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Last active January 10, 2024 05:34
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Switching not working

vi ~/.bash_profile
#to find the file
#grep -s valet  ~/.* | grep -v ".bash_history" 

#and probably not do the following
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/valet-php@7.2/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/valet-php@7.2/sbin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
#opening new terminal shell helps

Switching failing due to extension

Module 'apcu' already loaded in Unknown on line

Remove all the extension lines on top except xdebug


Unable to determine linked PHP

brew link valet-php@7.2 --force
#brew unlink valet-php@5.6 && brew link --force valet-php@5.6
#newer version --force is not always required

initial setup issues

cd my_project_folder
valet park

vi /usr/local/etc/nginx//nginx.conf
#comment line include valet/elasticsearch.conf; (as last resort can delete it)

version specific issues

brew install valet-php@7.1
valet use 7.1

php 7.4 problem

valet use 7.4

Valet doesn't support PHP version: 7.4 (try something like 'php@7.3' instead)

valet use php@7.4
Installing php@7.4...
[php@7.4] is not installed, installing it now via Brew... 🍻
Error: php@7.4 has been disabled because it is a versioned formula!

HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_FROM_API=1 brew install php@7.4
Error: php@7.4 has been disabled because it is a versioned formula!

php 7.4 solution

brew install shivammathur/php/php@7.4
brew link php@7.4

install extension

pecl search sodium
pecl install libsodium

Extension installation issues

m4 --version
/usr/bin/m4 --version

if you get error message fix them.

APC issues

valet plus uses apc cache to cache configuration, but PHP 5.6 hard to install apcu_bc so easiet to use function_exists directly in valetplus code to work around it

exit and restarted the shell/console

dyld: Library not loaded

dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/openldap/lib/libldap-2.4.2.dylib
Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/php
Reason: image not found
Abort trap: 6

to fix

brew remove valet-php@5.6
brew install valet-php@5.6
#if error Download failed:
brew install valet-php@5.6 --build-from-source

Elastic Search No formulae found in taps

$ valet elasticsearch install
[libyaml] Installing
[elasticsearch@2.4] Installing
Warning: No available formula or cask with the name "elasticsearch@2.4". Did you mean elasticsearch or elasticsearch@6?
  ==> Searching for similarly named formulae...
  These similarly named formulae were found:
  To install one of them, run (for example):
    brew install elasticsearch
  ==> Searching for a previously deleted formula (in the last month)...
  Error: No previously deleted formula found.
  ==> Searching taps on GitHub...
  Error: No formulae found in taps.

to fix

brew tap github/bootstrap

In Brew.php line 108:

Brew was unable to install [elasticsearch@2.4].

mariadb / mysql

# to run server manually from command line to see errors
#log file
#data file
#delete following files if issue persist
#note in rare cases might be only one file

php-fpm socket issues

[crit] 97410#0: *5 connect() to unix:/Users/zain/.valet/valet.sock failed (2: No such file or directory)

#check if php-fpm running
ps aux | grep php

#change to anyother php version to see if that helps
valet use php 7.1

#try run fpm manually to see the behaviour
/usr/local/opt/valet-php@7.2/sbin/php-fpm --nodaemonize

#keep an eye on fpm log
less +F /usr/local/var/log/php-fpm.log

#list services
brew services list
#try running services manually
brew services start valet-php@7.1
brew services stop valet-php@7.1
brew services restart valet-php@7.2

#remove / fix brew
valet fix
sudo grm /usr/local/Cellar/valet-php@7.2/7.2.34_4 -rf 
ls -la /usr/local/var/homebrew/linked/ | grep -i php
rm /usr/local/var/homebrew/linked/valet-php@7.2
brew install valet-php@7.2 --build-from-source

nginx server variables

vi /usr/local/etc/nginx/valet/valet.conf

server {
    listen default_server;
    #added this to make sure server_name is passed to phpstorm, as each server can have its own mapping etc
    server_name valet-nginx;
	 vi /usr/local/etc/nginx/fastcgi_params
 fastcgi_param SERVER_NAME  $server_name;

PHP 8.1 switching

Once PHP 8.1 is properly installed via valet

composer global remove laravel/valet

brew unlink php@7.1
brew unlink php@8.1
brew link php@8.1 --force --overwrite
php -v
composer global require laravel/valet:^3.0.0

# changing to PHP 7.1
composer global remove laravel/valet
composer global remove symfony/event-dispatcher

brew unlink php@8.1
brew unlink php@7.3
brew link php@7.3 --force --overwrite
php -v
composer global require laravel/valet:^2.0.0 

php -v
valet stop php
valet restart php

nginx timeout (during xdebug)

vi /opt/homebrew/etc/nginx/fastcgi_params && valet restart nginx

proxy_send_timeout 1800s;
proxy_read_timeout 1800s;
fastcgi_send_timeout 1800s;
fastcgi_read_timeout 1800s;

(editing other locations won't help)
If issues with valet plus, you can use valet standard.
Here are some of the issues
php@7.2 has been disabled because it is deprecated upstream!
brew tap shivammathur/php
brew install shivammathur/php/php@7.2
valet use php@7.2
Investigating why FPM is not working
/usr/local/opt/php@7.2/sbin/php-fpm --nodaemonize

Valet Use

#list which paths are being used as project root
valet paths
valet links

#to use current valet directory as an additional projects directory
valet park

#use a single project in a different directory
valet link buynow
#it will make buynow.test

#a custom test domain (multiple magento website pointing to a single store)
cd  ~/.valet/Sites/
ln -s /Volumes/sensetive/sites/mage3 uk-mage3

#alternatively go to the website folder
valet link uk-mage3
#newer versions of valet have folder 

$domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
if (strpos($domain, 'uk-') === 0) {
    $_SERVER['MAGE_RUN_CODE'] = 'uk_website';
    $_SERVER['MAGE_RUN_TYPE'] = 'website';
#will need to clear cache, if still issues disable config cache entirely to test

# ngrok
# install ngrok first

valet share

#if magento or something which uses hardcoded or db base url
#change magento base url or ngrok url
#in index.php $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ='';
#cache flush

Valet files & directories

valet logs --help


#php.ini and other php configs
#php fatal errors 


ngrok http --host-header=local-custom-domain
# below seems to work better but need to understand it
ngrok http --host-header=rewrite local-custom-domain:443
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