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Created April 9, 2012 19:50
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Sprite Switching Example
import flash.display.*;
import net.flashpunk.*;
import net.flashpunk.utils.*;
* A sample world to demonstrate swapping a sprite from the World on player input.
* @author Zachary Weston Lewis (
public class SpriteFlipWorld extends World
/** The default sprite. */
protected var _spriteA:Image;
/** The sprite to show when {@code Key.SPACE} is held down. */
protected var _spriteB:Image;
/** The Entity to switch sprites. */
protected var _switchMan:Entity;
public function SpriteFlipWorld()
// Initialize our sprites.
// _spriteA will be a 32x32 red square.
_spriteA = new Image(new BitmapData(32, 32, true, 0xffff0000));
// _spriteB will be a 64x16 blue rectangle.
_spriteB = new Image(new BitmapData(64, 16, true, 0xff0000ff));
// Construct _switchMan.
// He'll start at (100, 75) with _spriteA as his graphic and no mask.
_switchMan = new Entity(100, 75, _spriteA, null);
override public function begin():void
// Add the Entity to our World.
// This will cause him to be rendered.
override public function update():void
// Handle input checking each update.
if (Input.pressed(Key.SPACE))
// If the user pressed SPACE, change _switchMan's graphic to _spriteB.
_switchMan.graphic = _spriteB;
else if (Input.released(Key.SPACE))
// If the user released SPACE, change _switchMan's graphic back to _spriteA.
_switchMan.graphic = _spriteA;
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