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Created December 30, 2012 19:54
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looking for tuples of n consecutive years with exactly n prime factors which are all distinct (turns out n>=4 is impossible because out of every four consecutive numbers, one must have 2**2 in its factorization, but I didn't realize this until the code was already written)
from subprocess import check_output
def factorize(n):
if n == 0 or n == 1:
return {}
output = check_output(["factor", str(n)]).decode('utf-8')
factors = list(map(int, output.split(": ")[1].split(' ')))
factorization = {(f, factors.count(f)) for f in set(factors)}
return factorization
def factors_all_distinct(fctn):
for p in fctn:
if p[1] != 1:
return False
return len(fctn)
successes = {}
previous_fact = None
year_fact = None
consecutive = 1
for year in range(1000, 3000):
previous_fact = year_fact
year_fact = factors_all_distinct(factorize(year))
if year_fact:
if year_fact == previous_fact:
consecutive += 1
consecutive = 1
if year_fact >= 3 and consecutive == year_fact:
run = tuple(y for y in range(year - year_fact + 1, year + 1))
if year_fact in successes:
successes[year_fact] = [run]
consecutive = 1
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