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Created April 5, 2011 19:52
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jQuery scrolly special event
* Changes by Zach Leatherman (@zachleat)
* from James Padolsey Special Scroll Events
* -------------------------------------------------------
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
var special = $.event.special;
special.scrolly = {
latency: 30,
setup: function()
var timer,
scrolly = -1,
scrollx = -1;
$(this).bind('scroll.scrolly', function(event)
var _self = this,
_args = arguments,
$t = $(this);
if (timer) {
} else {
scrolly = $t.scrollTop();
scrollx = $t.scrollLeft();
timer = setTimeout(function()
timer = null;
if(scrolly >= 0 && (scrolly !== $t.scrollTop() || scrollx == $t.scrollLeft())) {
event.type = 'scrolly';
jQuery.event.handle.apply(_self, _args);
}, special.scrolly.latency);
teardown: function() {
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