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Created September 6, 2023 09:25
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Store to manage Meelio state
import { create } from "zustand";
import { soundCategories } from "@/config/category-data";
import { allSounds } from "@/config/sounds-data";
import { Category } from "@/types/category";
import { Combo } from "@/types/combo";
import { PomodoroStage, PomodoroTimer } from "@/types/pomodoro";
import { Sound, SoundState } from "@/types/sound";
import { MINUTE_IN_SECONDS } from "@/utils/common.utils";
import { getNextStage, getSessionCount } from "@/utils/timer.utils";
type State = {
| Holds all available sounds
sounds: Sound[];
| Holds all the sound combinations created by the user
combos: Combo[];
| Global volume for all sounds
globalVolume: number;
| Sounds that are currently paused - each number is Sound ID
pausedSounds: number[];
| Boolean value determining whether the sound oscillation feature is enabled or not
isOscillating: boolean;
| Determines which category is currently playing
activeCategoryId: Category | null;
| Enable sound shuffling
isShuffling: boolean;
| Holds the state of the sounds shared by a friend
sharedSoundState: SoundState[];
| Determines whether the editor typing sound is enabled or not
editorTypingSoundEnabled: boolean;
| Pomodoro Timer
| Timer holds the following properties:
| - running: a boolean value determining whether the timer is running or not
| - remaining: the remaining time of the timer in seconds
| - paused: a boolean value determining whether the timer is paused or not
| - sessionCount: the number of sessions completed
| - stageSeconds: an array of the number of seconds for each stage
| - activeStage: the current stage of the timer
| - autoStartBreaks: a boolean value determining whether breaks should be auto-started
| - longBreakInterval: the number of sessions before a long break
| - completed: a boolean value determining whether all sessions for the pomodoro timer has completed or not
timer: PomodoroTimer;
| Adjusts the volume of a specific sound, either within a combo or in the sounds array
setVolumeForSound: (id: number, volume: number, comboId?: string) => void;
| Sets the global volume
setGlobalVolume: (volume: number) => void;
| Starts playing a sound
playSound: (id: number) => void;
| Pauses a sound
pauseSound: (id: number) => void;
| Toggles the playing state of a sound
toggleSoundState: (id: number) => void;
| Pauses all currently playing sounds
pausePlayingSounds: () => void;
| Resumes all currently paused sounds
resumePausedSounds: () => void;
| Plays all sounds within a given category
playCategory: (category: Category) => void;
| Generates and plays a new random combination of sounds
playRandom: () => void;
| Toggles the oscillation state
toggleOscillation: () => void;
| Deletes a sound combo
deleteCombo: (id: string) => void;
| Plays a specific sound combo
playCombo: (id: string) => void;
| Adds a new sound combo
addCombo: (comboSound: Combo) => void;
| Shuffle Sounds
| This function enables sound shuffle
| pausing currently playing sounds gradually & playing new sounds in their place.
toggleShuffle: () => void;
| Plays sound shared by a friend
playSharedSound: (soundState: SoundState[]) => void;
| Sets sounds to playing state when shared by a friend
setSharedSoundState: (sharedSoundState: SoundState[]) => void;
| Starts the timer
startTimer: () => void;
| Updates the timer
updateTimer: (remaining: number) => void;
| Pauses the timer
pauseTimer: () => void;
| Resumes the timer
resumeTimer: () => void;
| Resets the timer
resetTimer: () => void;
| Next Stage
nextStage: () => void;
| Advance Timer
advanceTimer: () => void;
| Marks a session in pomodoro as completed
sessionCompleted: () => void;
| Toggles Auto Start Breaks
toggleAutoStartBreaks: () => void;
| Sets the global timer duration
setTimerDuration: (duration: number) => void;
| Resets the state to its initial values
reset: () => void;
export const useMeelioStore = create<State>((set) => ({
sounds: allSounds,
globalVolume: 1,
pausedSounds: [],
isOscillating: false,
combos: [],
activeCategoryId: null,
isShuffling: false,
sharedSoundState: [],
editorTypingSoundEnabled: true,
timer: {
activeStage: PomodoroStage.WorkTime,
running: false,
paused: false,
autoStartBreaks: false,
remaining: 1 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS, // Initial timer duration in seconds
sessionCount: 0,
stageSeconds: [
1 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS, // work time
0.5 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS, // short break
0.75 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS, // long break
longBreakInterval: 4,
completed: false,
| Sound Combinations State
| Adjusts the volume of a sound. If a comboId is provided, the volume of the
| sound in the combo is adjusted. Otherwise, the volume of the sound in the
| sounds array is adjusted.
setVolumeForSound: (id, volume, comboId) =>
set((state) => {
if (comboId) {
// if a comboId is provided, adjust the volume of the sound in the combo
return {
combos: => === comboId
? {
sounds: => === id ? { ...sound, volume } : sound
: combo
} else {
// if no comboId is provided, adjust the volume of the sound in the sounds array
return {
sounds: => === id ? { ...sound, volume } : sound
| Individual Sounds State
| These functions are used to adjust the state of individual sounds. They
| are used when the user clicks on a sound button.
| `playSound` starts playing a sound with the specified ID.
| `pauseSound` pauses a sound with the specified ID.
| `toggleSoundState` toggles the playing state of a sound with the specified ID.
| @param {number} id - The ID of the sound to be played/paused/toggled
playSound: (id) =>
set((state) => ({
sounds: => === id ? { ...sound, playing: true } : sound
pauseSound: (id) =>
set((state) => ({
sounds: => === id ? { ...sound, playing: false } : sound
toggleSoundState: (id) =>
set((state) => ({
sounds: => === id ? { ...sound, playing: !sound.playing } : sound
| Global Volume
| Sets the global volume for all sounds. It is used when the
| user adjusts the global volume slider. The global volume is then
| multiplied by the volume of each sound to get the final volume of the
| sound.
| @param {number} volume - The new global volume value
setGlobalVolume: (volume) => set({ globalVolume: volume }),
| Pause/Resume Playing Sounds Globally
| These functions pause and resume all currently playing sounds. They are
| used when the user clicks on the pause/resume button.
| pausePlayingSounds pauses all currently playing sounds and stores their
| IDs in the pausedSounds array. resumePausedSounds resumes all sounds
| whose IDs are stored in the pausedSounds array.
pausePlayingSounds: () =>
set((state) => {
const playingSounds = state.sounds.filter((sound) => sound.playing);
return {
sounds: =>
sound.playing ? { ...sound, playing: false } : sound
pausedSounds: =>,
isShuffling: false,
resumePausedSounds: () =>
set((state) => ({
sounds: =>
? { ...sound, playing: true }
: sound
pausedSounds: [],
| Play Category
| This function plays all sounds within a given category. It is used when
| the user clicks on a category button. It also stops all currently playing
| sounds if any are playing.
| @param {string} id - The ID of the category to play
playCategory: (id: Category) =>
set((state) => {
const selectedCategory = Object.keys(Category).find(
(category) => Category[category as keyof typeof Category] === id
if (!selectedCategory) {
// If the category is not found, return the current state
return state;
// Check if any sound is playing
const isAnySoundPlaying = state.sounds.some((sound) => sound.playing);
if (isAnySoundPlaying && state.activeCategoryId === selectedCategory) {
// If any sound is playing, stop all sounds
const soundsStopped = => {
sound.playing = false;
return sound;
return {
sounds: soundsStopped,
activeCategoryId: null,
} else {
const selectedSounds = soundCategories[selectedCategory as Category];
const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * selectedSounds.length);
const selectedCategoryCombo = selectedSounds[randomIndex]!;
const newSounds = => {
// Stop playing sounds that are not part of the selected category
if (!selectedCategoryCombo.includes( {
sound.playing = false;
} else {
// Toggle the sound for the selected category
sound.playing = !sound.playing;
return sound;
return {
sounds: newSounds,
activeCategoryId: selectedCategory as Category,
| Play Random Sounds
| This function generates a new combination of random sounds and plays them.
| It also stops all currently playing sounds if any are playing.
| Only plays between 2 and 4 sounds at a time.
playRandom: () =>
set((state) => {
const randomCategoryId = Category.Random;
// Check if any sound is playing
const isAnySoundPlaying = state.sounds.some((sound) => sound.playing);
if (isAnySoundPlaying && state.activeCategoryId === randomCategoryId) {
// If any sound is playing, stop all sounds
const soundsStopped = => {
sound.playing = false;
return sound;
return {
sounds: soundsStopped,
activeCategoryId: null,
} else {
// If no sound is playing, generate a new combination of random sounds
const randomCombo: number[] = [];
// Shuffle between sound counts i.e 2, 3, 4
const soundCount = Math.floor(Math.random() * (4 - 2 + 1)) + 2;
for (let i = 0; i < soundCount; i++) {
const randomSound =
state.sounds[Math.floor(Math.random() * state.sounds.length)]!;
const newSounds = => {
// Stop playing sounds that are not part of the random category
if (randomCombo.includes( {
sound.playing = true;
} else {
// Toggle the sound for the generated random combo
sound.playing = false;
return sound;
return {
sounds: newSounds,
activeCategoryId: Category.Random,
| Oscillation
| Oscillation is a feature that allows the volume of a sound to change
| over time. This is done by changing the volume of the sound in small
| increments over a period of time.
toggleOscillation: () =>
set((state) => {
return { isOscillating: !state.isOscillating };
| Sound Combinations or Combos
| This section contains all the actions related to sound combos
| Sound combos are a collection of sounds that can be played together
| Combo actions include adding, deleting and playing a combo
| `addCombo` adds a new sound combination to the combos array.
| `deleteCombo` deletes a sound combination from the combos array.
| `playCombo` plays a sound combination with the specified ID.
addCombo: (combo) =>
set((state) => {
const newCombo = {
sounds: => ({ ...sound, volume: 1 })),
return { combos: [...state.combos, newCombo] };
deleteCombo: (id) =>
set((state) => ({
combos: state.combos.filter((combo) => !== id),
playCombo: (id) =>
set((state) => {
const combo = state.combos.find((combo) => === id);
if (combo) {
const soundsStopped = => {
sound.playing = false;
return sound;
const sounds = => {
const comboSound = combo.sounds.find((s) => ===;
if (comboSound) {
return { ...sound, playing: true, volume: comboSound.volume };
} else {
return { ...sound, playing: false };
return { sounds };
return state;
| Shuffle Sounds
| This function shuffles currently playing sounds. It gradually increases
| volume for three randomly chosen sounds, then decreases the volume of
| previously playing sounds to zero and pauses them.
toggleShuffle: () =>
set((state) => {
return { isShuffling: !state.isShuffling };
| Play shared link state
playSharedSound: (soundState) =>
set((state) => ({
sounds: => {
const newSound = soundState.find((s) => ===;
if (newSound) {
return { ...sound, playing: true };
return { ...sound, playing: false };
| Set Shared Link State
setSharedSoundState: (sharedSoundState) => set({ sharedSoundState }),
| Start Timer
| This function starts a timer that plays a sound after a specified interval
| The timer is cleared when the user pauses or resets the timer
startTimer: () =>
set((state) => {
// Check if the timer is already running or completed
if (state.timer.running) {
return state;
return {
timer: {
running: true,
remaining: state.timer.stageSeconds[state.timer.activeStage],
| Pause Timer
| This function pauses the timer, clearing the interval and setting the
| running state to false
pauseTimer: () =>
set((state) => {
// Check if the timer is running
if (state.timer.running) {
return {
timer: {
running: false,
paused: true,
return state;
| Resumes Timer
| This function resumes the timer, setting the running state to true
resumeTimer: () =>
set((state) => {
// Check if the timer is paused
if (state.timer.paused) {
return {
timer: {
running: true,
paused: false,
return state;
| Set Global Timer Duration
| This function sets the timer duration and remaining time
setTimerDuration: (duration: number) =>
set((state) => ({
timer: {
remaining: duration,
| Next Stage
| This function starts the next stage of the timer if autoStartBreaks is
| enabled and the next stage is a break stage (short or long)
nextStage: () =>
set((state) => {
const { activeStage, stageSeconds, sessionCount, longBreakInterval } =
const nextStage = getNextStage(
const nextStageSeconds = stageSeconds[nextStage];
return {
timer: {
activeStage: nextStage,
remaining: nextStageSeconds,
running: false,
paused: true,
| Timer Completed
| This function sets the timer completed state to true
sessionCompleted: () =>
set((state) => {
return {
timer: {
sessionCount: 0,
running: false,
completed: true,
| Advance Timer
| This function advances the timer to the next stage, either a break or
| work stage. It also increments the session count and determines if a
| long break is due based on the long break interval setting and the
| current session count.
advanceTimer: () =>
set((state) => {
const {
} = state.timer;
const newSessionCount = getSessionCount(activeStage, sessionCount);
const nextStage = getNextStage(
const nextStageSeconds = stageSeconds[nextStage];
// Automatically start the next stage
const shouldAutoStart = autoStartBreaks && !state.timer.completed;
return {
timer: {
running: shouldAutoStart,
paused: false,
activeStage: nextStage,
remaining: nextStageSeconds,
sessionCount: newSessionCount,
autoStartBreaks: shouldAutoStart,
| Toggle Auto Start Breaks
| This function toggles the auto start breaks setting on the timer
toggleAutoStartBreaks: () =>
set((state) => ({
timer: {
autoStartBreaks: !state.timer.autoStartBreaks,
| Update Timer
| This function updates the remaining time on the timer
updateTimer: (remaining: number) =>
set((state) => ({
timer: {
remaining: remaining,
| Reset Timer
| This function resets the timer, clearing the interval and setting the
| remaining time to the duration
resetTimer: () =>
set((state) => ({
timer: {
running: false,
paused: false,
activeStage: PomodoroStage.WorkTime,
remaining: state.timer.stageSeconds[PomodoroStage.WorkTime],
| Reset or Clear State
| This section contains all the actions related to resetting or clearing the state
| Resetting the state will set all sounds to their default values
reset: () =>
sounds: => ({
volume: 0.5,
playing: false,
pausedSounds: [],
isOscillating: false,
activeCategoryId: null,
isShuffling: false,
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