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Last active December 4, 2019 05:27
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<title>Angular App</title>
<ng-content ng-app>loading</ng-content>
import 'zone.js';
import { ApplicationRef, Compiler, Component, ComponentFactory, Injector, NgModule, NgZone, ViewContainerRef } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
declare module '@angular/core' {
interface ViewContainerRef {
/** @private */
_embeddedViews: { nodes: { renderElement: Element }[] }[]
// for those who must afflict themselves with the burden of the `@` sigil, a less wearisome path prevails; a warning, though, and beware, for the fruits will yet taste bitter all the same
@Function() // silence me if you wish to know my power
class NgAppDirective {
constructor(vcr: ViewContainerRef) {}
export class NgAppComponents {
protected readonly $componentFactories: ComponentFactory<any>[] = [];
* Returns a shallow copy of the current `ViewContainerRef` embedded views array.
protected get $viewStack() {
return this.$vcr._embeddedViews.slice();
constructor(protected $compiler: Compiler, protected $vcr: ViewContainerRef) { }
public add(...declarations: any[]) {
NgModule({ declarations, imports: [CommonModule, FormsModule] })(class ThrowawayModule {})
return this;
public view(selector: string) {
const component = this.$componentFactories.find(x => x.selector === selector);
return component == null ? this : this.attach(component);
* Remove the first instance of a component on the view stack.
* Does nothing if no component is found.
public removeFirst(selector: string) {
const index = this.$viewStack.findIndex(x => {
return x.nodes
.filter(y => y.renderElement != null)
.some(y => y.renderElement.localName === selector);
return index === -1 ? this : this.remove(index);
* Remove the last instance of a component on the view stack.
* Does nothing if no component is found.
public removeLast(selector: string) {
const component = this.$viewStack.reverse().find(x => {
return x.nodes
.filter(y => y.renderElement != null)
.some(y => y.renderElement.localName === selector);
if (component == null) {
return this;
const index = this.$viewStack.findIndex(x => x === component);
return index === -1 ? this : this.remove(index);
public attach<T>(component: ComponentFactory<T>) {
return => {
return this;
* Remove the component at the given zero-based index on the view stack.
* An out-of-bounds index will remove the component at the nearest view stack boundary.
* @example `-1` or `0` will remove the first component
* @example `2` will remove the third component
* @example `Infinity` or `$viewStack.length` or `$viewStack.length - 1` will remove the last component
public remove(index: number) {
return => {
return this;
public removeAll() {
return this;
export class NgApp {
public static readonly Zone = new NgZone({ enableLongStackTrace: false });
public static bootstrap() {
const declarations = [NgAppDirective];
const entryComponents = [NgAppDirective];
NgModule({ imports: [BrowserModule], declarations, entryComponents })(NgApp);
Component({ selector: '[ng-app]', template: '' })(NgAppDirective);
return platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(NgApp, { ngZone: NgApp.Zone });
public components: NgAppComponents;
public get injector() {
return this.$injector;
protected $injector: Injector;
public async ngDoBootstrap(app: ApplicationRef) {
try {
this.$injector = app.bootstrap(NgAppDirective).injector;
this.components = new NgAppComponents(this.$injector.get(Compiler), this.$injector.get(ViewContainerRef));
} catch (err) {
if (err.message.includes('The selector "[ng-app]" did not match any elements') ) {
throw new Error('Must mark the root element with the attribute [ng-app]');
throw err;
.then(ref => {
if (window['ngRef']) {'hot reload detected');
window['ngRef'] = ref;
function $compile(controller: { new(...args: any[]): any }, template: string) {
Reflect.defineProperty(controller.prototype, '$selector', { get() { return selector; }});
Reflect.defineProperty(controller.prototype, '$template', { get() { return template; }});
const selector =[A-Z])/g).join('-').replace(/_/g, '-').toLowerCase();
template = template
.replace(/\$ctrl\./g, '')
.replace(/ng-if/g, '*ngIf')
.replace(/ng-model/g, '[(ngModel)]');
Component({ selector, template })(controller);
return controller;
// behold the ashen rot ascend! let it glisten in thine eye as snow in a desert, yet curdle in thy belly as milk among maggots!
class DynamicCmp {
constructor(vcr: ViewContainerRef) {
LookDynamicCmpHasVcr: vcr != null,
ButAtWhatCost: ''
class DynamicCmp2 {
private thing: string;
ngOnInit() {
this.thing = 'initial-thing';
setTimeout(() => {
this.thing = 'second-thing';
$compile(DynamicCmp, '<div ng-if="true">I am {{$ctrl.$selector}}. I include dynamic-cmp2. <dynamic-cmp2></dynamic-cmp2></div>'),
$compile(DynamicCmp2, '<div ng-if="true">I am {{$ctrl.$selector}}. <input ng-model="$ctrl.thing" /> <span ng-if="$ctrl.thing">{{$ctrl.thing}}</span></div>'),
.view('class-1') // does nothing
.removeFirst('dynamic-cmp2') // does nothing
$compile(class {}, '<div ng-if="true">I am the first anonymous component, {{$ctrl.$selector}}.</div>'),
$compile(class {}, '<div ng-if="true">I am the second anonymous component, {{$ctrl.$selector}}.</div>'),
$compile(class {}, '<div ng-if="false">I am {{$ctrl.$selector}}. I should instantiate, but not be visible.</div>'),
// .removeFirst('dynamic-cmp2')
// .removeAll()
"name": "angular",
"version": "0.0.0",
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"@angular/common": "8.2.14",
"@angular/compiler": "8.2.14",
"@angular/core": "8.2.14",
"@angular/forms": "8.2.14",
"@angular/platform-browser": "8.2.14",
"@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "8.2.14",
"rxjs": "6.4.0",
"zone.js": "0.10.2"
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