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Last active June 21, 2019 12:21
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Background: We are going to design a simple weather forcast app that will get and dispaly the weather forecast for specific city.

Tools: Reactjs, React-redux


API: You can use this api end-point to get the data. where q={city name},us&APPID=0009cc9a42ea23775a6b261b95b67612


  1. There will be search input, where user will enter city name in it and onchange we will get the data from api. There will be no submit button to submit input's value, api will be called when user stops typing or after 800ms. So there will no multiple api calls.
  2. Store the response data of each api call in the redux store as history data.
  3. Create a left sidebar component where we will just display a list of the history data (name and date). When user which click any item of that list we display its complete data in the right section of the page. (This data will be displayed from the store, there will no api call for that as this is the history of our previous searches.)
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