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Created February 5, 2017 18:54
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Convert RST to Markdown using Pandoc
for f in $FILES
echo "Converting $f to $"
`pandoc $f -f rst -t markdown -o $`
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Great share - many thanks!

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juddlyon commented Aug 9, 2019

Thank you!

Here's what I ended up with in case it helps anybody.

# recursively find and convert RST to MD
find . -name '*.rst' -exec pandoc {} -f rst -t markdown -o {}.md \;
# rename extensions to just .md
find . -name '*' -exec rename "s/" {} \;

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When I run this I get "open binary file does not exist". help?

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Calinou commented Mar 14, 2020

@rachrobts Try this one-liner instead:

# Non-recursively
for rst in *.rst; do pandoc "$rst" -f rst -t markdown -o "${rst%.*}.md"; done

# Recursively (if your shell supports double-star globs)
for rst in **/*.rst; do pandoc "$rst" -f rst -t markdown -o "${rst%.*}.md"; done

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gbrlb commented Oct 29, 2021

@rachrobts Try this one-liner instead:

# Non-recursively
for rst in *.rst; do pandoc "$rst" -f rst -t markdown -o "${rst%.*}.md"; done

# Recursively (if your shell supports double-star globs)
for rst in **/*.rst; do pandoc "$rst" -f rst -t markdown -o "${rst%.*}.md"; done


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z-br commented Nov 28, 2022

This doesn't seem to be working for me properly. I have this input:

.. literalinclude:: _output_sensor_flic.json
    :language: json

And I get this output:

::: {.literalinclude language="json" linenos=""}

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