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Created March 29, 2015 10:26
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Mortar Pig Task
# Copyright 2015 Mortar Data Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import luigi
from luigi import configuration
from luigi.contrib.pig import PigJobTask
from luigi.s3 import S3Target, S3PathTask
import inspect
import os
import re
1. Pig installed.
2. Luigi installed.
3. The client.cfg file in this directory updated with your s3 and pig settings.
4. Your Mortar project checked out locally
By default this script will run Pig in local mode. To run the Pig job on a Hadoop cluster ensure that
you have Pig configured to connect to your Hadoop cluster and remove the "-x local" options from the
method pig_options below.
To run:
python --local-scheduler --email <Your Email> --mortar-project-root <Absolute path to your Mortar project>
class MortarStylePigTask(PigJobTask):
Base Luigi task for running a Mortar script.
# commented out to remove email requiremend
# email = luigi.Parameter(default=None)
#If you're running a Mortar project, this parameter is the absolute path to the root of the project.
mortar_project_root = luigi.Parameter(default=None)
root_path = None
def pig_env_vars(self):
return {
"PIG_CLASSPATH":'%(root)s/.:%(root)s/lib-cluster/*:%(root)s/lib-pig/*:%(root)s/jython/jython.jar' % \
{'root': self._get_root_path()}
def pig_properties(self):
return {
'pig.additional.jars': self._additional_jars(),
'python.home': self._python_path(),
'python.cachedir': self._python_cachedir(),
'python.verbose': 'error',
'jython.output': 'true',
'pig.logfile': self._logfile(),
# 'fs.s3.impl':'org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3native.NativeS3FileSystem',
# 'fs.s3n.awsAccessKeyId':self._get_aws_access_key(),
# 'fs.s3n.awsSecretAccessKey':self._get_aws_secret_access_key(),
# 'fs.s3.awsAccessKeyId':self._get_aws_access_key(),
# 'fs.s3.awsSecretAccessKey':self._get_aws_secret_access_key(),
def pig_parameters(self):
#Parameters that Mortar set automatically
params = {}
# Uncomment to enable S3
# params = {
# 'aws_access_key_id':self._get_aws_access_key(),
# 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID':self._get_aws_access_key(),
# 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY':self._get_aws_access_key(),
# 'aws_secret_acces_key':self._get_aws_secret_access_key(),
# 'AWS_SECRET_KEY':self._get_aws_secret_access_key(),
# 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY':self._get_aws_secret_access_key(),
# }
# if
# params['MORTAR_EMAIL'] =
# params['MORTAR_EMAIL_S3_ESCAPED'] = self._s3_safe(
if self.mortar_project_root:
params['MORTAR_PROJECT_ROOT'] = self.mortar_project_root
return params
def pig_options(self):
options = []
#Remove this line if you would like to run Pig against a configured cluster
options += ['-x', 'local']
# Set the path to the log4j conf file
options += ['-log4jconf', self._log4j_conf()]
# Set a parameter file
options += ['-param_file', '%s/params/retail.params' % (self.mortar_project_root)]
return options
def _additional_jars(self):
# return '%(luigi)s/lib-cluster/*.jar:%(project)s/udfs/java' % \
# ({'luigi':self._get_root_path(), 'project': self.mortar_project_root})
return '%s/lib-cluster/*.jar' % (self._get_root_path())
def _get_aws_access_key(self):
return configuration.get_config().get('s3', 'aws_access_key_id')
def _get_aws_secret_access_key(self):
return configuration.get_config().get('s3', 'aws_secret_access_key')
def _log4j_conf(self):
return '%s/conf/' % (self._get_root_path());
def _search_path(self):
return '%s/macros' % (self.mortar_project_root)
def _python_path(self):
return '%s/jython' % (self._get_root_path())
def _python_cachedir(self):
return '%s/cachedir' % (self._python_path())
def _logfile(self):
return '%s/logs/local-pig.log' % (self.mortar_project_root)
def _get_root_path(self):
if not self.root_path:
self.root_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
return self.root_path
def _s3_safe(self, s):
return re.sub("[^0-9a-zA-Z]", '-', s)
class ExcitePigTask(MortarStylePigTask):
# Override PigJobTask to set the pig script to run
def pig_script_path(self):
return "%s/pigscripts/retail-recsys.pig" % (self.mortar_project_root)
def pig_parameters(self):
# Call base class for standard Mortar parameters
params = super(ExcitePigTask, self).pig_parameters()
# Add script specific parameters here.
return params
def requires(self):
return []
def output(self):
# Right now don't return anything
return []
# Uncomment to output to S#
# return [S3Target('s3n://mortar-example-output-data/$MORTAR_EMAIL_S3_ESCAPED/excite')]
if __name__ == "__main__":
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