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Created October 28, 2013 04:39
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proposed revisions to SerpentineRecord
def has_many(self, association, class_name, foreign_key = None, primary_key = "id"):
foreign_key = foreign_key or self.__class__.__name__.lower()+"_id"
search = lambda: eval(class_name).where({foreign_key: self.__dict_[primary_key]})
setattr(self, association, search)
def belongs_to(self, association, class_name, foreign_key = None, primary_key = "id"):
foreign_key = foreign_key or class_name.lower()+"_id"
search = lambda: eval(class_name).where({primary_key: self.__dict__[foreign_key]})
setattr(self, association, search)
def all(self):
query = "SELECT * FROM {0};".format(self.table_name)
results = self.db_connection.execute(query).fetchall()
result_dicts = [self.dict_from_row(row) for row in results]
return [SqlObject(self.db_connection, self.table_name, rd, rd["id"]) for rd in result_dicts]
def find(self, id):
query = "SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE id = ?;".format(self.table_name)
result = self.db_connection.execute(query, (id,)).fetchone()
result_dict = self.dict_from_row(result)
return SqlObject(self.db_connection, self.table_name, result_dict, id)
def where(self, search_parameters):
where_string = ["{0} = ?".format(k) for k in search_parameters]
where_string = ", ".join(where_string)
query = "SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE {1}".format(self.table_name, where_string)
results = self.db_connection.execute(query, tuple(search_parameters.values())).fetchall()
result_dicts = [self.dict_from_row(row) for row in results]
return [SqlObject(self.db_connection, self.table_name, rd, rd["id"]) for rd in result_dicts]
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