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Created March 6, 2016 20:40
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Period Begin (cal BC) End (cal BC) Levant Middle Euphrates El Rouj Region Cyprus Northern Mesopotamian Southern Mesopotamia Khabur Region Deh Luran Region Northwestern Iran
0 12500 Epi-Palaeolithic Epi-Palaeolithic / Zarzian
1 12500 9500 Natufian / Proto-Neolithic Akrotiri Phase
2 10500 8300 PPNA / Proto-Neolithic Neolithic 1 PPNA
3 8300 7600 Early-Middle PPNB Neolithic 2 Sotira
4 7600 6900 Late PPNB Neolithic 2 El-Rouj 1 Late PPNB Late PPNB Bus Moreh
5 6900 6400 Final PPNB / PPNC Neolithic 3 El-Rouj 2a/b Khirokitia Final PPNB / Proto-Hassuna / Archaic Hassuna Ubaid 0 Proto-Hassuna Ali Kosh
6 6400 5800 Yarmoukian / Amuq A El-Rouj 2c Khirokitia Archaic Hassuna / Hassuna / Samarra / Pre-Halaf / Proto-Halaf Ubaid 1-2 Proto-Hassuna Mohammed Jaffar / Sefid Hajji Firuz / Hasanlu X
7 5800 5400 Jericho IX / Amuq B El-Rouj 2d/3 Khirokitia Halaf Ubaid 2 Samarra / Halaf Surkh Hajji Firuz / Hasanlu X
8 5400 5000 Amuq C-D El-Rouj 4 Khirokitia / Sotira Northern Ubaid Ubaid 3 Sabz / Choga Mami Transitional Dalma
9 5000 4500 Amuq E Sotira Northern Ubaid Ubaid 4 Ubaid Bayat / Mehmeh Khazineh Dalma
10 4500 4000 Amuq F Sotira Late Chalcolithic 1-2 Terminal Ubaid? / Early Uruk Post-Ubaid / Late Chalcolithic Yahya VI / Bakun
11 4000 3500 Early Chalcolithic Late Chalcolithic 2-3-4 Early-Middle Uruk Late Chalcolithic Pisdeli / Hasanlu VIII / Yahya VI / Bakun
12 3500 3000 Middle Chalcolithic Late Chalcolithic 4-5 Middle-Late Uruk Late Chalcolithic Pisdeli / Hasanlu VIII
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