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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Rust solution to the fall 2014 University of Mississippi ACM hashing competition
// Michael Macias <>
// created 2014-10-02, updated 2014-10-13
// rust 0.12.0
// MIT license (
// is a Rust solution to the fall 2014 University of Mississippi
// ACM hashing competition ( The goal is to find
// an input so that the SHA-256 cryptographic hash function produces a digest
// with the most leading zeros. For example, the word "mismatchment" has 4
// leading zeros.
// $ echo -n "mismatchment" | shasum -a 256
// 0000bb6ede9f29a01d35e15320229aa0fbd73cf8eb8bc0aac80d6a97fba63fee -
// This solution is multithreaded. Each independent worker is seeded with a
// random alphanumeric string, which is "incremented" every step
// (see `#test_next_word`). If a digest has more leading zeros than previously
// known, it is printed to the screen and automatically submitted to the
// competition server. Don't forget to to change `API_KEY`, else you'll be
// hashing for me!
// Usage
// $ rustc --opt-level 3
// $ ./acmhash
// Tests and Benchmarks
// $ rustc --opt-level 3 --test
// $ ./acmhash
// $ ./acmhash --bench
extern crate rustc;
// Rust's SHA-256 implementation is intended for internal use only by the
// compiler itself, but we're going to use it anyway!
use rustc::util::sha2::{Sha256, Digest};
use std::io::{IoResult, TcpStream};
use std::rand::{task_rng, Rng};
use std::os;
static VERSION: &'static str = "0.4.4";
static HOSTNAME: &'static str = "";
static PORT: u16 = 80;
static API_KEY: &'static str = "0b6de5206fab768ea3e5788bef473928";
static MIN_MAX_ZEROS: uint = 4;
static DATA_LENGTH: uint = 16;
fn count_leading_zeros(digest: &[u8]) -> uint {
let mut count = 0u;
for &b in digest.iter() {
// Note that a right shift is unnecessary here. The least significant
// nibble will already be zeroed by the mask.
if b & 0xf0 > 0u8 { break; }
count += 1;
if b & 0x0f > 0u8 { break; }
count += 1;
// Though we could save a couple of comparisons by cycling through printable
// ASCII characters (' ' through '~'), we only use an alphanumeric subset to
// prevent having to URL encode the data for submission.
fn next_char(c: char) -> char {
match c {
'9' => 'a', // carry
'Z' => '0',
'z' => 'A',
_ => ((c as u8) + 1) as char
// Unsafe code, oh no! `String#as_mut_vec()` cannot guarantee modifications
// to the byte array will result in a valid UTF-8 string. Given that we
// only cycle through alphanumeric characters (see `#next_char`), we should
// be okay.
fn next_word(word: &mut String) {
unsafe {
let bytes = word.as_mut_vec();
for b in bytes.iter_mut().rev() {
let c = next_char(*b as char);
*b = c as u8;
if c != 'a' { break; }
// Instead of using `Digest#result_str` to get the digest as a hexadecimal
// string, we save from having to do that encoding by using the raw digest.
fn sha256(input: &str, output: &mut [u8]) {
let mut sha = Sha256::new();
// Rust doesn't include an HTTP library in std. We could try shelling out to
// cURL (see `io::process::Command`), binding to libcurl, or including an
// external library, but to make things simple, we use a raw TCP socket to send
// an HTTP header instead.
fn submit(attempt: &String) -> IoResult<()> {
let request = format!(
"POST /attempt?attempt={}&key={} HTTP/1.0\r\n\
Accept: */*\r\n\
Connection: close\r\n\
Content-Length: 0\r\n\
Host: {}\r\n\
User-Agent: acmhash/{}\r\n\
let mut stream = try!(TcpStream::connect(HOSTNAME, PORT));
// No need to explicitly close the socket because of Rust's ownership
// system, woohoo!
// See
fn worker() {
let mut max_zeros = MIN_MAX_ZEROS;
// `data` and `digest` are mutable buffers to prevent having to allocate
// new objects every iteration.
let mut data: String = task_rng().gen_ascii_chars().take(DATA_LENGTH).collect();
let mut digest = [0u8, ..32];
loop {
sha256(data.as_slice(), digest);
let zeros = count_leading_zeros(digest);
if zeros > max_zeros {
println!("{} => {}", data, zeros);
max_zeros = zeros;
match submit(&data) {
Ok(_) => { /* noop */ },
Err(e) => println!("error: {}", e)
next_word(&mut data);
fn main() {
let n_workers = os::num_cpus();
for _ in range(0u, n_workers) {
mod tests {
extern crate test;
use super::{count_leading_zeros, next_word, sha256};
use self::test::Bencher;
fn test_count_leading_zeros() {
let bytes = [0x00, 0x00, 0x0f, 0xf0];
let count = count_leading_zeros(bytes);
assert!(count == 5);
fn test_next_word() {
let examples = ["bar", "xyz", "XYZ", "999"];
let expected = ["bas", "xyA", "XY0", "aaa"];
for (i, example) in examples.iter().enumerate() {
let mut s = example.to_string();
next_word(&mut s);
assert!(s.as_slice() == expected[i]);
fn test_sha256() {
let input = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
let mut actual = [0u8, ..32];
sha256(input, actual);
let expected = [0xef, 0x53, 0x7f, 0x25, 0xc8, 0x95, 0xbf, 0xa7,
0x82, 0x52, 0x65, 0x29, 0xa9, 0xb6, 0x3d, 0x97,
0xaa, 0x63, 0x15, 0x64, 0xd5, 0xd7, 0x89, 0xc2,
0xb7, 0x65, 0x44, 0x8c, 0x86, 0x35, 0xfb, 0x6c];
assert!(actual == expected);
fn bench_worker(b: &mut Bencher) {
let mut max_zeros = 0;
let mut data = "B5yFZOben5YwPU0N".to_string();
let mut digest = [0u8, ..32];
b.iter(|| {
sha256(data.as_slice(), digest);
let zeros = count_leading_zeros(digest);
if zeros > max_zeros { max_zeros = zeros; }
next_word(&mut data);
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