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Last active June 26, 2021 08:29
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Encryption in NodeJS
* Encryption:
* cipher: AES-128-CBC
* key: 16 bytes
* IV: 16 bytes, random, non-reused, prepended to cipher text
* padding: PKCS#7
crypto = require 'crypto'
cipherName = 'aes-128-cbc'
cipherIvSize = 16
tokenSize = 16
* Encrypt data
* @param {Buffer} key - crypto key
* @param {Buffer} data - data to encrypt
* @return {Buffer} encrypted data
encrypt = (key, data) ->
iv = crypto.pseudoRandomBytes(cipherIvSize)
cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(cipherName, key, iv)
buf1 = cipher.update(data)
buf2 =
Buffer.concat([iv, buf1, buf2])
* Decrypt data
* @param {Buffer} key - crypto key
* @param {Buffer} data - data to decrypt
* @return {Buffer} decrypted data
decrypt = (key, data) ->
iv = data.slice(0, cipherIvSize)
data = data.slice(cipherIvSize)
cipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(cipherName, key, iv)
buf1 = cipher.update(data)
buf2 =
Buffer.concat([buf1, buf2])
* Encrypt string
* @param {String} key - crypto key string (hex)
* @param {String} str - string to encrypt
* @return {String} encrypted string (base64)
encryptString = (key, str) ->
key = new Buffer(key, 'hex')
data = new Buffer(str)
encData = encrypt(key, data)
* Decrypt string
* @param {String} key - crypto key string (hex)
* @param {String} str - string to decrypt (base64)
* @return {String} decrypted string
decryptString = (key, str) ->
key = new Buffer(key, 'hex')
data = new Buffer(str, 'base64')
decData = decrypt(key, data)
* Generate random token
* @return {§tring} token
generateRandomToken = (size = tokenSize) ->
exports.encrypt = encrypt
exports.decrypt = decrypt
exports.encryptString = encryptString
exports.decryptString = decryptString
exports.generateRandomToken = generateRandomToken
chai = require 'chai'
cryptoHelpers = require './cryptoHelpers'
describe 'cryptoHelpers', ->
describe 'encryptString & decryptString', ->
it 'should succeed', ->
key = 'e79455fb63d9a3c7c3e68835ac920c86' # crypto key, 16 bytes
data = '| full block || partial |' # 2 AES blocks (block size = 16 bytes), padding needed
encData = cryptoHelpers.encryptString(key, data)
decData = cryptoHelpers.decryptString(key, encData)
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