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Created November 15, 2013 00:09
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Authenticated encryption mode cheatsheet, aka figure 2 from Bellare and Namprempre 2000.
% This is a visually redesigned version of a table from “Authenticated
% encryption: Relations among notions and analysis of the generic
% composition paradigm.” by Mihir Bellare and Chanathip Namprempre
% (ASIACRYPT 2000). The content is entirely theirs.
% I (Zachary Weinberg) disclaim any copyright interest I might have in
% this redesigned version.
\newcommand{\Y}{\ding{52}}% check mark
\newcommand{\N}{\ding{53}}% thin X
\begin{tabular}{ll@{\hskip 18pt}ccc@{\hskip 18pt}cc}
& &
\multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{Integrity}} \\
\multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{Composition Method}}&
\multirow{3}{*}{\textbf{weak MAC}}
& Encrypt-and-MAC & \N & \N & \N & \Y & \N \\
& MAC-then-encrypt & \Y & \N & \N & \Y & \N \\
& Encrypt-then-MAC & \Y & \N & \N & \Y & \N \\
\multirow{3}{*}{\textbf{strong MAC}}
& Encrypt-and-MAC & \N & \N & \N & \Y & \N \\
& MAC-then-encrypt & \Y & \N & \N & \Y & \N \\
& Encrypt-then-MAC & \Y & \Y & \Y & \Y & \Y \\
\footnotesize{after Bellare and Namprempre (2000)
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