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Created June 17, 2014 03:07
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class type _JQueryAjaxSettings = object
method accepts : Ts.any Js.prop
method async : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method beforeSend : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method cache : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method complete : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.string -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method contents : Ts.typeLiteral Js.prop
method contentType : Ts.string Js.prop
method context : Ts.any Js.prop
method converters : Ts.typeLiteral Js.prop
method crossDomain : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method data : Ts.any Js.prop
method dataFilter : (Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method dataType : Ts.string Js.prop
method error : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.string -> Ts.string -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method global : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method headers : Ts.typeLiteral Js.prop
method ifModified : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method isLocal : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method jsonp : Ts.string Js.prop
method jsonpCallback : Ts.any Js.prop
method mimeType : Ts.string Js.prop
method password : Ts.string Js.prop
method processData : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method scriptCharset : Ts.string Js.prop
method statusCode : Ts.typeLiteral Js.prop
method success : (Ts.any -> Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method timeout : Ts.number Js.prop
method traditional : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method type_ : Ts.string Js.prop
method url : Ts.string Js.prop
method username : Ts.string Js.prop
method xhr : Ts.any Js.prop
method xhrFields : Ts.typeLiteral Js.prop
class type _JQueryXHR = object
method overrideMimeType : (Ts.string -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method abort : (Ts.string -> Ts.void) Js.prop
class type _JQueryCallback = object
method add : (Ts.any) Js.prop
method disable : (Ts.any) Js.prop
method empty : (Ts.any) Js.prop
method fire : (Ts.any) Js.prop
method fired : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method fireWith : (Ts.any -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method has : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method lock : (Ts.any) Js.prop
method locked : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method remove : (Ts.any) Js.prop
class type _JQueryPromise = object
method always : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method done_ : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method fail : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method progress : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method state : (Ts.string) Js.prop
method pipe : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method then_ : (Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method promise : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
class type _JQueryDeferred = object
method notify : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method notifyWith : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method reject : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method rejectWith : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method resolve : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method resolveWith : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
class type _BaseJQueryEventObject = object
method data : Ts.any Js.prop
method delegateTarget : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method isDefaultPrevented : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method isImmediatePropogationStopped : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method isPropagationStopped : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method namespace : Ts.string Js.prop
method preventDefault : (Ts.any) Js.prop
method relatedTarget : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method result : Ts.any Js.prop
method stopImmediatePropagation : (Ts.any) Js.prop
method stopPropagation : (Ts.any) Js.prop
method pageX : Ts.number Js.prop
method pageY : Ts.number Js.prop
method which : Ts.number Js.prop
method metaKey : Ts.any Js.prop
class type _JQueryInputEventObject = object
method altKey : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method ctrlKey : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method metaKey : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method shiftKey : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
class type _JQueryMouseEventObject = object
method button : Ts.number Js.prop
method clientX : Ts.number Js.prop
method clientY : Ts.number Js.prop
method offsetX : Ts.number Js.prop
method offsetY : Ts.number Js.prop
method pageX : Ts.number Js.prop
method pageY : Ts.number Js.prop
method screenX : Ts.number Js.prop
method screenY : Ts.number Js.prop
class type _JQueryKeyEventObject = object
method char : Ts.any Js.prop
method charCode : Ts.number Js.prop
method key : Ts.any Js.prop
method keyCode : Ts.number Js.prop
class type _JQueryPopStateEventObject = object
method originalEvent : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
class type _JQueryEventObject = object
class type _JQuerySupport = object
method ajax : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method boxModel : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method changeBubbles : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method checkClone : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method checkOn : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method cors : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method cssFloat : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method hrefNormalized : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method htmlSerialize : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method leadingWhitespace : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method noCloneChecked : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method noCloneEvent : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method opacity : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method optDisabled : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method optSelected : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method scriptEval : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method style : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method submitBubbles : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method tbody : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
class type _JQueryParam = object
(* CallSignature *)
(* CallSignature *)
class type _JQueryStatic = object
method ajax : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method ajax_1 : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method ajaxPrefilter : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method ajaxPrefilter_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method ajaxSettings : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method ajaxSetup : (Ts.any) Js.prop
method ajaxSetup_1 : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method get : (Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method getJSON : (Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method getScript : (Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method param : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method post : (Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method _Callbacks : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method holdReady : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.any) Js.prop
(* CallSignature *)
(* CallSignature *)
(* CallSignature *)
(* CallSignature *)
(* CallSignature *)
(* CallSignature *)
(* CallSignature *)
(* CallSignature *)
method noConflict : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method when_ : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method css : (Ts.any -> Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method css_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method cssHooks : Ts.typeLiteral Js.prop
method cssNumber : Ts.any Js.prop
method data : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method data_1 : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.string -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method data_2 : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method dequeue : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.string -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method hasData : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method queue : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.string -> Ts.typeLiteral) Js.prop
method queue_1 : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method removeData : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method fx : Ts.typeLiteral Js.prop
method proxy : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.any -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method proxy_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.string -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method _Deferred : Ts.typeLiteral Js.prop
method _Event : (Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method error : (Ts.any -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method expr : Ts.any Js.prop
method fn : Ts.any Js.prop
method isReady : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method support : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method contains : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method each : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method each_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method each_2 : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method each_3 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method each_4 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method extend : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method extend_1 : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method globalEval : (Ts.string -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method grep : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeLiteral) Js.prop
method inArray : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.number -> Ts.number) Js.prop
method isArray : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method isEmptyObject : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method isFunction : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method isNumeric : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method isPlainObject : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method isWindow : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method isXMLDoc : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method makeArray : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral) Js.prop
method map : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeLiteral) Js.prop
method map_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method merge : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeLiteral) Js.prop
method noop : (Ts.any) Js.prop
method now : (Ts.number) Js.prop
method parseJSON : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method parseXML : (Ts.string -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method queue_2 : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.string -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method trim : (Ts.string -> Ts.string) Js.prop
method type_ : (Ts.any -> Ts.string) Js.prop
method unique : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeLiteral) Js.prop
method parseHTML : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeLiteral) Js.prop
class type _JQuery = object
method ajaxComplete : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method ajaxError : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method ajaxSend : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method ajaxStart : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method ajaxStop : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method ajaxSuccess : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method load : (Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method serialize : (Ts.string) Js.prop
method serializeArray : (Ts.typeLiteral) Js.prop
method addClass : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method addClass_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method addBack : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method attr : (Ts.string -> Ts.string) Js.prop
method attr_1 : (Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method attr_2 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method attr_3 : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method hasClass : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method html : (Ts.string) Js.prop
method html_1 : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method html_2 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method html_3 : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method prop : (Ts.string -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method prop_1 : (Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method prop_2 : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method prop_3 : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method removeAttr : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method removeClass : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method removeClass_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method removeProp : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method toggleClass : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method toggleClass_1 : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method toggleClass_2 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method val_ : (Ts.any) Js.prop
method val__1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method val__2 : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method val__3 : (Ts.number -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method val__4 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method css : (Ts.string -> Ts.string) Js.prop
method css_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.string) Js.prop
method css_2 : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method css_3 : (Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method css_4 : (Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method height : (Ts.number) Js.prop
method height_1 : (Ts.number -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method height_2 : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method height_3 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method innerHeight : (Ts.number) Js.prop
method innerWidth : (Ts.number) Js.prop
method offset : (Ts.typeLiteral) Js.prop
method offset_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method offset_2 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method outerHeight : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.number) Js.prop
method outerWidth : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.number) Js.prop
method position : (Ts.typeLiteral) Js.prop
method scrollLeft : (Ts.number) Js.prop
method scrollLeft_1 : (Ts.number -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method scrollTop : (Ts.number) Js.prop
method scrollTop_1 : (Ts.number -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method width : (Ts.number) Js.prop
method width_1 : (Ts.number -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method width_2 : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method width_3 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method clearQueue : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method data : (Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method data_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method data_2 : (Ts.string -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method dequeue : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method removeData : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method promise : (Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method animate : (Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method animate_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method animate_2 : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method delay : (Ts.number -> Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method fadeIn : (Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method fadeIn_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method fadeOut : (Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method fadeOut_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method fadeTo : (Ts.any -> Ts.number -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method fadeTo_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.number -> Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method fadeToggle : (Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method fadeToggle_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method finish : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method hide : (Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method hide_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method show : (Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method show_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method slideDown : (Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method slideDown_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method slideToggle : (Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method slideToggle_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method slideUp : (Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method slideUp_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method stop : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method stop_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method toggle : (Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method toggle_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method toggle_2 : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method bind : (Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method bind_1 : (Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method bind_2 : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method bind_3 : (Ts.any) Js.prop
method blur : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method blur_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method change : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method change_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method click : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method click_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method dblclick : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method dblclick_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method delegate : (Ts.any -> Ts.string -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method focus : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method focus_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method focusin : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method focusin_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method focusout : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method focusout_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method hover : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method hover_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method keydown : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method keydown_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method keypress : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method keypress_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method keyup : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method keyup_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method load_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method load_2 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method mousedown : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method mousedown_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method mousedown_2 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method mouseevent : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method mouseevent_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method mouseenter : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method mouseenter_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method mouseenter_2 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method mouseleave : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method mouseleave_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method mouseleave_2 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method mousemove : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method mousemove_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method mousemove_2 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method mouseout : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method mouseout_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method mouseout_2 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method mouseover : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method mouseover_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method mouseover_2 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method mouseup : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method mouseup_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method mouseup_2 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method off : (Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method off_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method on : (Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method on_1 : (Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method on_2 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method one : (Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method one_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method ready : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method resize : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method resize_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method scroll : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method scroll_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method select : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method select_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method submit : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method submit_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method trigger : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method trigger_1 : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method triggerHandler : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method unbind : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method unbind_1 : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method unbind_2 : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method undelegate : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method undelegate_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.string -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method undelegate_2 : (Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method undelegate_3 : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method unload : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method unload_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method context : Ts.typeReference Js.prop
method jquery : Ts.string Js.prop
method error : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method error_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method pushStack : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method pushStack_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.any -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method after : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method after_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method append : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method append_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method appendTo : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method before : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method before_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method clone : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method detach : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method empty : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method insertAfter : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method insertBefore : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method prepend : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method prepend_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method prependTo : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method remove : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method replaceAll : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method replaceWith : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method text : (Ts.string) Js.prop
method text_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method text_2 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method toArray : (Ts.typeLiteral) Js.prop
method unwrap : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method wrap : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method wrap_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method wrapAll : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method wrapInner : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method wrapInner_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method each : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method get : (Ts.number -> Ts.any) Js.prop
method index : (Ts.number) Js.prop
method index_1 : (Ts.string -> Ts.number) Js.prop
method index_2 : (Ts.any -> Ts.number) Js.prop
method length : Ts.number Js.prop
method selector : Ts.string Js.prop
(* IndexSignature *)
(* IndexSignature *)
method add : (Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method add_1 : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method add_2 : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method add_3 : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method children : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method closest : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method closest_1 : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method closest_2 : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method closest_3 : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method closest_4 : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeLiteral) Js.prop
method contents : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method end_ : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method eq : (Ts.number -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method filter : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method filter_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method filter_2 : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method filter_3 : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method find : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method find_1 : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method find_2 : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method first : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method has : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method has_1 : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method is : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method is_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method is_2 : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method is_3 : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method last : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method map : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method next : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method nextAll : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method nextUntil : (Ts.string -> Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method nextUntil_1 : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method not : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method not_1 : (Ts.typeLiteral -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method not_2 : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method not_3 : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method offsetParent : (Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method parent : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method parents : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method parentsUntil : (Ts.string -> Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method parentsUntil_1 : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method prev : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method prevAll : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method prevUntil : (Ts.string -> Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method prevUntil_1 : (Ts.typeReference -> Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method siblings : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method slice : (Ts.number -> Ts.number -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method queue : (Ts.string -> Ts.typeLiteral) Js.prop
method queue_1 : (Ts.string -> Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
method queue_2 : (Ts.any -> Ts.typeReference) Js.prop
class type _EventTarget = object
(* AmbientDeclaration *)
(* AmbientDeclaration *)
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