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20 minutes 10 Week 2

The Concept of Require - Research

When you start working with WebPack for GameTime, you'll notice that you can't just define a variable in one file and find it in another as easily as you can in Rails.


  • Read Node.js, Require and Exports and Organize Your Code with RequireJS
  • Fork This Gist
  • Respond in your forked gist with answers to the following questions
    • In the context of Node, what is a module?

      In the context of Node, a module is mapped to a file, so each file is its own module, and require is used to link modules together.

    • The code examples from the second blog post look very different from the first. Why?

      the second blog post is using requires in the RequireJS framework, so they look a bit different. that said, unless this is a super common framework to use, I don't really see the point. module.exports and require work just fine for me.

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