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Best PowerPack Module Customization Snippets #powerpack #beaverbuilder
Collection of PowerPack module customizations I've gathered over the years
// JS method to close for a custom js solution
// or
// Add the following CSS class to an element that you want to click to close the off canvas panel
<?php // ignore this line - only for styling
add_filter( 'pp_devices_skin_path', 'my_device_custom_skin', 10, 2 );
function my_device_custom_skin( $path, $settings ) {
if ( 'phone' == $settings->device_type ) {
$path = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/phone.svg';
return $path;
// 1. Add the SVG code in a file and save the file in SVG format. For example, phone.svg
// 2. Upload this SVG file to your current child theme's root
// 3. Add the above code to theme's functions.php file
// This code will return the path of SVG file located in the child theme's root for the "phone" as device type. You can also change the path to the SVG file where it is placed. (Please note that this is a file path, not URL)
<?php // ignore this line - only for styling
//filter to change the video play icon: pp_video_play_button_html
add_filter( 'pp_video_play_button_html', function( $svg, $settings ) {
$svg = 'Your custom code here';
return $svg;
}, 10, 2 );
<?php // ignore this line - only for styling
// Custom Powerpack arrows for these modules: Content Grid, Testimonials, Image Carousel, Logos Grid & Carousel, 3D Slider, Reviews Slider
add_filter( 'pp_prev_icon_svg', 'my_own_prev_icon' );
function my_own_prev_icon( $svg ) {
$svg = 'Your SVG code.';
return $svg;
add_filter( 'pp_next_icon_svg', 'my_own_next_icon' );
function my_own_next_icon( $svg ) {
$svg = 'Your SVG code.';
return $svg;
<?php // ignore this line - only for styling
// Override image size for PP Accordion image (icon) output - it defaults to 'thumbnail'
// My use case here was using swapping the image with some javascript to change out the image next to the accordion depending on which item was 'open'
add_filter( 'pp_accordion_items', 'change_pp_accordion_item_image_size', 10, 2 );
function change_pp_accordion_item_image_size( $items, $settings ) {
if ( ! isset( $settings->id ) || 'myModuleID' !== $settings->id ) { //you module's ID here
return $items;
if ( empty( $items ) ) {
return $items;
foreach ( $items as $item ) {
if ( isset( $item->accordion_image_icon ) && ! empty( $item->accordion_image_icon ) ) {
$image_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $item->accordion_image_icon, 'medium' ); // change the size here.
if ( ! empty( $image_src ) && is_array( $image_src ) ) {
$item->accordion_image_icon_src = $image_src[0];
$item->accordion_image_icon = -1;
return $items;
<?php // ignore this line - only for styling
//Just make sure you have "Children of Current Category" selected for the taxonomy archive in the module
add_filter('pp_category_grid_query_args', function($args, $settings) {
if ( is_tax() || is_category() || is_tag() ) {
$current_object = get_queried_object();
if ( 'children_only' === $settings->on_tax_archive ) {
$args['parent'] = $current_object->term_id;
return $args;
}, 10, 2);
//Custom center for PP Map
//Especially useful for multi-pin maps since the center is determined by the first location that is added to the module
;(function($) {
$(window).on('load', function() {
if ( 'undefined' === typeof pp_map_<node_id> ) return; //add your map module's node id here prefixed with pp_map_
var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng('35.846111', '-86.391945'); //add your custom lat/long here
pp_map_<node_id>; //add your map module's node id here prefixed with pp_map_
// Powerpack One Dot Nav for Column IDs instead of Row IDs
(function($) {
function updateDot() {
var $this = $(this);
if ( ( $this.offset().top - $(window).height()/2 < $(window).scrollTop() ) && ( $this.offset().top >= $(window).scrollTop() || $this.offset().top + $this.height() - $(window).height()/2 > $(window).scrollTop() ) ) {
$( '#myOneDotModule .pp-dot a[data-row-id="'+$this.attr('id')+'"]' ).parent().addClass('active'); //give your module an id
} else {
$( '#myOneDotModule .pp-dot a[data-row-id="'+$this.attr('id')+'"]' ).parent().removeClass('active'); //give your module an id
$(window).on('scroll', function() {
<?php // ignore this line - only for styling
// PP Sliding Menu Custom Arrows
add_filter( 'pp_sliding_menus_arrow_left', function( $args, $settings ) {
$args['before'] = '<span class="pp-slide-menu-arrow">';
$args['before'] .= 'Put your own arrow icon HTML here';
$args['before'] .= '</span>';
return $args;
}, 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'pp_sliding_menus_arrow_right', function( $args, $settings ) {
$args['before'] = '<span class="pp-slide-menu-arrow">';
$args['before'] .= 'Put your own arrow icon HTML here';
$args['before'] .= '</span>';
return $args;
}, 10, 2 );
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