible: true, displaytype: "TEXT", filterable: false});

originalSource.fields = statFieldsForModel;


var xmlDefinition = $xml(
return $xml('').attr('id',statField);



// Load all Models --- this will:
// (a) populate all metadata
// (b) run the queries on the models

// Once the loading is finished,
// we'll build our components from XML
$.when(skuid.model.load(allModels)).then(function() {
element: element,
xmlDefinition: xmlDefinition

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