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Last active December 20, 2015 03:29
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  • Save zakame/6063995 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save zakame/6063995 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Just some spike for me to pick up a few skills at once (Amon2::Lite, HTML5, Bootstrap, ParsleyJS, and Post/Redirect/Get)
"modules" : {
"Amon2" : {
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"mymeta" : {
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"author" : [
"Tokuhiro Matsuno <>"
"dynamic_config" : 0,
"generated_by" : "Minilla/v0.4.9, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.131560",
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"Amon2::Declare" : {
"file" : "lib/Amon2/"
"Amon2::Plugin::Web::CSRFDefender" : {
"file" : "lib/Amon2/Plugin/Web/"
"Amon2::Plugin::Web::FillInFormLite" : {
"file" : "lib/Amon2/Plugin/Web/"
"Amon2::Plugin::Web::HTTPSession" : {
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"Amon2::Plugin::Web::JSON" : {
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"Amon2::Plugin::Web::NoCache" : {
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"Amon2::Plugin::Web::PlackSession" : {
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"Amon2::Plugin::Web::Streaming" : {
"file" : "lib/Amon2/Plugin/Web/"
"Amon2::Plugin::Web::Streaming::Writer" : {
"file" : "lib/Amon2/Plugin/Web/"
"Amon2::Plugin::Web::WebSocket" : {
"file" : "lib/Amon2/Plugin/Web/"
"Amon2::Setup::Asset::Blueprint" : {
"file" : "lib/Amon2/Setup/Asset/"
"Amon2::Setup::Asset::Bootstrap" : {
"file" : "lib/Amon2/Setup/Asset/"
"Amon2::Setup::Asset::ES5Shim" : {
"file" : "lib/Amon2/Setup/Asset/"
"Amon2::Setup::Asset::MicroDispatcherJS" : {
"file" : "lib/Amon2/Setup/Asset/"
"Amon2::Setup::Asset::MicroLocationJS" : {
"file" : "lib/Amon2/Setup/Asset/"
"Amon2::Setup::Asset::MicroTemplateJS" : {
"file" : "lib/Amon2/Setup/Asset/"
"Amon2::Setup::Asset::SprintfJS" : {
"file" : "lib/Amon2/Setup/Asset/"
"Amon2::Setup::Asset::StrftimeJS" : {
"file" : "lib/Amon2/Setup/Asset/"
"Amon2::Setup::Asset::jQuery" : {
"file" : "lib/Amon2/Setup/Asset/"
"Amon2::Setup::Flavor" : {
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"Amon2::Setup::Flavor::Basic" : {
"file" : "lib/Amon2/Setup/Flavor/",
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"Amon2::Setup::Flavor::Minimum" : {
"file" : "lib/Amon2/Setup/Flavor/",
"version" : "3.85"
"Amon2::Setup::VC::Git" : {
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"Amon2::Trigger" : {
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"Amon2::Util" : {
"file" : "lib/Amon2/"
"Amon2::Web" : {
"file" : "lib/Amon2/"
"Amon2::Web::Dispatcher::Lite" : {
"file" : "lib/Amon2/Web/Dispatcher/"
"Amon2::Web::Dispatcher::RouterSimple" : {
"file" : "lib/Amon2/Web/Dispatcher/"
"Amon2::Web::Request" : {
"file" : "lib/Amon2/Web/"
"Amon2::Web::Response" : {
"file" : "lib/Amon2/Web/"
"Amon2::Web::Response::Callback" : {
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"Amon2::Web::WebSocket" : {
"file" : "lib/Amon2/Web/"
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"noblejasper <>",
"hiratara <>",
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"Kentaro Kuribayashi <>",
"Yuki Ibe <>",
"mattn <>",
"Masahiro Nagano <>",
"rightgo09 <>",
"karupanerura <>",
"hatyuki <>",
"Keiji, Yoshimi <>",
"Nishibayashi Takuji <>",
"dragon3 <>",
"Fuji, Goro <>",
"issm <>",
"hisaichi5518 <>",
"Adrian <>",
"Syohei YOSHIDA <>"
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"Amon2::Plugin::Web::Streaming" : {
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"Amon2::Plugin::Web::WebSocket" : {
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"Amon2::Setup::Asset::Bootstrap" : {
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"Amon2::Setup::Asset::ES5Shim" : {
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"Amon2::Setup::Asset::MicroDispatcherJS" : {
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"Amon2::Setup::Asset::MicroLocationJS" : {
"file" : "Amon2/Setup/Asset/"
"Amon2::Setup::Asset::MicroTemplateJS" : {
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"Amon2::Setup::Asset::SprintfJS" : {
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"Amon2::Setup::Flavor::Minimum" : {
"file" : "Amon2/Setup/Flavor/",
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"Amon2::Setup::VC::Git" : {
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"Amon2::Trigger" : {
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"Amon2::Util" : {
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"Amon2::Web::Response" : {
"file" : "Amon2/Web/"
"Amon2::Web::Response::Callback" : {
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"Amon2::Web::WebSocket" : {
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"Amon2::Lite" : {
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"Tokuhiro Matsuno E<lt>tokuhirom AAJKLFJEF@ GMAIL COME<gt>"
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"file" : "lib/Amon2/Setup/Flavor/",
"version" : "0.01"
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"Apache::LogFormat::Compiler" : {
"dist" : "Apache-LogFormat-Compiler-0.13",
"mymeta" : {
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"Masahiro Nagano <>"
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"provides" : {
"Apache::LogFormat::Compiler" : {
"file" : "Apache/LogFormat/",
"version" : "0.13"
"target" : "Apache::LogFormat::Compiler",
"version" : "0.13"
"Class::Accessor::Lite" : {
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"mymeta" : {
"abstract" : "a minimalistic variant of Class::Accessor",
"author" : [
"Copyright (C) 2008 - 2010 Kazuho Oku"
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"Tokuhiro Matsuno"
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"Data::MessagePack::PP" : {
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"Data::Section::Simple" : {
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"Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <>"
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"Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <>",
"tokuhirom <>"
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"provides" : {
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"version" : "0.05"
"Devel::StackTrace" : {
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"author" : [
"Dave Rolsky <>"
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"Devel::StackTrace" : {
"file" : "Devel/",
"version" : "1.30"
"Devel::StackTrace::Frame" : {
"file" : "Devel/StackTrace/",
"version" : "1.30"
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"version" : "1.30"
"Devel::StackTrace::AsHTML" : {
"dist" : "Devel-StackTrace-AsHTML-0.14",
"mymeta" : {
"abstract" : "Displays stack trace in HTML",
"author" : [
"Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <>"
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"Devel::StackTrace::AsHTML" : {
"file" : "Devel/StackTrace/",
"version" : "0.14"
"target" : "Devel::StackTrace::AsHTML",
"version" : "0.14"
"Digest::HMAC" : {
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"mymeta" : {
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"Gisle Aas <>"
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"version" : "1.03"
"Digest::HMAC_MD5" : {
"file" : "Digest/",
"version" : "1.01"
"Digest::HMAC_SHA1" : {
"file" : "Digest/",
"version" : "1.03"
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"version" : "1.03"
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"mymeta" : {
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"author" : [
"Gisle Aas <>"
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"version" : "2.13"
"target" : "Digest::SHA1",
"version" : "2.13"
"Encode::Locale" : {
"dist" : "Encode-Locale-1.03",
"mymeta" : {
"abstract" : "Determine the locale encoding",
"author" : [
"Gisle Aas <>"
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"version" : "1.03"
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"version" : "1.03"
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"mymeta" : {
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"author" : [
"Ken Williams <>",
"Leon Timmermans <>"
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"ExtUtils::Helpers" : {
"dist" : "ExtUtils-Helpers-0.021",
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"author" : [
"Ken Williams <>",
"Leon Timmermans <>"
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"file" : "ExtUtils/",
"version" : "0.021"
"ExtUtils::Helpers::Unix" : {
"file" : "ExtUtils/Helpers/",
"version" : "0.021"
"ExtUtils::Helpers::VMS" : {
"file" : "ExtUtils/Helpers/",
"version" : "0.021"
"ExtUtils::Helpers::Windows" : {
"file" : "ExtUtils/Helpers/",
"version" : "0.021"
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"version" : "0.021"
"ExtUtils::InstallPaths" : {
"dist" : "ExtUtils-InstallPaths-0.009",
"mymeta" : {
"abstract" : "Build.PL install path logic made easy",
"author" : [
"Ken Williams <>",
"Leon Timmermans <>"
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"license" : [
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"Test::More" : "0"
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"File::Find" : "0",
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"Test::More" : "0"
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"file" : "ExtUtils/",
"version" : "0.009"
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"version" : "0.009"
"ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : {
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"author" : [
"Michael G Schwern <>"
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"ExtUtils::Command::MM" : {
"file" : "ExtUtils/Command/",
"version" : "6.70"
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"version" : "6.70"
"ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid" : {
"file" : "ExtUtils/Liblist/",
"version" : "6.70"
"ExtUtils::MM" : {
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"ExtUtils::MM_AIX" : {
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"ExtUtils::MM_Any" : {
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"ExtUtils::MM_BeOS" : {
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"version" : "6.70"
"ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin" : {
"file" : "ExtUtils/",
"version" : "6.70"
"ExtUtils::MM_DOS" : {
"file" : "ExtUtils/",
"version" : "6.70"
"ExtUtils::MM_Darwin" : {
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"version" : "6.70"
"ExtUtils::MM_MacOS" : {
"file" : "ExtUtils/",
"version" : "6.70"
"ExtUtils::MM_NW5" : {
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"ExtUtils::MM_OS2" : {
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"file" : "ExtUtils/",
"version" : "6.70"
"ExtUtils::MM_UWIN" : {
"file" : "ExtUtils/",
"version" : "6.70"
"ExtUtils::MM_Unix" : {
"file" : "ExtUtils/",
"version" : "6.70"
"ExtUtils::MM_VMS" : {
"file" : "ExtUtils/",
"version" : "6.70"
"ExtUtils::MM_VOS" : {
"file" : "ExtUtils/",
"version" : "6.70"
"ExtUtils::MM_Win32" : {
"file" : "ExtUtils/",
"version" : "6.70"
"ExtUtils::MM_Win95" : {
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"version" : "6.70"
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"version" : "6.70"
"ExtUtils::Mksymlists" : {
"file" : "ExtUtils/",
"version" : "6.70"
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"file" : "ExtUtils/",
"version" : "6.70"
"MM" : {
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"MY" : {
"file" : "ExtUtils/"
"target" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker",
"version" : "6.70"
"File::Copy::Recursive" : {
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"mymeta" : {
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"author" : [
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"name" : "File::Copy::Recursive",
"pathname" : "D/DM/DMUEY/File-Copy-Recursive-0.38.tar.gz",
"provides" : {
"File::Copy::Recursive" : {
"file" : "File/Copy/",
"version" : "0.38"
"target" : "File::Copy::Recursive",
"version" : "0.38"
"File::ShareDir" : {
"dist" : "File-ShareDir-1.03",
"mymeta" : {
"abstract" : "Locate per-dist and per-module shared files",
"author" : [
"Adam Kennedy <>"
"dynamic_config" : 0,
"generated_by" : "Module::Install version 1.00, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.131560",
"license" : [
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"url" : "",
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"no_index" : {
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"Test::More" : "0.47"
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"ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "6.42"
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"Class::Inspector" : "1.12",
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"pathname" : "A/AD/ADAMK/File-ShareDir-1.03.tar.gz",
"provides" : {
"File::ShareDir" : {
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"version" : "1.03"
"target" : "File::ShareDir",
"version" : "1.03"
"File::ShareDir::Install" : {
"dist" : "File-ShareDir-Install-0.04",
"mymeta" : {
"abstract" : "Install shared files",
"author" : [
"Philip Gwyn <>"
"dynamic_config" : 0,
"generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.56, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.131560",
"license" : [
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"requires" : {
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"IO::Dir" : "0"
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"name" : "File::ShareDir::Install",
"pathname" : "G/GW/GWYN/File-ShareDir-Install-0.04.tar.gz",
"provides" : {
"File::ShareDir::Install" : {
"file" : "File/ShareDir/",
"version" : "0.04"
"target" : "File::ShareDir::Install",
"version" : "0.04"
"Filesys::Notify::Simple" : {
"dist" : "Filesys-Notify-Simple-0.12",
"mymeta" : {
"abstract" : "Simple and dumb file system watcher",
"author" : [
"Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <>"
"dynamic_config" : 0,
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"license" : [
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"x_contributors" : [
"Chia-liang Kao <>",
"Christiaan Kras <>",
"Kent Fredric <>",
"Kenta Sato <>",
"Masahiro Chiba <>",
"Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <>",
"Yasutaka ATARASHI <>"
"name" : "Filesys::Notify::Simple",
"pathname" : "M/MI/MIYAGAWA/Filesys-Notify-Simple-0.12.tar.gz",
"provides" : {
"Filesys::Notify::Simple" : {
"file" : "Filesys/Notify/",
"version" : "0.12"
"target" : "Filesys::Notify::Simple",
"version" : "0.12"
"HTTP::Body" : {
"dist" : "HTTP-Body-1.17",
"mymeta" : {
"abstract" : "HTTP Body Parser",
"author" : [
"Christian Hansen, C<>",
"Sebastian Riedel, C<>",
"Andy Grundman, C<>",
"Torsten Raudssus, C<>"
"dynamic_config" : 0,
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"license" : [
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"version" : "2"
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"Test::More" : "0.86"
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"version" : "1.17"
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"file" : "HTTP/Body/",
"version" : "1.17"
"HTTP::Body::OctetStream" : {
"file" : "HTTP/Body/",
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"HTTP::Body::UrlEncoded" : {
"file" : "HTTP/Body/",
"version" : "1.17"
"HTTP::Body::XForms" : {
"file" : "HTTP/Body/",
"version" : "1.17"
"HTTP::Body::XFormsMultipart" : {
"file" : "HTTP/Body/",
"version" : "1.17"
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"version" : "1.17"
"HTTP::Date" : {
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"mymeta" : {
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"author" : [
"Gisle Aas <>"
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"generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.57_05, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.131560",
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"version" : "6.02"
"HTTP::Message" : {
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"Gisle Aas <>"
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"version" : "6.00"
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"version" : "6.05"
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"version" : "6.00"
"HTTP::Headers::ETag" : {
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"version" : "6.00"
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"version" : "6.06"
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"version" : "6.00"
"HTTP::Request::Common" : {
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"author" : [
"Christian Hansen <>",
"David Golden <>"
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"Alessandro Ghedini <>",
"Brad Gilbert <>",
"Chris Nehren <>",
"Chris Weyl <>",
"Claes Jakobsson <>",
"Craig Berry <>",
"David Mitchell <>",
"Edward Zborowski <>",
"Jess Robinson <>",
"Lukas Eklund <>",
"Martin-Louis Bright <>",
"Mike Doherty <>",
"Serguei Trouchelle <>",
"Syohei YOSHIDA <>",
"Tony Cook <>"
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"pathname" : "D/DA/DAGOLDEN/HTTP-Tiny-0.034.tar.gz",
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"Hash::MultiValue" : {
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"Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <>"
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"Hans Dieter Pearcey <>",
"Peter Rabbitson <>",
"Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <>",
"chansen <>"
"name" : "Hash::MultiValue",
"pathname" : "M/MI/MIYAGAWA/Hash-MultiValue-0.15.tar.gz",
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"Christopher J. Madsen <>"
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"Gisle Aas <>"
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"mymeta" : {
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"author" : [
"Brandon L. Black, <>"
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"author" : [
"Leon Timmermans <>",
"David Golden <>"
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"provides" : {
"Module::Build::Tiny" : {
"file" : "Module/Build/",
"version" : "0.025"
"target" : "Module::Build::Tiny",
"version" : "0.025"
"Mouse" : {
"dist" : "Mouse-1.11",
"mymeta" : {
"abstract" : "Moose minus the antlers",
"author" : [
"Shawn M Moore <sartak at>"
"dynamic_config" : 0,
"generated_by" : "Module::Install version 1.06, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.131560",
"license" : [
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"version" : "2"
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"ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "6.59",
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"provides" : {
"Mouse" : {
"file" : "",
"version" : "1.11"
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"file" : "Mouse/"
"Mouse::Meta::Attribute" : {
"file" : "Mouse/Meta/"
"Mouse::Meta::Class" : {
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"Mouse::Meta::Method" : {
"file" : "Mouse/Meta/"
"Mouse::Meta::Method::Accessor" : {
"file" : "Mouse/Meta/Method/"
"Mouse::Meta::Method::Constructor" : {
"file" : "Mouse/Meta/Method/"
"Mouse::Meta::Method::Delegation" : {
"file" : "Mouse/Meta/Method/"
"Mouse::Meta::Method::Destructor" : {
"file" : "Mouse/Meta/Method/"
"Mouse::Meta::Module" : {
"file" : "Mouse/Meta/"
"Mouse::Meta::Role" : {
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"Mouse::Meta::Role::Application" : {
"file" : "Mouse/Meta/Role/"
"Mouse::Meta::Role::Application::RoleSummation" : {
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"Mouse::Meta::Role::Composite" : {
"file" : "Mouse/Meta/Role/"
"Mouse::Meta::Role::Method" : {
"file" : "Mouse/Meta/Role/"
"Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint" : {
"file" : "Mouse/Meta/"
"Mouse::Object" : {
"file" : "Mouse/"
"Mouse::PurePerl" : {
"file" : "Mouse/"
"Mouse::Role" : {
"file" : "Mouse/",
"version" : "1.11"
"Mouse::Spec" : {
"file" : "Mouse/",
"version" : "1.11"
"Mouse::Tiny" : {
"file" : "Mouse/",
"version" : "1.11"
"Mouse::TypeRegistry" : {
"file" : "Mouse/"
"Mouse::Util" : {
"file" : "Mouse/",
"version" : "1.11"
"Mouse::Util::MetaRole" : {
"file" : "Mouse/Util/"
"Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints" : {
"file" : "Mouse/Util/"
"Squirrel" : {
"file" : ""
"Squirrel::Role" : {
"file" : "Squirrel/"
"Test::Mouse" : {
"file" : "Test/"
"ouse" : {
"file" : ""
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"version" : "1.11"
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"mymeta" : {
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"author" : [
"Tatsuhiko Miyagawa"
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"HTTP::Tiny" : "0.024",
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"Pod::Usage" : "1.36",
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"FCGI::ProcManager" : "0",
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"IO::Handle::Util" : "0",
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"MIME::Types" : "0"
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"x_authority" : "cpan:MIYAGAWA",
"x_contributors" : [
"Aaron Trevena <>",
"Alex J. G. Burzyński <>",
"Alexandr Ciornii <>",
"Andrew Rodland <>",
"Andy Wardley <>",
"Aristotle Pagaltzis <>",
"Ask Bjørn Hansen <>",
"Bernhard Graf <>",
"Chia-liang Kao <>",
"Christian Walde <>",
"Cosimo Streppone <>",
"Daisuke Maki <>",
"Daisuke Murase <>",
"Dave Rolsky <>",
"David E. Wheeler <>",
"David Steinbrunner <dsteinbrunner@MountainBook-Pro.local>",
"Eduardo Arino de la Rubia <>",
"Florian Ragwitz <>",
"Graham Knop <>",
"Grant McLean <>",
"HIROSE Masaaki <>",
"Hans Dieter Pearcey <>",
"Henry Baragar <Henry.Baragar@Instantiated.Ca>",
"Hiroshi Sakai <>",
"Jay Hannah <>",
"Jesse Luehrs <>",
"Jiro Nishiguchi <>",
"Johannes Plunien <>",
"John Beppu <>",
"John Napiorkowski <>",
"Jonathan Swartz <>",
"Justin Davis <>",
"Kang-min Liu <>",
"Karen Etheridge <>",
"Kazuho Oku <>",
"Keedi Kim <>",
"Lee Aylward <>",
"Leo Lapworth <>",
"Marian Schubert <>",
"Mark Fowler <>",
"Mark Stosberg <>",
"Masahiro Chiba <>",
"Masahiro Nagano <>",
"Michael G. Schwern <>",
"Nick Wellnhofer <>",
"Nobuo Danjou <>",
"Oliver Gorwits <>",
"Oliver Paukstadt <>",
"Olivier Mengué <>",
"Panu Ervamaa <>",
"Paul Driver <>",
"Pedro Melo <>",
"Peter Flanigan <>",
"Peter Makholm <>",
"Piotr Roszatycki <>",
"Rafael Kitover <>",
"Randy Stauner <>",
"Ray Miller <>",
"Ricky Morse <>",
"Rob Hoelz <>",
"Ryo Miyake <>",
"Scott S. McCoy <>",
"Shawn M Moore <>",
"Stephen Clouse <>",
"Stevan Little <>",
"Stuart A Johnston <>",
"Takeshi OKURA <>",
"Tokuhiro Matsuno <>",
"Tom Heady <>",
"Tomas Doran <>",
"Wallace Reis <>",
"Yann Kerherve <>",
"Yury Zavarin <>",
"Yuval Kogman <>",
"chansen <>",
"cho45 <>",
"chromatic <>",
"fREW Schmidt <>",
"fayland <>",
"franck cuny <>",
"hiratara <>",
"kakuno <>",
"leedo <>",
"mala <>",
"osfameron <>",
"punytan <>",
"vti <>",
"xaicron <>",
"yappo <>",
"Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason <>",
"唐鳳 <>"
"name" : "Plack",
"pathname" : "M/MI/MIYAGAWA/Plack-1.0028.tar.gz",
"provides" : {
"HTTP::Message::PSGI" : {
"file" : "HTTP/Message/"
"HTTP::Server::PSGI" : {
"file" : "HTTP/Server/"
"Plack" : {
"file" : "",
"version" : "1.0028"
"Plack::App::CGIBin" : {
"file" : "Plack/App/"
"Plack::App::Cascade" : {
"file" : "Plack/App/"
"Plack::App::Directory" : {
"file" : "Plack/App/"
"Plack::App::File" : {
"file" : "Plack/App/"
"Plack::App::PSGIBin" : {
"file" : "Plack/App/"
"Plack::App::URLMap" : {
"file" : "Plack/App/"
"Plack::App::WrapCGI" : {
"file" : "Plack/App/"
"Plack::Builder" : {
"file" : "Plack/"
"Plack::Component" : {
"file" : "Plack/"
"Plack::HTTPParser" : {
"file" : "Plack/"
"Plack::HTTPParser::PP" : {
"file" : "Plack/HTTPParser/"
"Plack::Handler" : {
"file" : "Plack/"
"Plack::Handler::Apache1" : {
"file" : "Plack/Handler/"
"Plack::Handler::Apache2" : {
"file" : "Plack/Handler/"
"Plack::Handler::Apache2::Registry" : {
"file" : "Plack/Handler/Apache2/"
"Plack::Handler::CGI" : {
"file" : "Plack/Handler/"
"Plack::Handler::CGI::Writer" : {
"file" : "Plack/Handler/"
"Plack::Handler::FCGI" : {
"file" : "Plack/Handler/"
"Plack::Handler::HTTP::Server::PSGI" : {
"file" : "Plack/Handler/HTTP/Server/"
"Plack::Handler::HTTP::Server::Simple" : {
"file" : "Plack/Handler/HTTP/Server/"
"Plack::Handler::HTTP::Server::Simple::PSGIServer" : {
"file" : "Plack/Handler/HTTP/Server/"
"Plack::Handler::Standalone" : {
"file" : "Plack/Handler/"
"Plack::LWPish" : {
"file" : "Plack/"
"Plack::Loader" : {
"file" : "Plack/"
"Plack::Loader::Delayed" : {
"file" : "Plack/Loader/"
"Plack::Loader::Restarter" : {
"file" : "Plack/Loader/"
"Plack::Loader::Shotgun" : {
"file" : "Plack/Loader/"
"Plack::MIME" : {
"file" : "Plack/"
"Plack::Middleware" : {
"file" : "Plack/"
"Plack::Middleware::AccessLog" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::AccessLog::Timed" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/AccessLog/"
"Plack::Middleware::Auth::Basic" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/Auth/"
"Plack::Middleware::BufferedStreaming" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::Chunked" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::Conditional" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::ConditionalGET" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::ContentLength" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::ContentMD5" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::ErrorDocument" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::HTTPExceptions" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::Head" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::IIS6ScriptNameFix" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::IIS7KeepAliveFix" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::JSONP" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::LighttpdScriptNameFix" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::Lint" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::Log4perl" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::LogDispatch" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::NullLogger" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::RearrangeHeaders" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::Recursive" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::Refresh" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::Runtime" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::SimpleContentFilter" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::SimpleLogger" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::StackTrace" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::Static" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::XFramework" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Middleware::XSendfile" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Recursive::ForwardRequest" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/"
"Plack::Request" : {
"file" : "Plack/",
"version" : "1.0028"
"Plack::Request::Upload" : {
"file" : "Plack/Request/"
"Plack::Response" : {
"file" : "Plack/",
"version" : "1.0028"
"Plack::Runner" : {
"file" : "Plack/"
"Plack::TempBuffer" : {
"file" : "Plack/"
"Plack::Test" : {
"file" : "Plack/"
"Plack::Test::MockHTTP" : {
"file" : "Plack/Test/"
"Plack::Test::Server" : {
"file" : "Plack/Test/"
"Plack::Test::Suite" : {
"file" : "Plack/Test/"
"Plack::Util" : {
"file" : "Plack/"
"Plack::Util::Accessor" : {
"file" : "Plack/Util/"
"Plack::Util::IOWithPath" : {
"file" : "Plack/"
"Plack::Util::Prototype" : {
"file" : "Plack/"
"target" : "Plack",
"version" : "1.0028"
"Plack::Middleware::Session" : {
"dist" : "Plack-Middleware-Session-0.20",
"mymeta" : {
"abstract" : "Middleware for session management",
"author" : [
"Tatsuhiko Miyagawa"
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"Module::Build::Tiny" : "0.023"
"develop" : {
"requires" : {
"Test::Pod" : "1.41"
"runtime" : {
"requires" : {
"Digest::HMAC_SHA1" : "1.03",
"Digest::SHA1" : "0",
"Plack" : "0.9910"
"test" : {
"requires" : {
"HTTP::Cookies" : "0",
"LWP::UserAgent" : "0",
"Test::Fatal" : "0.006",
"Test::More" : "0.88",
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"url" : "",
"web" : ""
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"Graham Knop <>",
"Lee Aylward <>",
"Mark Stosberg <>",
"Masahiro Chiba <>",
"Masahiro Nagano <>",
"Stevan Little <>",
"Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <>",
"Tokuhiro Matsuno <>",
"franck cuny <>",
"lestrrat <>",
"s-aska <>"
"name" : "Plack::Middleware::Session",
"pathname" : "M/MI/MIYAGAWA/Plack-Middleware-Session-0.20.tar.gz",
"provides" : {
"Plack::Middleware::Session" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/",
"version" : "0.20"
"Plack::Middleware::Session::Cookie" : {
"file" : "Plack/Middleware/Session/"
"Plack::Session" : {
"file" : "Plack/",
"version" : "0.20"
"Plack::Session::State" : {
"file" : "Plack/Session/",
"version" : "0.20"
"Plack::Session::State::Cookie" : {
"file" : "Plack/Session/State/",
"version" : "0.20"
"Plack::Session::Store" : {
"file" : "Plack/Session/",
"version" : "0.20"
"Plack::Session::Store::Cache" : {
"file" : "Plack/Session/Store/",
"version" : "0.20"
"Plack::Session::Store::DBI" : {
"file" : "Plack/Session/Store/",
"version" : "0.10"
"Plack::Session::Store::File" : {
"file" : "Plack/Session/Store/",
"version" : "0.20"
"Plack::Session::Store::Null" : {
"file" : "Plack/Session/Store/",
"version" : "0.20"
"target" : "Plack::Session",
"version" : "0.20"
"Router::Simple" : {
"dist" : "Router-Simple-0.14",
"mymeta" : {
"abstract" : "simple HTTP router",
"author" : [
"Tokuhiro Matsuno E<lt>tokuhirom AAJKLFJEF@ GMAIL COME<gt>"
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"url" : "",
"version" : "2"
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"directory" : [
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"requires" : {
"Test::More" : "0.98"
"configure" : {
"requires" : {
"Module::Build" : "0.38"
"runtime" : {
"requires" : {
"Class::Accessor::Lite" : "0.05",
"List::Util" : "0",
"Test::More" : "0.88",
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"perl" : "5.00800"
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"Router::Simple" : {
"file" : "lib/Router/",
"version" : "0.14"
"Router::Simple::Declare" : {
"file" : "lib/Router/Simple/",
"version" : "0"
"Router::Simple::Route" : {
"file" : "lib/Router/Simple/",
"version" : "0"
"Router::Simple::SubMapper" : {
"file" : "lib/Router/Simple/",
"version" : "0"
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"pathname" : "T/TO/TOKUHIROM/Router-Simple-0.14.tar.gz",
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"Router::Simple" : {
"file" : "Router/",
"version" : "0.14"
"Router::Simple::Declare" : {
"file" : "Router/Simple/"
"Router::Simple::Route" : {
"file" : "Router/Simple/"
"Router::Simple::SubMapper" : {
"file" : "Router/Simple/"
"target" : "Router::Simple",
"version" : "0.14"
"Router::Simple::Sinatraish" : {
"dist" : "Router-Simple-Sinatraish-0.03",
"mymeta" : {
"abstract" : "Sinatra-ish routers on Router::Simple",
"author" : [
"Tokuhiro Matsuno E<lt>tokuhirom AAJKLFJEF@ GMAIL COME<gt>"
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"requires" : {
"Test::More" : "0.98"
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"requires" : {
"Module::Build" : "0.38"
"runtime" : {
"requires" : {
"Router::Simple" : "0.09",
"parent" : "0",
"perl" : "5.00800"
"provides" : {
"Router::Simple::Sinatraish" : {
"file" : "lib/Router/Simple/",
"version" : "0.03"
"release_status" : "stable",
"resources" : {
"license" : [
"version" : "0.03"
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"provides" : {
"Router::Simple::Sinatraish" : {
"file" : "Router/Simple/",
"version" : "0.03"
"target" : "Router::Simple::Sinatraish",
"version" : "0.03"
"Stream::Buffered" : {
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"mymeta" : {
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"author" : [
"Tatsuhiko Miyagawa"
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"pathname" : "D/DO/DOY/Stream-Buffered-0.02.tar.gz",
"provides" : {
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"file" : "Stream/",
"version" : "0.02"
"Stream::Buffered::Auto" : {
"file" : "Stream/Buffered/"
"Stream::Buffered::File" : {
"file" : "Stream/Buffered/"
"Stream::Buffered::PerlIO" : {
"file" : "Stream/Buffered/"
"target" : "Stream::Buffered",
"version" : "0.02"
"Test::Deep" : {
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"author" : [
"Fergal Daly <>"
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"Test::NoWarnings" : "0.02",
"Test::Tester" : "0.04"
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"pathname" : "R/RJ/RJBS/Test-Deep-0.110.tar.gz",
"provides" : {
"Test::Deep" : {
"file" : "Test/",
"version" : "0.110"
"Test::Deep::All" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::Any" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::Array" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::ArrayEach" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::ArrayElementsOnly" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::ArrayLength" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::ArrayLengthOnly" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::Blessed" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::Boolean" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::Cache" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::Cache::Simple" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/Cache/"
"Test::Deep::Class" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::Cmp" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::Code" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::Hash" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::HashEach" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::HashElements" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::HashKeys" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::HashKeysOnly" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::Ignore" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::Isa" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::ListMethods" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::MM" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::Methods" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::NoTest" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::Number" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::Ref" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::RefType" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::Regexp" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::RegexpMatches" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::RegexpRef" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::RegexpRefOnly" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::RegexpVersion" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::ScalarRef" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::ScalarRefOnly" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::Set" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::Shallow" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::Stack" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::String" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::SubHash" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::SubHashElements" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::SubHashKeys" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::SubHashKeysOnly" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::SuperHash" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::SuperHashElements" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::SuperHashKeys" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"Test::Deep::SuperHashKeysOnly" : {
"file" : "Test/Deep/"
"target" : "Test::Deep",
"version" : "0.110"
"Test::NoWarnings" : {
"dist" : "Test-NoWarnings-1.04",
"mymeta" : {
"abstract" : "Make sure you didn't emit any warnings while testing",
"author" : [
"Fergal Daly <>"
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"Test::Tester" : "0.107"
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"perl" : "5.006"
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"pathname" : "A/AD/ADAMK/Test-NoWarnings-1.04.tar.gz",
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"Test::NoWarnings" : {
"file" : "Test/",
"version" : "1.04"
"Test::NoWarnings::Warning" : {
"file" : "Test/NoWarnings/",
"version" : "1.04"
"target" : "Test::NoWarnings",
"version" : "1.04"
"Test::Requires" : {
"dist" : "Test-Requires-0.07",
"mymeta" : {
"abstract" : "Checks to see if the module can be loaded",
"author" : [
"Tokuhiro Matsuno <tokuhirom @*(#RJKLFHFSDLJF>"
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"generated_by" : "Minilla/v0.5.3, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.131560",
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"ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "6.59"
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"Test::Pod" : "1.41",
"Test::Spellunker" : "v0.2.7"
"runtime" : {
"requires" : {
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"Test::More" : "0.61",
"perl" : "5.008_001"
"provides" : {
"Test::Requires" : {
"file" : "lib/Test/",
"version" : "0.07"
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"x_contributors" : [
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"gfx <>",
"Toby Inkster <>",
"tokuhirom <>"
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"pathname" : "T/TO/TOKUHIROM/Test-Requires-0.07.tar.gz",
"provides" : {
"Test::Requires" : {
"file" : "Test/",
"version" : "0.07"
"target" : "Test::Requires",
"version" : "0.07"
"Test::SharedFork" : {
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"file" : "Test/",
"version" : "0.21"
"Test::SharedFork::Array" : {
"file" : "Test/SharedFork/"
"Test::SharedFork::Scalar" : {
"file" : "Test/SharedFork/"
"Test::SharedFork::Store" : {
"file" : "Test/SharedFork/"
"target" : "Test::SharedFork",
"version" : "0.21"
"Test::TCP" : {
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"Tokuhiro Matsuno <>"
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"Test::Perl::Critic" : "1.02",
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"Test::More" : "0",
"Test::SharedFork" : "0.19",
"Time::HiRes" : "0",
"perl" : "5.008001"
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"Socket" : "0",
"Test::More" : "0.98"
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"file" : "lib/Net/"
"Test::TCP" : {
"file" : "lib/Test/",
"version" : "2.00"
"Test::TCP::CheckPort" : {
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"yappo <yappo@d0d07461-0603-4401-acd4-de1884942a52>",
"奥 一穂 <>",
"gfx <>",
"Kenichi Ishigaki <>",
"lestrrat <>",
"Masahiro Nagano <>",
"Thomas Klausner <>",
"Brendan Byrd <>",
"Christian Walde <>",
"Pavel Shaydo <>",
"Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <>"
"name" : "Test::TCP",
"pathname" : "T/TO/TOKUHIROM/Test-TCP-2.00.tar.gz",
"provides" : {
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"Test::TCP" : {
"file" : "Test/",
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"Test::TCP::CheckPort" : {
"file" : "Test/TCP/"
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"version" : "2.00"
"Test::Tester" : {
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"file" : "Test/",
"version" : "0.109"
"Test::Tester::Capture" : {
"file" : "Test/Tester/"
"Test::Tester::CaptureRunner" : {
"file" : "Test/Tester/"
"Test::Tester::Delegate" : {
"file" : "Test/Tester/"
"target" : "Test::Tester",
"version" : "0.109"
"Text::Xslate" : {
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"Fuji, Goro (gfx) <>."
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"Text::Xslate::Bridge::Star" : {
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"Text::Xslate::Compiler" : {
"file" : "Text/Xslate/"
"Text::Xslate::Engine" : {
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"file" : "Text/Xslate/"
"Text::Xslate::PP" : {
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"file" : "Text/Xslate/PP/"
"Text::Xslate::PP::Method" : {
"file" : "Text/Xslate/PP/"
"Text::Xslate::PP::Opcode" : {
"file" : "Text/Xslate/PP/",
"version" : "2.0009"
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"file" : "Text/Xslate/PP/"
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"file" : "Text/Xslate/PP/Type/"
"Text::Xslate::PP::Type::Pair" : {
"file" : "Text/Xslate/PP/Type/"
"Text::Xslate::PP::Type::Raw" : {
"file" : "Text/Xslate/PP/Type/"
"Text::Xslate::Parser" : {
"file" : "Text/Xslate/"
"Text::Xslate::Runner" : {
"file" : "Text/Xslate/"
"Text::Xslate::Symbol" : {
"file" : "Text/Xslate/"
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"file" : "Text/Xslate/Syntax/"
"Text::Xslate::Syntax::Metakolon" : {
"file" : "Text/Xslate/Syntax/"
"Text::Xslate::Syntax::TTerse" : {
"file" : "Text/Xslate/Syntax/"
"Text::Xslate::Type::Raw" : {
"file" : "Text/Xslate/Type/"
"Text::Xslate::Util" : {
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"author" : [
"Copyright (c) 2010 Daisuke Maki C<< <> >>"
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"provides" : {
"Text::Xslate::Bridge::TT2Like" : {
"file" : "Text/Xslate/Bridge/",
"version" : "0.00010"
"target" : "Text::Xslate::Bridge::TT2Like",
"version" : "0.00010"
"Try::Tiny" : {
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"mymeta" : {
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"author" : [
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"Jesse Luehrs <>"
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"Test::Pod::Coverage" : "1.08"
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"version" : "4.300034"
"class" : "Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode",
"name" : ":IncModules",
"version" : "4.300034"
"class" : "Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode",
"name" : ":TestFiles",
"version" : "4.300034"
"class" : "Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode",
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"version" : "4.300034"
"class" : "Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode",
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"version" : "4.300034"
"class" : "Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode",
"name" : ":MainModule",
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"zilla" : {
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"x_contributors" : [
"Alex <alex@koban.(none)>",
"Andrew Yates <ayates@haddock.local>",
"Glenn Fowler <>",
"Hans Dieter Pearcey <>",
"Jonathan Yu <>",
"Karen Etheridge <>",
"Marc Mims <>",
"Mark Fowler <>",
"Mark Stosberg <>",
"Peter Rabbitson <>",
"Ricardo Signes <>",
"chromatic <>"
"name" : "Try::Tiny",
"pathname" : "D/DO/DOY/Try-Tiny-0.16.tar.gz",
"provides" : {
"Try::Tiny" : {
"file" : "Try/",
"version" : "0.16"
"target" : "Try::Tiny",
"version" : "0.16"
"URI" : {
"dist" : "URI-1.60",
"mymeta" : {
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"author" : [
"Gisle Aas <>"
"dynamic_config" : 0,
"generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.57_05, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.131560",
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"file" : "",
"version" : "1.60"
"URI::Escape" : {
"file" : "URI/",
"version" : "3.31"
"URI::Heuristic" : {
"file" : "URI/",
"version" : "4.20"
"URI::IRI" : {
"file" : "URI/"
"URI::QueryParam" : {
"file" : "URI/"
"URI::Split" : {
"file" : "URI/"
"URI::URL" : {
"file" : "URI/",
"version" : "5.04"
"URI::WithBase" : {
"file" : "URI/",
"version" : "2.20"
"URI::data" : {
"file" : "URI/"
"URI::file" : {
"file" : "URI/",
"version" : "4.21"
"URI::file::Base" : {
"file" : "URI/file/"
"URI::file::FAT" : {
"file" : "URI/file/"
"URI::file::Mac" : {
"file" : "URI/file/"
"URI::file::OS2" : {
"file" : "URI/file/"
"URI::file::QNX" : {
"file" : "URI/file/"
"URI::file::Unix" : {
"file" : "URI/file/"
"URI::file::Win32" : {
"file" : "URI/file/"
"URI::ftp" : {
"file" : "URI/"
"URI::gopher" : {
"file" : "URI/"
"URI::http" : {
"file" : "URI/"
"URI::https" : {
"file" : "URI/"
"URI::ldap" : {
"file" : "URI/",
"version" : "1.12"
"URI::ldapi" : {
"file" : "URI/"
"URI::ldaps" : {
"file" : "URI/"
"URI::mailto" : {
"file" : "URI/"
"URI::mms" : {
"file" : "URI/"
"URI::news" : {
"file" : "URI/"
"URI::nntp" : {
"file" : "URI/"
"URI::pop" : {
"file" : "URI/"
"URI::rlogin" : {
"file" : "URI/"
"URI::rsync" : {
"file" : "URI/"
"URI::rtsp" : {
"file" : "URI/"
"URI::rtspu" : {
"file" : "URI/"
"URI::sip" : {
"file" : "URI/",
"version" : "0.11"
"URI::sips" : {
"file" : "URI/"
"URI::snews" : {
"file" : "URI/"
"URI::ssh" : {
"file" : "URI/"
"URI::telnet" : {
"file" : "URI/"
"URI::tn3270" : {
"file" : "URI/"
"URI::urn" : {
"file" : "URI/"
"URI::urn::isbn" : {
"file" : "URI/urn/"
"URI::urn::oid" : {
"file" : "URI/urn/"
"target" : "URI",
"version" : "1.60"
"version" : "0.9"
requires 'Amon2::Lite', 0.09;
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use v5.14;
use Amon2::Lite;
my @posts = ();
get '/' => sub {
return shift->render('');
# this is a post/redirect/get example
post '/post' => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $p = $c->req->parameters->mixed;
if ( $p->{name} and $p->{message} ) {
push @posts, $p;
$c->session->set( post_success => 1 );
return $c->redirect('/messages');
get '/messages' => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $s = $c->session;
my $success = $s->get('post_success');
$s->remove('post_success') if $success;
return $c->render( '', { posts => \@posts, success => $success } );
[% WRAPPER "" %]
<h2>Guestbook Messages</h2>
[% IF success -%]
<div class="alert alert-success">
<button class="close" data-dismiss="alert" type="button">×</button>
<strong>Good work.</strong> Post is most successful!
[% END -%]
[% IF posts.size() -%]
<p class="lead">This is what I got:</p>
[% FOR post IN posts -%]
[% post.message %]
<small class="pull-right">Some person named <cite title="[% %]">[% %]</cite></small>
[% END -%]
[% ELSE -%]
<p class="lead text-info">Nobody left a message.</p>
<p>Sad face.</p>
[% END -%]
[% END %]
[% WRAPPER "" %]
<h2>Guestbook <small>leave a message...</small></h2>
<p class="lead">Here is an example of <a href="">Post/Redirect/Get</a>.</p>
<p>Fill in this form & stumbit it!</p>
<form method="post" action="[% uri_for('/post') %]" data-validate="parsley" novalidate>
<legend>Post something already!!</legend>
<label for="name">Name</label>
<input type="text" id="name" name="name" placeholder="Give me your name..." required>
<label for="message">Message</label>
<textarea rows="5" id="message" name="message" placeholder="Post something..." required></textarea>
<span class="help-block">It does not matter what you post, just do it!</span>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Stumbit!</button>
<button type="reset" class="btn">Reset</button>
[% END %]
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<h1>Post/Redirect/Get Example <small>an Amon2::Lite demo</small></h1>
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