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Last active November 21, 2023 15:25
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Shortcode to output an ACF field with user defined truncation length #acf
<?php //ignore this line - only for formatting
add_shortcode("truncated_acf_field", "truncated_acf_field_shortcode");
function truncated_acf_field_shortcode($atts)
if (function_exists("get_field")) {
$atts = shortcode_atts(
"length" => 100, // Set the default to 100 characters if user doesn't define their own in the shortcode
"name" => "",
"ellipsis" => "true", // Defaults to true if user leaves this out of the shortcode
if (empty($atts["name"])) {
return "Please add an ACF field name to the shortcode";
$field_value = get_field($atts["name"]);
// Truncate the description to the defined number of characters and trim white space at the end
$truncated_field_value = mb_substr($field_value, 0, $atts["length"]);
$truncated_field_value = rtrim($truncated_field_value);
// Add the ellipsis if the attribute is true and the original value is longer than the defined length
if (
$atts["ellipsis"] === "true" &&
mb_strlen($field_value) > $atts["length"]
) {
$truncated_field_value .= "...";
return $truncated_field_value;
} else {
return "<p>Please activate the Advanced Custom Fields plugin</p>";
// And your shortcode will look like [truncated_acf_field name="field_name" length="150"]
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