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Last active July 19, 2019 19:52
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My notes from the carpentries training workshop


  • Create a learner persona, think about who this workshop is for
    • Make them a 'real' person
  • Good learner persona has:
    • General background
    • Relevant experience
    • Their perceived needs (what do they think that they need, vs what you think they need -- explain it in their terms and based on their context)
    • Special consideration (e.g. single parent, mobility issues, language, etc)
  • You are not your learners
  • Post personas on the website, make it available for people to identify with
  • Use both visual and auditory methods; can be particularly useful for those with english as a second language
  • Rooting lessons in another type of software, like Excel, can be helpful when building lessons/personas (tied to mental model)
  • RStudio personas:
  • Build personas into workshop logistics, communication with organizers who know their audience/learners more deeply

Stages of knowledge

  • Novices do things by rote, ask nonsensical questions, don't know what's relevant
  • Novices don't have a mental model
  • Goal is not to give novices loads of information, because they don't know where to put it yet
    • The information will be all over the floor
    • The goal is to give them a mental model, a useful one
    • Novices need tutorials, competent users need reference materials
    • How to tell when you're done: do they search for the right things? Do they recognise when things work?
  • How to teach a mental model: draw a concept map
    • Connections are labelled to describe relationships between perceived entities
    • Always label the connections, how things relate
    • Mental models represent views or perspectives
  • Novices have scattered, disconnected knowledge
    • Competent users have better understanding of relations between concepts
    • Experts recognise more connections, which are manifested as intuition
  • Expert blindspots
    • Intuitive relations can't necessarily be conveyed through a lesson
    • Need to identify gaps and assumptions that you have
    • The word 'just' is a passive-dismissive adjective, don't use it

Formative assessment

  • Summative assessment is the classic model of exams, testing, pass/fail
  • Formative assessment happens frequently and throughout the learning process
  • Reflective practice
    • Make mistakes and learn from them
    • The '10,000 hours' rule only applies if you assess your practice, identify mistakes, and focus on improving
  • Review what was just taught to learners, and get them to practice
  • Frequent, straightforward, quick activities
  • Don't just quiz, but try to understand why they might get it wrong
    • The wrong answers in multiple choice questions should reflect potential common mistakes, or the results of alternative ways of working through the question
    • Example:
      • Q: What is 27 + 15?
      • 42: correct
      • 32: didn't carry
      • 312: treated it as two separate problems (2 + 1 = 3, 7 + 5 = 12)
      • 33: carried the 1 back into the same column
    • Try to avoid asking learners to memorize facts, and instead opt for them to apply knowledge to a particular instance or example
  • Try to do formative assessments every 5-10 minutes, as frequently as possible
    • Colour-coded post-it notes can be used to indicate when people have completed the task, or whether they need help from a helper


  • Short term memory is very limited, long term memory is not
  • One strategy to overcome the limits on short term memory is chunking, which is drawing associations between concepts
  • Limits to short term memory should apply to shorter periods of time, units within the workshop
    • Limit the coverage of units to 5-7 concepts, before doing a formative assessment
  • Guided practice
    • Opposite of minimal guidance, also known as discovery learning and various other terms
    • Relates to the concept of cognitive load
    • There are three kinds of cognitive load:
      • Intrinsic load: things you need to keep in mind to carry out a task
      • Germany load: The desirable mental effort required to link new information with things that you already know
      • Extraneous load: everything else that extracts or gets in the way
    • The instructor can limit extraneous load and make learning more effective
      • Limit tangential anecdotes
      • Limit changes in fonts and style
    • When demonstrating commands: know where to click, limit interchangeable terms
      • These are more things that learners will feel the need to remember
    • Faded examples, or fill in the blanks, is a great kind of formative assessment that reduces the cognitive load by asking students to only account for relevant concepts
      • They do not need to consider the entire chunk of code, only the parts that are called for and that are deemed relevant to the particular concept that they are learning


  • Intrinsic motivation: doing things for my own reasons
  • Extrinsic motivation: doing things because I have to
  • Three major factors for intrinsic motivation:
    • Positive:
      • Self-efficacy: I am in control of my own life
        • Putting control in the learners' hands
      • Utility: this will help me meet my goals
        • Give them the tools that they want to learn
      • Community: people I know are learning with me
        • Opportunity to hang out with friends, make it a place where company can enjoy themselves
    • Negative
      • Unpredictability: what I do doesn't seem to effect the outcome
        • Why should I try if I know I'll fail?
      • Unfairness: the teacher plays favourites
        • If people things the game is fair they will try, if they believe it is rigged in their favour they will try less hard because they know they will succeed anyway, and if they believe it is rigged against them they will not try because they know they will fail
      • Indifference: nobody cares
        • If the teacher and peers are enthusiastic, learners will be enthusiastic too
  • Pair programming
    • Two people working on the same computer
    • Socializes people
    • Motivates people
    • More efficient use of resources
    • Learners have to explain to each other as they go
      • Weaker students are taught by stronger students
      • Stronger students learn by teaching
    • Randomize pairs
      • People get to know people they don't already know
      • Impostor syndrome is reduced


  • Mistakes are things that you did wrong, as opposed to problems which may be out of your control
  • After a mistake has been brought to your attention:
    • Acknowledge it, apologize and correct them
    • Own the mistake and learn from it


  • We want learners to adopt a growth mindset, as opposed to a fixed mindset
  • Foster the perception that they are capable of learning new things
  • Convincing leartners to have a growth mindset makes them easier to work with
  • Praise influences mindset
    • Performance praise
    • Effort praise
    • Improvement praise
  • Pick out something positive when giving feedback

Code of conduct

  • Establishes a set of behaviours that are either acceptable or unacceptable
  • A set of rules that can be referred to when enforcing a supportive and welcoming environment
  • Helps people feel welcome within the community space

Live coding

  • Set up a separate computer account for teaching, set it up to have no notifications, software configured under default settings that are closer to what the learner has set up
  • When live coding, run two or more examples so that learners can track what is consistent or inconsistent across instances
  • No background image/desktop clutter
  • Set up a google hangout or zoom call to share your screen to make small text more visible (but may be limited by wifi infrastructure when working with large groups)
  • Take the open online material/content and make it your own

Creating a welcoming open project

  • How do you make people aware of meetings or sessions?
    • Mailing lists, or lists of administrators who can send things to their departments, include blind spots, so be aware of those and try to mitigate them
  • Make lists with things that are needed, and make them publicly accessible
    • Ensures that people are aware that they can contribute in meaningful ways
  • Make governing structure and rules explicit
  • Create low-cost ways for people to contribute, entry level contributions
    • Drawn from legitimate peripheral participation
  • Acknowledge all contributions
  • Follow up with both success and failure
  • More details at:

Learning strategies

  • Active learning vs passive learning
  • Active learning: use the information as it's coming in
    • Relations between causes, effects, expectations, etc are playing out in real time
    • Checks your understanding
  • Six strategies for active learning:
    • Spaced practice
      • 5x2 hour sessions is better than 2x5 hour sessions
      • Allows material to be digested
      • Allows for real life to be handled
    • Retrieval practice
      • Practice using information and examples in the context in which they will be used
      • Practising an exam in the room where the exam will be held is more effective
    • Elaboration
      • Explain things in detail to yourself and to others
      • Take notes as a way to organise the information, helps develop short-term memory
    • Interleaving
      • Mix up the order of operations, doing things in a standard order makes learners dependent on the order
      • Example: I can only remember all four verses of the Canadian national anthem if I sing it out in order)
    • Concrete examples
      • Novices don't know enough to make generalisations concrete
      • Provide examples, and be specific about the general principles that each example embodies
    • Dual coding
      • Combine words and visuals
      • More effective when the messages complement each other
      • Less effective than when there is redundancy
      • Effort is wasted on trying to reconcile the dual streams of information
  • More info:
  • Useful teaching patterns:
    • PETE
      1. Problem
      2. Explanation
      3. Theory
      4. Example
    • PRIMM
      1. Predict
      2. Run
      3. Investigate
      4. Modify
      5. Make

Managing a diverse classroom

  • Avoid pop culture references, since recognition of these references varies and contributes to making feel like they don't belong if they don't 'get it'
  • Never call out introverts, facilitate participation rather than force it, create environments that enable them to speak up
  • Don't highlight people from under-represented communities

Reverse instructional design

  • Learner personas --> concept map --> summative assessment --> formative assessment --> lesson
  • For our purposes, summative assessment is how you can tell when the learners have achieved an adequate understanding of the content
    • A final assignment, concrete learning outcomes
    • Key challenge is establishing what order you want plan the formative assessments to meet the goals
  • More info:
  • Some recommended works:
    • Lang: Small Teaching
    • Huston: Teaching What You Don’t Know
    • Major et al: Teaching for Learning
    • Brookfield & Preskill: The Discussion Book
    • Weinstein et al: Understanding How We Learn


  • Sticky notes with learners' names on their laptops
    • They take them down after engagement to distribute attention among participants
  • After 45-90 minutes, your focus drops and information won't stick -- give learners a break
  • Helpers provide one-on-one assistance for people who are behind or struggling
  • 3M brand post-it notes can be distinguished by people who are colour blind
  • Use sharpies, they are most visible
  • For questions that can't be answered right away, write it down on a sticky note and paste it on the wall as a promise to address it later on during a break
  • Drinking water is a good way to pause while thinking about how to answer a challenging question
  • Pair up intrinsically and extrinsically motivated learners, helps the extrinsically motivated ones catch the enthusiasm of intrinsically motivated ones
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