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Last active April 9, 2023 15:28
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import AppKit
import CoreServices
let args = CommandLine.arguments[1...]
let words = args.filter { !$0.hasPrefix("-") }
guard !words.isEmpty else {
print("Usage: \(URL(string: #file)!.lastPathComponent) [-o] <word1> [word2 [word3 [...]]]")
if args.contains("-o") {
print("Opening…") "dict://\(words[0])")!)
enum DefinitionResult: CustomStringConvertible {
case success(word: String, definition: String)
case notFound(word: String)
var isSuccess: Bool {
if case .success = self {
return true
} else {
return false
var description: String {
switch self {
case .success(word: _, definition: let definition):
return definition
case .notFound(word: let word):
return "\(word): not found"
let definitions = { word -> DefinitionResult in
if let result = DCSCopyTextDefinition(
/* dictionary */ nil,
/* word */ word as CFString,
/* range */ CFRangeMake(0, word.utf16.count)
)?.takeRetainedValue() as String? {
return .success(word: word, definition: result)
} else {
return .notFound(word: word)
print( "\n\n"))
if definitions.contains(where: \.isSuccess) {
} else {
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