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Created February 4, 2022 19:31
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Device Motion Analysis
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en-us">
<title>Yembo Sensor Testing</title>
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div#sensor-status {
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margin: 16px 0;
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border-style: solid;
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div#sensor-status.inactive {
color: #69747C;
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background-color: #DCE0EF;
div#sensor-status.inactive {
color: rgba(105, 116, 124, 100%);
border-color: rgba(105, 116, 124, 100%);
background-color: rgba(105, 116, 124, 20%);
div#sensor-status.success {
color: rgba(45, 126, 88, 100%);
border-color: rgba(45, 126, 88, 100%);
background-color: rgba(45, 126, 88, 20%);
div#sensor-status.warning {
color: rgba(241, 180, 4, 100%);
border-color: rgba(241, 180, 4, 100%);
background-color: rgba(241, 180, 4, 20%);
div#sensor-status.error {
color: rgba(210, 47, 47, 100%);
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div#log-wrapper {
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div#title-wrapper {
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button#sensor-control {
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const sensor = {
dom: {},
status: 'unknown',
statusText: null,
// Log buffer for displaying most recent entries in the UI
log: [],
// Limits on vector sum of motion events
/* Consider the reading to be "bad" if this many consecutive events are bad.
* This smooths out spurious/noisy samples */
attachEventHandlers: () => {
sensor.dom.$sensorControl = document.getElementById("sensor-control");
sensor.dom.$sensorStatus = document.getElementById("sensor-status");
sensor.dom.$logWrapper = document.getElementById("log-wrapper");
sensor.dom.$log = document.getElementById("log");
// Button either starts or stops analysis, depending on state
sensor.dom.$sensorControl.onclick = (e) => {
switch (sensor.status) {
case 'analyzing':
case 'unknown':
// Update UI and start analyzing sensor data
onPermissionGranted: () => {
sensor.status = 'analyzing';
sensor.dom.$sensorStatus.className = 'success';
sensor.dom.$sensorStatus.innerText = '📊 Analyzing data...';
sensor.dom.$sensorControl.innerText = 'Stop Analyzing';
// Show permission error
onPermissionDenied: () => {
sensor.status = 'failed';
sensor.dom.$sensorStatus.className = 'error';
sensor.dom.$sensorStatus.innerText = '🚨 Permission denied';
// Show unsupported browser error
onUnsupportedBrowserDetected: () => {
sensor.status = 'failed';
sensor.dom.$sensorStatus.className = 'error';
sensor.dom.$sensorStatus.innerText = '🚨 Sorry, your browser doesn\'t support monitoring accelerometer data.';
// Request motion data from the browser
requestMotionData: () => {
sensor.dom.$ = 'block';
sensor.dom.$log.innerText = 'Waiting for motion data...';
window.addEventListener('devicemotion', sensor.handleMotion);
// Calculate magnitude of a vector
calcVectorMagnitude: (x, y, z) => {
return Math.sqrt((x ?? 0) ** 2 + (y ?? 0) ** 2 + (z ?? 0) ** 2);
isMotionOk: (event) => {
let isAccelerationOk = true;
let isRotationOk = true;
// Rotation around each axis cannot be too fast
const { alpha, beta, gamma } = event.rotationRate ?? {};
const gyroscopeSum = sensor.calcVectorMagnitude(alpha, beta, gamma);
if (gyroscopeSum > sensor.ANGLE_CHANGE_THRESHOLD) {
isRotationOk = false;
// Linear acceleration cannot be too fast
const { x, y, z } = event.acceleration ?? {};
const accelerometerSum = sensor.calcVectorMagnitude(x, y, z);
if (accelerometerSum > sensor.ACCELERATION_THRESHOLD) {
isAccelerationOk = false;
// Motion is ok if both quantities are within allowable limits
const isInstantaneousMotionOk = isAccelerationOk && isRotationOk;
if (isInstantaneousMotionOk) {
sensor.numConsecutiveBadMotionCounts = 0;
else {
/* Consider the overall motion to be in a bad state if too many consecutive bad readings
* have been detected */
return (sensor.numConsecutiveBadMotionCounts < sensor.BAD_MOTION_CONSECUTIVE_THRESHOLD);
handleMotion: (event) => {
const isMotionOk = sensor.isMotionOk(event);
const now = new Date().toISOString();
const x = event.acceleration.x;
const y = event.acceleration.y;
const z = event.acceleration.z;
const alpha = event.rotationRate.alpha;
const beta = event.rotationRate.beta;
const gamma = event.rotationRate.gamma;
const result = isMotionOk ? 'ok' : 'too fast';
const logPacket = `timestamp: ${now}\n\tx: ${x}\n\ty: ${y}\n\tz: ${z}\n\tα: ${alpha}\n\tβ: ${beta}\n\tγ: ${gamma}\n\tresult: ${result}\n`;
// Treat log as a circular buffer, otherwise text will get way too long and page will hang
if (sensor.log.length > sensor.MAX_LOG_LENGTH) {
// Update UI to reflect motion analysis status
sensor.dom.$log.innerText = sensor.log.join("\n");
if (isMotionOk) {
sensor.dom.$sensorStatus.className = 'success';
sensor.dom.$sensorStatus.innerText = '✅ Speed ok';
else {
sensor.dom.$sensorStatus.className = 'warning';
sensor.dom.$sensorStatus.innerText = '🐌 Slow down, partner';
handlePermissions: () => {
/* Not all browsers require permission to access motion events. Check if the function to request
* permission exists, and call it if so. */
const isPermissionCheckNeeded = typeof DeviceMotionEvent.requestPermission === 'function';
if (isPermissionCheckNeeded) {
DeviceMotionEvent.requestPermission().then(permissionState => {
if (permissionState === 'granted') {
else {
if (window.DeviceMotionEvent === null) {
else {
// Stop collecting and analyzing data, and update UI to reflect the change
stopAnalysis: () => {
sensor.status = 'completed';
sensor.dom.$sensorStatus.className = 'inactive';
sensor.dom.$sensorStatus.innerText = '😴 Analysis inactive';
sensor.dom.$sensorControl.innerText = 'Start Analyzing';
window.removeEventListener('devicemotion', sensor.handleMotion);
window.onload = () => {
window.sensor = sensor; // For debugging
<div class="content-container">
<div class="item-wrapper" id="title-wrapper">
<button id="sensor-control">Start Analyzing</button>
<div class="item-wrapper" id="sensor-wrapper">
<div id="sensor-status" class="inactive">
😴 Analysis inactive
<div class="item-wrapper" id="log-wrapper">
<pre id="log"></pre>
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