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Created August 9, 2011 16:33
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Forecasting Recessions
#Code to re-create John Hussman's Recession warning index
#R code by Zach Mayer
rm(list = ls(all = TRUE)) #CLEAR WORKSPACE
# 1. Credit spreads
getSymbols('CPF3M',src='FRED') #3-Month Financial Commercial Paper
getSymbols('GS3M',src='FRED') #3-Month Treasury
CS <- na.omit(CPF3M-GS3M)
#6 month increase
CS <- na.omit(CS-Lag(CS,6))
names(CS) <- 'CS'
# 2. Stock Prices
SP500 <- Cl(to.monthly(SP500))
#Re-index to start of month
index(SP500) <- as.Date(ISOdate(year(index(SP500)),month(index(SP500)),1))
#6 month increase
SP500 <- na.omit(SP500-Lag(SP500,6))
names(SP500) <- 'SP500'
# 3. ISM Purchasing Managers index
getSymbols('NAPM',src='FRED') #Non-farm emploment
names(PMI) <- 'PMI'
#B. Employment
getSymbols('PAYEMS',src='FRED') #Non-farm emploment
PAYEMS <- na.omit((PAYEMS-Lag(PAYEMS,12))/Lag(PAYEMS,12)) #12 month increase
names(PAYEMS) <- 'PAYEMS'
# 4. Yield Curve
getSymbols('GS10',src='FRED') #10-year Treasury
YC <- na.omit(GS10-GS3M)
names(YC) <- 'YC'
# Put it all together
P.A <-(CS>0) & #1. Credit spreads widening over 6 months
(SP500<0) & #2. Stocks falling over 6 months
(PMI<50) & #3. PMI below 50
(YC<2.5) #4. 10 year vs 3 year yields below 2.5%
P.B <- (CS>0) & #1. Credit spreads widening over 6 months
(SP500<0) & #2. Stocks falling over 6 months
(PMI<54) & #3. PMI below 54
(PAYEMS<1.3) & #3.B 1Y employment growth below 1.3%
(YC<3.1) #4. 10 year vs 3 year yields below 2.5%
P.Rec <- P.A | P.B
names(P.Rec) <- 'P.Rec'
P.Rec$P.Rec <- as.numeric(P.Rec$P.Rec)
#Actual Recessions
ReccessionForecast <- na.omit(cbind(P.Rec,USREC))
start <- min(index(ReccessionForecast))
ReccessionForecast <- ts(ReccessionForecast,frequency=12,start=c(year(start),month(start)))
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