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Useful Sass list functions
// ----
// libsass (v3.2.5)
// ----
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Checks if the list contains the specified value.
// Param: {list} $list - list to search.
// Param: $search-item - value to search the $list for.
// Returns: {boolean} true if the $search-item was found and false otherwise.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@function contains($list, $search-item) {
@if type-of($list) != list {
@error "contains(): expects parameter of type list";
@return false;
$result: false;
@each $item in $list {
@if $item == $search-item {
$result: true;
@return $result;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Prepends item to the list.
// Param: {list} $list - list to prepend to.
// Param: $prepend-item - item to prepend to the $list.
// Returns: {list} A new list with $prepend-item prepended.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@function prepend($list, $prepend-item) {
@if type_of($list) != list {
@error "prepend(): expects parameter of type list.";
@return false;
@return join(($prepend-item), $list);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Grabs the portion of the list between $start & $end.
// Inspired by JavaScript Array.prototype.slice method.
// Param: {list} $list - list from which to grab the portion.
// Param: {number} [$start]- start index in the list. Negative values will offset
// from the end of the list.
// Param: {number} or {boolean} [$end] - end index. Setting this to false will
// set this to the last index in the list.
// Param: {string} [$separator] - Seaparator for the list.
// Returns: {list} a portion of the $list between $start & $end.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@function slice($list, $start: 1, $end: false, $separator: space) {
// We only want numbers for start & end indexes
@if type_of($start) != number {
@error "slice(): 'start' parameter must of type number.";
@return false;
@if abs($start) > length($list) {
@error "slice(): 'start' index is out of bounds.";
@return false;
@if type_of($end) != number {
$end: length($list);
@else if $end > length($list) {
@error "slice(): 'end' index is out of bounds.";
@return false;
// Negative start index will serve as an offset from the end of the list
@if $start < 0 {
$start: length($list) + $start + 1;
// Same goes for the end index
@if $end < 0 {
$end: length($list) + $end;
// Finally, test for out of boundary index
@if $start > $end {
@error "slice(): 'start' cannot be > 'end'";
@return false;
// Create and return the sliced list
$new-list: ();
@for $i from $start through $end {
$new-list: append($new-list, nth($list, $i));
@return join((), $new-list, $separator);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieves the first item in the list
// Param: $list - list from which to grab the first item.
// Returns: First item in the list.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@function first($list) {
@if (type_of($list) != list) {
@error("first(): Parameter must be of type list");
@return false;
@return nth($list, 1);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieves the last item in the list
// Param: $list - list from which to grab the last item.
// Returns: Last item in the list.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@function last($list) {
@if type_of($list) != list {
@error("last(): Parameter must be of type list");
@return false;
@return nth($list, length($list));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Reverses the order of items in the list.
// Param: $list - list to reverse.
// Returns: {list} reversed $list.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@function reverse($list) {
@if (type_of($list) != list) {
@error("reverse(): Parameter must be of type list");
@return false;
$result: ();
@for $i from 1 through length($list) {
$result: append($result, first(slice($list, -$i)));
@return $result;
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