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Last active March 27, 2017 20:06
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Load elasticsearch errors into airbrake
echo "Make sure queryData.json is also downloaded"
read -p "Elasticsearch username: " esUser
read -p "Elasticsearch password: " esPass
read -p "Elasticsearch domain: " esAddress
read -p "Airbrake project key: " airbrakeProjectKey
read -p "Airbrake project id: " airbrakeProjectId
# Make sure queryData.json exists:
if test ! -e "queryData.json"; then
echo "Please create a queryData.json file to indicate what data should be sent to airbrake"
# Make sure jq is installed:
if jq --version > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Great, jq is installed"
echo "Please install jq to use this script; on mac you can run 'brew install jq', see for more details"
# Set the date range to collect errors to the last 24 hours.
# GNU and BSD date binaries are different, so we check for this.
if date -v 1d > /dev/null 2>&1; then
startDate=$(date -v -3d '+%Y.%m.%d')
endDate=$(date +%Y.%m.%d)
startDate=$(date --date="3 days ago" +%Y.%m.%d)
endDate=$(date +%Y.%m.%d)
# create working dir
rm -rf ./errorMessages
mkdir errorMessages
# get error messages from elasticsearch
echo "Loading error logs from elasticsearch"
curl -s -S --user $esUser:$esPass -XGET "https://$esAddress/__es/logstash-$endDate,logstash-$startDate/_search?pretty" -d @./queryData2.json > ./errorMessages/raw-dump.json \
|| (echo "Could not load error logs from elasticsearch" && exit 1)
if grep -q "401 Unauthorized" "./errorMessages/raw-dump.json"; then
echo "Invalid user/password for elasticsearch"
exit 1
numHits=$(cat ./errorMessages/raw-dump.json | jq '')
if [ $numHits -eq 0 ]; then
echo "No errors found in elasticsearch"
exit 1
# strip out the error messages
cat ./errorMessages/raw-dump.json | jq '.hits.hits[]._source.message' -c > ./errorMessages/dump.json
cd ./errorMessages
# split the error messages into files
split -l 1 -a 10 ./dump.json
echo "Now sending errors to airbrake, this process is slowed to 1 error/sec to stay under rate limits"
# iterate over all error messages
for msgFile in x*
# remove enclosing quotes
cutMsg=$(cat ./$msgFile | cut -c2- | rev | cut -c2- | rev)
# format msg as notification for airbrake
jq -n --arg cutMsg "${cutMsg}" '{ "errors":[{"message": $cutMsg}], "session": {}, "environment": {}, "context":{ "notifier": { "name": "elsticsearch uploader", "version": "v1"}}}' > ./$msgFile-notice.json
# send error to airbrake
curl -s -S -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @$msgFile-notice.json "$airbrakeHostname/api/v3/projects/$airbrakeProjectId/notices?key=$airbrakeProjectKey" > /dev/null \
|| (echo "Could not send error logs to Airbrake" && exit 1)
if [ `echo "$i % 10" | bc` -eq 0 ]
echo "Sent $i errors to airbrake"
((i = i + 1))
# wait for a second so rate limits do not get hit
sleep 1
echo "Done!"
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