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Last active July 20, 2024 00:57
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Short pwntools tutorial for beginners
from pwn import *
BINARY = '<path_to_binary>'
IP, PORT = '<ip>', 8080
LOCAL = True
p = process(BINARY) # Makes pipe fd
if not LOCAL
p = remote(IP, PORT) # Makes socket fd
p.recv(1024, timeout=3) # Accepts 1024 bytes from 'p'
# If the pipe/socket is closed, p with return EOF Error
# After 3 seconds, execution will continue, except if EOF Error occurs
p.recvuntil('Zafirr', timeout=3) # Accepts all bytes until string "Zafirr" is found
# If the pipe/socket is closed, p with return EOF Error
# After 3 seconds, execution will continue, except if EOF Error occurs
p.send("<3") # Will send "<3" to 'p'
# If the pipe/socket is closed, p with return EOF Error
p.sendline("<3") # Will send "<3\n" to 'p'
# If the pipe/socket is closed, p with return EOF Error
p.sendafter("Zafirr", "<3") # Will send "<3" to 'p' IF AND ONLY IF "Zafirr" is recieved first
# If the pipe/socket is closed, p with return EOF Error
p.sendlineafter("Zafirr", "<3") # Will send "<3\n" to 'p' IF AND ONLY IF "Zafirr" is recieved first
# If the pipe/socket is closed, p with return EOF Error
p.interactive() # Will dup pipe/socket fd's to /dev/tty
# Will run even is p is closed
p.close() # Closes 'p'
p32(0x1) # Equivalent to struct.pack("<I", 0x1)
# Packs number to little endien equivalent
# Returns 4 bytes long string
p64(0x1) # Equivalent to struct.pack("<Q", 0x1)
# Packs number to little endien equivalent
# Returns 8 bytes long string
u32('asdf') # Equivalent to struct.unpack("<I", 'asdf')
# Unpacks string to integer equivalent
# Must be 4 bytes long
u64('asdfasdf') # Equivalent to struct.unpack("<Q", 'asdfasdf')
# Unpacks string to long integer equivalent
# Must be 8 bytes long
# Important
context.arch = 'i386' # Sets architecture context to 32-bit
# Important
context.arch = 'amd64' # Sets architecture context to 64-bit
# etc
shellcode = 'mov eax, 0'
asm(shellcode) # Assembles assembly language into machine language
disasm('\x58') # Disassembles machine language into assembly language
# Happy Pwning :)
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