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Created October 12, 2018 07:35
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Compiling rustc_asan v0.0.0 (/home/zmd/Code/rust/src/librustc_asan)
Compiling std v0.0.0 (/home/zmd/Code/rust/src/libstd)
error: unused import: `prelude::v1::*`======> ] 18/33: core, compiler_...
--> libcore/
135 | use prelude::v1::*;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: `-D unused-imports` implied by `-D warnings`
error: unused macro definition
--> libcore/num/
16 | / macro_rules! sh_impl_signed {
17 | | ($t:ident, $f:ident) => (
18 | | #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
19 | | impl Shl<$f> for Wrapping<$t> {
... |
63 | | )
64 | | }
| |_^
= note: `-D unused-macros` implied by `-D warnings`
error: unused macro definition
--> libcore/ops/
636 | / macro_rules! neg_impl_unsigned {
637 | | ($($t:ty)*) => {
638 | | neg_impl_core!{ x => {
639 | | !x.wrapping_add(1)
640 | | }, $($t)*} }
641 | | }
| |_^
error: unused macro definition
--> libcore/
237 | macro_rules! test_v16 { ($item:item) => {}; }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: unused macro definition
--> libcore/
239 | macro_rules! test_v32 { ($item:item) => {}; }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: unused macro definition
--> libcore/
241 | macro_rules! test_v64 { ($item:item) => {}; }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: unused macro definition
--> libcore/
243 | macro_rules! test_v128 { ($item:item) => {}; }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: unused macro definition
--> libcore/
245 | macro_rules! test_v256 { ($item:item) => {}; }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: unused macro definition
--> libcore/
247 | macro_rules! test_v512 { ($item:item) => {}; }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: unused macro definition
--> libcore/
249 | macro_rules! vector_impl { ($([$f:ident, $($args:tt)*]),*) => { $($f!($($args)*);)* } }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'str::LinesAny': use lines()/Lines instead now33: core
--> libcore/str/
1387 | impl<'a> Iterator for LinesAny<'a> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: `-D deprecated` implied by `-D warnings`
error: use of deprecated item 'str::LinesAny': use lines()/Lines instead now
--> libcore/str/
1403 | impl<'a> DoubleEndedIterator for LinesAny<'a> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'str::LinesAny': use lines()/Lines instead now
--> libcore/str/
1412 | impl FusedIterator for LinesAny<'_> {}
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
--> libcore/hash/
100 | pub use self::sip::SipHasher;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher13': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
--> libcore/hash/
105 | pub use self::sip::SipHasher13;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
--> libcore/hash/
144 | impl SipHasher {
| ^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher13': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
--> libcore/hash/
166 | impl SipHasher13 {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
--> libcore/hash/
252 | impl super::Hasher for SipHasher {
| ^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher13': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
--> libcore/hash/
265 | impl super::Hasher for SipHasher13 {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher24': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
--> libcore/hash/
62 | pub struct SipHasher(SipHasher24);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'str::LinesAny': use lines()/Lines instead now
--> libcore/str/
2852 | pub fn lines_any(&self) -> LinesAny {
| ^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'str::LinesAny': use lines()/Lines instead now
--> libcore/str/
2853 | LinesAny(self.lines())
| ^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
--> libcore/hash/
150 | pub fn new() -> SipHasher {
| ^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
--> libcore/hash/
151 | SipHasher::new_with_keys(0, 0)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
--> libcore/hash/
159 | pub fn new_with_keys(key0: u64, key1: u64) -> SipHasher {
| ^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
--> libcore/hash/
160 | SipHasher(SipHasher24 {
| ^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher24': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
--> libcore/hash/
160 | SipHasher(SipHasher24 {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher13': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
--> libcore/hash/
172 | pub fn new() -> SipHasher13 {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher13': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
--> libcore/hash/
173 | SipHasher13::new_with_keys(0, 0)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher13': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
--> libcore/hash/
181 | pub fn new_with_keys(key0: u64, key1: u64) -> SipHasher13 {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher13': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
--> libcore/hash/
182 | SipHasher13 {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'str::LinesAny': use lines()/Lines instead now
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher13': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher24': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher::new_with_keys': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
--> libcore/hash/
151 | SipHasher::new_with_keys(0, 0)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher24::hasher': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
--> libcore/hash/
161 | hasher: Hasher::new_with_keys(key0, key1)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher13::new_with_keys': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
--> libcore/hash/
173 | SipHasher13::new_with_keys(0, 0)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher13::hasher': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
--> libcore/hash/
183 | hasher: Hasher::new_with_keys(key0, key1)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher24::hasher': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
--> libcore/hash/
255 | self.0.hasher.write(msg)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher24::hasher': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
--> libcore/hash/
260 | self.0.hasher.finish()
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher13::hasher': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
--> libcore/hash/
268 | self.hasher.write(msg)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
error: use of deprecated item 'hash::sip::SipHasher13::hasher': use `std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher` instead
--> libcore/hash/
273 | self.hasher.finish()
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
error: aborting due to 43 previous errors
error: Could not compile `core`.
To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.
command did not execute successfully: "/home/zmd/Code/rust/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage0/bin/cargo" "build" "--target" "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" "-j" "12" "--release" "--features" "panic-unwind jemalloc backtrace" "--manifest-path" "/home/zmd/Code/rust/src/libstd/Cargo.toml" "--message-format" "json"
expected success, got: exit code: 101
thread 'main' panicked at 'cargo must succeed', bootstrap/
stack backtrace:
0: 0x55f03d07312e - std::sys::unix::backtrace::tracing::imp::unwind_backtrace::h880038c86a70b8d2
at libstd/sys/unix/backtrace/tracing/
1: 0x55f03d0606a6 - std::sys_common::backtrace::print::hef59a98d2c9754ff
at libstd/sys_common/
at libstd/sys_common/
2: 0x55f03d05e9dd - std::panicking::default_hook::{{closure}}::hd4c9afd0cf6f0c1e
at libstd/
3: 0x55f03d05e750 - std::panicking::default_hook::ha5fac428fc7117cc
at libstd/
4: 0x55f03d05f04c - std::panicking::rust_panic_with_hook::h1c904e5a4f96c198
at libstd/
5: 0x55f03d04740f - std::panicking::begin_panic::he0aba056b0ac0d8f
at libstd/
6: 0x55f03cb3e0c5 - bootstrap::compile::run_cargo::h96e43f5f43ea1f4f
at bootstrap/
7: 0x55f03cb325f2 - <bootstrap::compile::Std as bootstrap::builder::Step>::run::h21dd25662ef6aa18
at bootstrap/
8: 0x55f03c98b7e0 - bootstrap::builder::Builder::ensure::h12bf37461a4f4a8b
at bootstrap/
9: 0x55f03cb34efb - <bootstrap::compile::Test as bootstrap::builder::Step>::run::hcfeb869b722c72d6
at bootstrap/
10: 0x55f03c9f1200 - bootstrap::builder::Builder::ensure::h7c205dbd540b75f5
at bootstrap/
11: 0x55f03cb34e46 - <bootstrap::compile::Test as bootstrap::builder::Step>::make_run::hb7b34263fd229823
at bootstrap/
12: 0x55f03c6a9dc8 - bootstrap::builder::StepDescription::maybe_run::h4ddffa81d7159e81
at bootstrap/
13: 0x55f03c6aa944 - bootstrap::builder::StepDescription::run::hea6a0fd2e230c111
at bootstrap/
14: 0x55f03c6ae878 - bootstrap::builder::Builder::run_step_descriptions::h10a6842c7255c621
at bootstrap/
15: 0x55f03c6ae6d1 - bootstrap::builder::Builder::execute_cli::hbb961ce0a50fe0b6
at bootstrap/
16: 0x55f03c636c41 - bootstrap::Build::build::h99460a46f96b1172
at bootstrap/
17: 0x55f03c618bbe - bootstrap::main::hf7b8e45f415175a9
at bootstrap/bin/
18: 0x55f03c618acf - std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}}::ha29364b59343b441
at libstd/
19: 0x55f03d05eae2 - std::panicking::try::do_call::h20f459060dccf809
at libstd/
at libstd/
20: 0x55f03d087139 - __rust_maybe_catch_panic
at libpanic_unwind/
21: 0x55f03d06d7b5 - std::rt::lang_start_internal::h8605f2c1a2f69108
at libstd/
at libstd/
at libstd/
22: 0x55f03c618aa7 - std::rt::lang_start::ha928948941a39064
at libstd/
23: 0x55f03c618c49 - main
24: 0x7ffb7144182f - __libc_start_main
25: 0x55f03c618958 - _start
26: 0x0 - <unknown>
failed to run: /home/zmd/Code/rust/build/bootstrap/debug/bootstrap build --stage 1 src/libtest
Build completed unsuccessfully in 0:06:41
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