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Created October 4, 2019 10:53
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All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree - LeetCode:
This code passes all Leetcode test cases as of Feb. 12th 2019
Runtime: 3 ms, faster than 64.42% of Java online submissions for All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree.
(can't get much faster than that. Asymptotically this is identical to anything even remotely faster)
The video to explain this code is here:
* Definition for a binary tree node.
* public class TreeNode {
* int val;
* TreeNode left;
* TreeNode right;
* TreeNode(int x) { val = x; }
* }
public List<Integer> distanceK(TreeNode treeRoot, TreeNode startNode, int targetDistance) {
Create the node to parent map and populate it
Map<TreeNode, TreeNode> nodeToParentMap = new HashMap();
populateNodeToParentMap(nodeToParentMap, treeRoot, null);
Create the queue that we will use for the breadth first search.
Add the start node to the queue
Queue<TreeNode> queue = new LinkedList();
The is an undirected graph now that we can go to and from nodes.
Before we could only go down the tree.
Therefore, we need a hashtable to keep track of nodes we have
visited so that we do not go back and revisit what has already
been processed and cause an infinite cycle
Set<TreeNode> seen = new HashSet();
When our search starts, we are standing at layer 0
int currentLayer = 0;
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
Is this the layer we want? If so, extract and return it
if (currentLayer == targetDistance) {
return extractLayerFromQueue(queue);
How large is this layer? Let's process all node in the layer.
This is Breadth First Search.
int layerSize = queue.size();
for (int i = 0; i < layerSize; i++) {
Pull a node from the search queue, we are going to basically
use our current layer to populate the next layer of nodes
that we need to search in the next while loop iteration
TreeNode currentNode = queue.poll();
Has left been touched before?
1.) Add it to the seen hashtable
2.) Add it to the search queue
if (currentNode.left != null && !seen.contains(currentNode.left)) {
Has right been touched before?
1.) Add it to the seen hashtable
2.) Add it to the search queue
if (currentNode.right != null && !seen.contains(currentNode.right)) {
Has this node's parent been touched before?
1.) Add it to the seen hashtable
2.) Add it to the search queue
TreeNode parentOfCurrentNode = nodeToParentMap.get(currentNode);
if (parentOfCurrentNode != null && !seen.contains(parentOfCurrentNode)) {
Advance the layer for the next iteration
return new ArrayList<Integer>();
When this recursion is done we will know all nodes' parents. The tree then
can be treated and searched like any other graph
private void populateNodeToParentMap(Map<TreeNode, TreeNode> nodeToParentMap,
TreeNode root, TreeNode parent) {
We can't add a null node to the map, return
if (root == null) {
Map the node to its parent
nodeToParentMap.put(root, parent);
Go left and after that go right. The call that we make next
will have what we call 'root' now as the 'parent' value so
we can do the mapping in THAT call stack frame...and so on
and so on...
populateNodeToParentMap(nodeToParentMap, root.left, root);
populateNodeToParentMap(nodeToParentMap, root.right, root);
private List<Integer> extractLayerFromQueue(Queue<TreeNode> queue) {
List<Integer> extractedList = new ArrayList();
for (TreeNode node: queue) {
return extractedList;
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