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Last active December 10, 2022 02:11
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Dot Grid
import { Html } from "@react-three/drei";
import { Color, Matrix4, Vector3 } from "three";
import { Canvas, useFrame, useThree } from "@react-three/fiber";
import React, { useRef } from "react";
import { useIntersection } from "react-use";
const DisableRender = () => useFrame(() => null, 1);
interface DotGridProps {
height?: number;
export function DotGrid(props: DotGridProps) {
const { height = 1000 } = props;
const intersectionRef = useRef(null);
const intersection = useIntersection(intersectionRef, {
root: null,
rootMargin: "0px",
threshold: 0,
const inView = intersection?.isIntersecting ?? false;
return (
<div style={{ height: `${height}px` }} ref={intersectionRef}>
<Canvas orthographic={true} dpr={window.devicePixelRatio} linear={true}>
{!inView && <DisableRender />}
<Scene height={height} />
<color attach="background" args={["#121315"]} />
const blue = new Color("rgba(87, 135, 255, 1)");
const teal = new Color("rgba(0, 183, 144,1)");
const orange = new Color("rgba(255, 120, 64, 1)");
const yellow = new Color("rgba(247, 163, 0, 1)");
const purple = new Color("rgba(210, 125, 255, 1)");
const white = new Color(1, 1, 1);
const black = new Color(0.25, 0.25, 0.25);
const midGray = new Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
const darkGray = new Color(0.35, 0.35, 0.35);
const colors = [teal, orange, blue, yellow, purple];
interface SceneProps {
height: number;
function Scene(props: SceneProps) {
const { height } = props;
const width = window.innerWidth;
const { dots, resources } = getGrid(width, height);
return (
<GridDots nodes={dots} resources={resources} />
<ResourceCubes nodes={resources} />
<Labels nodes={resources} />
<CursorLight />
<directionalLight color={0xffffff} intensity={lighting.directionalIntensity} />
<ambientLight color={0xffffff} intensity={lighting.ambientIntensity} />
const constrain = function (n, low, high) {
return Math.max(Math.min(n, high), low);
const map = function (n, start1, stop1, start2, stop2, withinBounds) {
const newval = ((n - start1) / (stop1 - start1)) * (stop2 - start2) + start2;
if (!withinBounds) {
return newval;
if (start2 < stop2) {
return constrain(newval, start2, stop2);
} else {
return constrain(newval, stop2, start2);
const mouseIsInFrame = ({ mouse }) => isBetween(mouse.y, 0.99, -0.94) && isBetween(mouse.x, 0.99, -0.99);
// Warning: This function is called 60 times a second. Be careful what you do in here.
const updateMousePosition = ({ mouse, viewport, mousePos }) =>
mousePos.set((mouse.x * viewport.width) / 2, (mouse.y * viewport.height) / 2, 0);
// Warning: This function is called 60 times a second. Be careful what you do in here.
const updateNodePosition = ({ nodePos, mousePos, gravityDistance, gravityPower }) => {
// Calculate the effect of gravity
let distance = nodePos.distanceTo(mousePos);
distance = map(distance, 0, gravityDistance, gravityPower, 0, true);
nodePos.lerp(mousePos, distance);
const getGrid = (width, height) => {
const increments = 50;
const rows = 19;
const dots = [];
const resources = [];
const gridWidth = Math.ceil(width / increments);
const rowOffset = Math.ceil(height / increments / 2 - 1);
[...Array(rows).keys()].forEach((e, rowIndex) => {
[...Array(gridWidth).keys()].forEach((e, colIndex) => {
[...Array(2).keys()].forEach((e, sideIndex) => {
const xOffset = sideIndex % 2 ? -colIndex : colIndex;
const yOffset = rowOffset - rowIndex;
const node = { x: xOffset * increments, y: yOffset * increments };
const overlappingResources = resourceData.filter((e) => e.x === xOffset && e.y === yOffset);
if (overlappingResources.length !== 1) {
resourceData.forEach((resource) => {
const node = {
x: resource.x * increments,
y: resource.y * increments,
path: createPath({ x: resource.x * increments, y: resource.y * increments, increments, width, height }),
return { dots, resources };
const createPath = ({ x, y, increments, width, height }) => {
// make every point positive to avoid negative x and y weirdness
const origin = { x: Math.abs(x), y: Math.abs(y) };
// record whether x and y are psotive or negative
const sign = { x: Math.sign(x === 0 ? x + 1 : x), y: Math.sign(y === 0 ? y + 1 : y) };
// get the distance from this point to the x and y edges.
const edge = { x: width / 2, y: height / 2 };
const distance = { x: edge.x - origin.x, y: edge.y - origin.y };
// round values to nearest increment so pthe path always appears along the grid
const rounded = (x) => Math.ceil(x / increments) * increments;
// create the path
let path = [
{ x: edge.x, y: origin.y - increments * 2 },
{ x: origin.x + distance.x / 2, y: origin.y - increments * 2 },
{ x: origin.x + distance.x / 2, y: origin.y - increments * 2 },
{ x: origin.x + distance.x / 2, y: origin.y },
{ x: origin.x + distance.x / 2, y: origin.y },
{ x: origin.x, y: origin.y },
{ x: origin.x, y: origin.y },
{ x: origin.x, y: origin.y + distance.y / 2 },
{ x: origin.x, y: origin.y + distance.y / 2 },
{ x: origin.x - increments * 3, y: origin.y + distance.y / 2 },
{ x: origin.x - increments * 3, y: origin.y + distance.y / 2 },
{ x: origin.x - increments * 3, y: edge.y },
// round all the values and apply the origin sign
path = => {
return => {
return { x: rounded(point.x) * sign.x, y: rounded(point.y) * sign.y };
return path;
const getClosestResource = ({ resources, mousePos, minDistance, resourcePos }) => {
const closestResource = resources.reduce(
(acc, current) => {
resourcePos.set(current.x, current.y, 0);
const distance = mousePos.distanceTo(resourcePos);
if (acc.distance && distance > acc.distance) {
return acc;
} else {
const distancedNormalised = map(distance, minDistance, minDistance / 2, 1, 0, true);
return { coordinates: { x: current.x, y: current.y }, distance, distancedNormalised, path: current.path };
{ resource: resources[0] },
if (closestResource.distance < minDistance) {
return { isWithinRange: true, ...closestResource };
return { isWithinRange: false, ...closestResource };
// checks if a number is between two other numbers
const isBetween = (n, a, b) => {
return (n - a) * (n - b) <= 0;
// checks if a point (x, y) intersects a line between p1 and p2
const intersectsLine = ({ p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, x, y }) => {
if (p1x === p2x) {
return x === p1x && isBetween(y, p1y, p2y);
} else if (p1y === p2y) {
return y === p1y && isBetween(x, p1x, p2x);
} else {
return false;
// checks if a point intersects a path (an array of lines)
const intersectsPath = ({ path, x, y }) => {
const pointIsOnPath = path.reduce((acc, line) => {
if (acc === true) {
return acc;
return intersectsLine({ p1x: line[0].x, p1y: line[0].y, p2x: line[1].x, p2y: line[1].y, x, y });
}, false);
return pointIsOnPath;
const graph = ({ x, y, amplitude, frequency, time }) => {
return Math.sin(frequency * (x ** 2 + y ** 2 + time)) * amplitude;
const resourceData = [
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9.64454 7.07134 9.73178 7.07134 9.81418V9.87719L7.07619 9.94504C7.08103 9.98381 7.08103 10.0274 7.08588 10.0662C7.10042 10.2358 7.13435 10.4006 7.17797 10.5557C7.27005 10.8708 7.41545 11.1567 7.59478 11.3991C7.77411 11.6414 7.99221 11.8401 8.22001 12.0001C8.4478 12.1551 8.69498 12.2666 8.93732 12.3393C9.17965 12.412 9.42199 12.4411 9.64978 12.4411H9.7758C9.79034 12.4411 9.80488 12.4411 9.81942 12.4363C9.84365 12.4363 9.86789 12.4314 9.89212 12.4314C9.89697 12.4314 9.90666 12.4314 9.91151 12.4266L9.93574 12.4217C9.95028 12.4217 9.96482 12.4169 9.97936 12.4169C10.0084 12.412 10.0327 12.4072 10.0618 12.4023C10.0908 12.3975 10.1151 12.3926 10.1393 12.3829C10.1926 12.3732 10.2411 12.3539 10.2895 12.3393C10.3865 12.3054 10.4834 12.2666 10.5658 12.223C10.6531 12.1794 10.7306 12.1261 10.8081 12.0776C10.8275 12.0631 10.8518 12.0485 10.8712 12.0291C10.9487 11.9661 10.9632 11.8498 10.9002 11.7723C10.8469 11.7044 10.75 11.685 10.6724 11.7286L10.6143 11.7577C10.5464 11.7916 10.4786 11.8207 10.4059 11.845C10.3332 11.8692 10.2556 11.8886 10.1781 11.9031C10.1393 11.908 10.1005 11.9128 10.0569 11.9177C10.0375 11.9177 10.0181 11.9225 9.9939 11.9225H9.87758C9.85335 11.9225 9.82911 11.9225 9.80488 11.9177H9.7758C9.7661 11.9177 9.75156 11.9177 9.74187 11.9128C9.71764 11.908 9.69825 11.908 9.67402 11.9031C9.49469 11.8789 9.31536 11.8256 9.14573 11.748C8.97125 11.6705 8.80646 11.5638 8.65621 11.4281C8.50596 11.2924 8.3751 11.1325 8.27332 10.9483C8.17154 10.7641 8.09884 10.5606 8.06491 10.3473C8.05037 10.2407 8.04068 10.1292 8.04553 10.0226C8.04553 9.99351 8.05037 9.96443 8.05037 9.93535V9.89657C8.05037 9.88203 8.05522 9.86749 8.05522 9.85295C8.06007 9.79479 8.06976 9.73663 8.07945 9.67847C8.16185 9.21319 8.39449 8.75759 8.75314 8.41348C8.84523 8.32623 8.94217 8.24869 9.04395 8.17599C9.14573 8.10329 9.2572 8.04028 9.37352 7.98696C9.48984 7.93365 9.60616 7.89003 9.73218 7.8561C9.85335 7.82218 9.97936 7.80279 10.1102 7.78825C10.1732 7.7834 10.2362 7.77855 10.3041 7.77855H10.4543L10.5077 7.7834C10.6482 7.79309 10.7839 7.81248 10.9196 7.84641C11.191 7.90457 11.4576 8.00635 11.7048 8.14206C12.1991 8.41832 12.6208 8.84483 12.8777 9.35859C13.0085 9.61546 13.1006 9.89173 13.1443 10.1777C13.154 10.2504 13.1636 10.3231 13.1685 10.3958L13.1733 10.4491L13.1782 10.5024V10.7108C13.1782 10.7448 13.1733 10.8029 13.1733 10.8368C13.1685 10.9144 13.1588 10.9968 13.1491 11.0743C13.1394 11.1519 13.1249 11.2294 13.1103 11.307C13.0958 11.3845 13.0764 11.4621 13.057 11.5348C13.0182 11.685 12.9698 11.8353 12.9116 11.9855C12.7953 12.2763 12.6402 12.5574 12.456 12.8143C12.0828 13.3281 11.5739 13.7449 10.9923 14.0114C10.7015 14.1423 10.3962 14.2392 10.0811 14.2877C9.92605 14.3168 9.7661 14.3313 9.60616 14.3362H9.36383C9.27659 14.3362 9.19419 14.3313 9.10695 14.3216C8.76768 14.2974 8.43326 14.2344 8.10369 14.1423C7.77896 14.0502 7.46392 13.9194 7.16343 13.7643C6.56728 13.4444 6.0293 13.0082 5.61248 12.4799C5.40407 12.2182 5.2199 11.9322 5.06965 11.6365C4.9194 11.3409 4.79823 11.0259 4.71099 10.7108C4.62375 10.3909 4.57044 10.0662 4.54621 9.73663L4.54136 9.67362V9.39736V9.36343V9.24227C4.54621 9.08232 4.56075 8.91269 4.58013 8.7479C4.59952 8.58311 4.6286 8.41348 4.66253 8.24869C4.69645 8.0839 4.73523 7.91911 4.78369 7.75432C4.87578 7.42959 4.9921 7.11455 5.12781 6.8189C5.40407 6.2276 5.76273 5.69931 6.19409 5.27765C6.30071 5.17102 6.41219 5.07408 6.52851 4.97715C6.64483 4.88506 6.766 4.79782 6.89201 4.71543C7.01318 4.63303 7.14404 4.56033 7.2749 4.49248C7.33791 4.45855 7.40576 4.42462 7.47361 4.39554L7.5754 4.35192L7.67718 4.3083C7.81288 4.25014 7.95344 4.20167 8.09884 4.15805C8.13277 4.14836 8.17154 4.13867 8.20547 4.12412C8.23939 4.11443 8.27817 4.10474 8.31209 4.09504C8.38479 4.07566 8.4575 4.05627 8.5302 4.04173C8.56412 4.03204 8.6029 4.02719 8.64167 4.0175C8.68044 4.0078 8.71437 4.00296 8.75314 3.99326C8.79192 3.98842 8.82584 3.97872 8.86462 3.97388L8.91793 3.96418L8.97609 3.95449C9.01487 3.94964 9.04879 3.9448 9.08757 3.93995C9.13119 3.9351 9.16996 3.93026 9.21358 3.92541C9.24751 3.92056 9.30567 3.91572 9.33959 3.91087C9.36383 3.90602 9.39291 3.90602 9.41714 3.90118L9.47046 3.89633L9.49469 3.89148H9.52377C9.56739 3.88664 9.60616 3.88664 9.64978 3.88179L9.71279 3.87694H9.76126C9.79518 3.87694 9.83396 3.8721 9.86789 3.8721C10.0084 3.86725 10.1538 3.86725 10.2944 3.8721C10.5755 3.88179 10.8518 3.91572 11.1183 3.96418C11.6563 4.06596 12.1604 4.2356 12.6208 4.4634C13.0812 4.68634 13.4884 4.96261 13.847 5.26311C13.8713 5.28249 13.8906 5.30188 13.9149 5.32127C13.9343 5.34065 13.9585 5.36004 13.9779 5.37943C14.0215 5.4182 14.0603 5.45697 14.1039 5.49575C14.1475 5.53452 14.1863 5.5733 14.2251 5.61207C14.2638 5.65084 14.3026 5.68962 14.3414 5.73324C14.4916 5.89318 14.6322 6.05312 14.7582 6.21791C15.0102 6.54264 15.2138 6.87222 15.3737 7.18241L15.4028 7.24057L15.4319 7.29873C15.4513 7.3375 15.4707 7.37628 15.4852 7.41505C15.5046 7.45382 15.5191 7.48775 15.5385 7.52653C15.5531 7.5653 15.5725 7.59923 15.587 7.638C15.6452 7.7834 15.7033 7.92396 15.7469 8.05482C15.8196 8.26807 15.8729 8.4571 15.9166 8.62188C15.9311 8.68974 15.9941 8.73336 16.062 8.72367C16.1347 8.71882 16.188 8.66066 16.188 8.58796C16.1928 8.41348 16.188 8.20507 16.1638 7.96758V7.96758Z" />
<clipPath id="clip0_1262_202004">
<rect width="16.1928" height="18" />
const cubes = {
size: 15,
effectDistance: 75,
rotationMaximum: 0.78,
emissiveLimit: 0.35,
emissiveDefault: 1,
const dots = {
size: 2.5,
const gravity = {
distance: 100,
power: 0.2,
const lighting = {
directionalIntensity: 0.15,
ambientIntensity: 0.25,
pointIntensity: 200,
pointDistance: 250,
cursorIntensity: 1,
cursorDistance: 150,
const labels = {
visibilityDistance: 50,
const pulse = {
amplitude: 1,
frequency: 0.005,
interval: 8,
distance: 35,
const layout = {
dotZ: -40,
cubeZ: -40,
gridIncrements: 50,
function CursorLight() {
const { viewport } = useThree();
const light = useRef();
useFrame(({ mouse }) => {
if (mouseIsInFrame({ mouse })) {
const x = (mouse.x * viewport.width) / 2;
const y = (mouse.y * viewport.height) / 2;
light.current.position.set(x, y, layout.cubeZ);
return (
function GridDots({ nodes, resources }) {
const ref = useRef();
const materialRef = useRef();
const { viewport } = useThree();
let t = 0;
let i = 0;
let graphed = 1;
let normal = 1;
// initialise vectors
let x = 0;
let y = 0;
const nodePos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
const mousePos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
const resourcePos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
const color = new Color(0.35, 0.35, 0.35);
const color2 = new Color(0.35, 0.35, 0.35);
const matrix = new Matrix4();
useFrame(({ mouse, clock }) => {
// Warning: This runs 60 times a second. Avoid var declarations and logging
t += pulse.interval;
// Fade inx
// opacity = Math.min(delta / 1000, 1);
materialRef.current.opacity = Math.min(clock.elapsedTime, 1);
// End fade in
if (mouseIsInFrame({ mouse })) {
updateMousePosition({ mouse, viewport, mousePos });
const { coordinates, distancedNormalised, path, isWithinRange } = getClosestResource({
minDistance: pulse.distance,
for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) {
// reset the node position
x = nodes[i].x;
y = nodes[i].y;
nodePos.set(x, y, layout.dotZ);
// calculate positions
gravityDistance: gravity.distance,
gravityPower: gravity.power,
// use node position before it is updated with gravity (x,y)
if (isWithinRange && intersectsPath({ path: path, x, y })) {
graphed = graph({
x: nodePos.x - coordinates.x,
y: nodePos.y - coordinates.y,
amplitude: pulse.amplitude,
frequency: pulse.frequency,
time: t,
normal = map(graphed, -1, 1, 0, 1, true);
color.lerpHSL(white, normal);
ref.current.setColorAt(i, color);
ref.current.instanceColor.needsUpdate = true;
} else if (isWithinRange) {
color2.lerpHSL(darkGray, distancedNormalised);
ref.current.setColorAt(i, color2);
ref.current.instanceColor.needsUpdate = true;
} else {
ref.current.setColorAt(i, midGray);
ref.current.instanceColor.needsUpdate = true;
matrix.setPosition(nodePos.x, nodePos.y, layout.dotZ);
ref.current.setMatrixAt(i, matrix);
ref.current.instanceMatrix.needsUpdate = true;
// gl.render(scene, camera);
return (
<instancedMesh layers={0} ref={ref} args={[null, null, 10000]}>
<circleGeometry attach="geometry" args={[dots.size]} />
<meshToonMaterial ref={materialRef} attach="material" transparent={true} opacity={0} />
function ResourceCubes({ nodes }) {
return, i) => {
return <ResourceCube key={i} i={i} data={data} />;
function ResourceCube({
data: {
resource: { color },
}) {
const ref = useRef();
const materialRef = useRef();
const lightRef = useRef();
const { viewport } = useThree();
let t = i;
// initialise vectors
const nodePos = new Vector3(x, y, 0);
const mousePos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
let scaleFactor = 0,
rotationFactor = 0,
emissiveIntensity = 0,
distance = 0;
useFrame(({ mouse, clock }) => {
// Warning: This runs 60 times a second. Avoid var declarations and logging
// advance variables
t += 0.015;
// Fade in
materialRef.current.opacity = Math.min(clock.elapsedTime, 1);
// End fade in
// reset the node position
nodePos.set(x, y, 0);
if (mouseIsInFrame({ mouse })) {
// calculate positions
distance = nodePos.distanceTo(mousePos);
updateMousePosition({ mouse, viewport, mousePos });
gravityDistance: gravity.distance,
gravityPower: gravity.power,
// calculate effects
scaleFactor = map(distance, cubes.effectDistance, 0, 1, 2, true);
rotationFactor = map(distance, cubes.effectDistance, 20, 0, cubes.rotationMaximum, true);
emissiveIntensity = map(distance, cubes.effectDistance, 0, cubes.emissiveLimit, 0, true);
// apply effects
ref.current.position.set(nodePos.x, nodePos.y, layout.cubeZ);
ref.current.scale.set(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, scaleFactor);
ref.current.rotation.y = rotationFactor;
ref.current.rotation.x = rotationFactor;
materialRef.current.emissiveIntensity = emissiveIntensity;
lightRef.current.intensity = scaleFactor;
lightRef.current.distance = Math.sin(t) * 10 + lighting.pointDistance;
return (
position={[x, y, 40]}
<mesh ref={ref} geometry={box}>
function Labels({ nodes }) {
return, index) => <Label key={index} data={data} />);
function Label({
data: {
resource: { color, resource, access, icon },
}) {
const group = useRef();
const html = useRef();
const tooltip = useRef();
const mousePos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
const nodePos = new Vector3(x, y, 0);
let opacity = 0;
let distance = 0;
let hittingRightViewportEdge;
const { viewport } = useThree();
useFrame(({ mouse }) => {
if (mouseIsInFrame({ mouse })) {
updateMousePosition({ mouse, viewport, mousePos });
nodePos.set(x, y, 0);
distance = mousePos.distanceTo(nodePos);
if (distance < labels.visibilityDistance) {
hittingRightViewportEdge = viewport.width / 2 - tooltip.current.offsetWidth > mousePos.x + 20;
hittingRightViewportEdge ? mousePos.x + 20 : viewport.width / 2 - tooltip.current.offsetWidth - 20,
mousePos.y - 20,
opacity = map(distance, labels.visibilityDistance, 1, -0.2, 1, true); = "grid"; = opacity;
} else { = "none"; = 0;
return (
<group ref={group} position={[x, y, 0]}>
<Html style={{ pointerEvents: "none" }} ref={html} position={[0, 0, 0]}>
opacity: 0,
pointerEvents: "none",
fontFamily: `"InterVariable", sans-serif`,
fontSize: "12px",
display: "grid",
gridTemplateColumns: "auto auto 1fr",
gridGap: "8px",
alignItems: "center",
overflow: "hidden",
whiteSpace: "nowrap",
borderRadius: "4px",
backgroundColor: "#131415",
color: "#F4F4F4",
padding: "8px",
border: "1px solid #A1A1AA",
{React.cloneElement(icon, { fill: `#${color.getHexString()}` })}
<p style={{ margin: 0 }}>
<strong>{resource}</strong> {access}
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