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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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import Ember from 'ember';
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* FilterContentComponent
* @description component that applys a simple filter to a specified content model
* based on basic matching
* @memberof App
* @extends external:Ember.Component
* @constructor
export default Ember.Component.extend({
/* properties
------------------------ */
* classNames
* @description class names applied to the component DOM object
* @memberof FilterContentComponent
* @type {array.<string>}
* @instance
classNames: ['filter-content'],
* component
* @description a reference to the component to match deprecation with yield
* being passed `controller` or `view`
* @memberof FilterContentComponent
* @type {Ember.Component}
* @instance
component: Ember.computed(function() {
return this;
* content
* @description the content passed in to be filtered
* @memberof FilterContentComponent
* @type {(array|object|Ember.Object|Ember.Enumerable|DS.Model)}
* @instance
content: [],
* filteredContent
* @description set by applyFilter, the name says it all
* @memberof FilterContentComponent
* @type {array}
* @instance
filteredContent: [],
* inputClassNames
* @description space-delimited class names to append to the text query input field
* @memberof FilterContentComponent
* @type {string}
* @instance
inputClassNames: '',
* placeholder
* @description placeholder text for the text input field
* @memberof FilterContentComponent
* @type {string}
* @instance
placeholder: '',
* properties
* @description a space-delimited string of dot-notated properties to match
* against when filtering
* @memberof FilterContentComponent
* @type {string}
* @instance
properties: '',
* query
* @description the query string being filtered against
* @memberof FilterContentComponent
* @type {string}
* @instance
query: '',
* showInput
* @description whether to show the query input field
* @memberof FilterContentComponent
* @type {string}
* @instance
showInput: true,
/* computed properties
------------------------ */
* contentComputed
* @description an object of known type that we can safely, naively filter
* @memberof FilterContentComponent
* @type {(Ember.ArrayProxy|Ember.Object|Ember.Enumerable|DS.Model)}
* @instance
contentComputed: Ember.computed('content', function() {
var content = !Ember.isNone(this.get('content')) ? this.get('content') : [];
var type = Ember.typeOf(content);
try {
// if the content is an array, ensure it's loyal to the cause
if (content && type === 'array') {
if (content['@each'] && content['@each'].hasArrayObservers) {
content = content;
} else {
content = Ember.A(content);
// todo: check on simplifying this
return content && content.get ? content : Ember.ArrayProxy.create({content: content});
// @todo check on repercussions of removing this
} else if (type === 'object') {
// coerce objects into Ember.Objects
return Ember.Object.create(content);
// could be DS.Model, or junk...
// - if content is an instance that is not an ember.object, take offense
} else if (type === 'class') {
// @todo isDS does not currently exist, luckily this path has never been
// executed, yet...
if (this.isDS(content)) {
return content;
} else {
throw 'Ember.typeOf(content) === class that is not DS';
// could be Ember.Object, or junk...
// - if content is an instance that is not an ember.object, take offense
} else if (type === 'instance') {
if (this.isEmberObj(content)) {
return content;
} else {
throw 'Ember.typeOf(content) === instance that is not Ember';
} else {
throw 'Ember.typeOf(content) === "'+ type +'" is not supported';
return [];
} catch (ex) {
console.warn('FilterContentComponent.contentComp', ex);
* inputClassNamesComputed
* @description concatenates any passed `inputClassNames` string with 'filter-input'
* @memberof FilterContentComponent
* @type {string}
* @instance
inputClassNamesComputed: Ember.computed('inputClassNames', function() {
var classNames = this.get('inputClassNames');
return (classNames ? classNames + ' ' : '') + 'filter-input';
* propertiesComputed
* @description an array of strings representing the contentComp properties
* matching against
* @memberof FilterContentComponent
* @returns {array}
* @instance
propertiesComputed: Ember.computed('properties', function() {
var properties = this.get('properties') || '';
// anything ![alphanumeric, underscore, period, space, atsymbol]
var regexA = new RegExp(/[^\w\s@.-]+/g);
// one or more space
var regexB = new RegExp(/\s+/g);
// cast to string and apply transforms
if (properties) {
return properties
.replace(regexA, '')
} else {
return [];
* queryComputed
* @description the string being matched against 'contentComputed' replaces
* forward slashes to prevent error
* @todo is there a better solution for forward slashes?
* @memberof FilterContentComponent
* @returns {string}
* @instance
queryComputed: Ember.computed('query', function() {
var query = this.get('query');
var regex = new RegExp(/\\+/g);
if (Ember.isPresent(query)) {
return query.replace(regex, '');
} else {
return '';
/* observers
------------------------ */
* debounceFilter
* @description an `` timer that handles debouncing `applyFilter()`,
* set by `setFilterTimer()`
* @memberof FilterContentComponent
* @type {string}
* @instance
debounceFilter: null,
* setFilterTimer
* @description an observer that sets `debounceFilter` to an ``
* instance
* @memberof FilterContentComponent
* @instance
setFilterTimer:'contentComputed', 'queryComputed', function() {'debounceFilter'));
this.set('debounceFilter',, this.applyFilter, 350));
/* methods
------------------------ */
* applyFilter
* @description a debounced method called by `debounceFilter()` to actually apply
* the filter
* @memberof FilterContentComponent
* @instance
applyFilter: function() {
if (this.get('isDestroyed')) { return false; }
var compareItems = [];
var component = this;
var currentItem = [];
var filteredItems = [];
// iterate each item passed in `content`
filteredItems = Ember.EnumerableUtils.filter(this.get('contentComputed'), function(item) {
compareItems = [];
// check each specified property for a match
component.get('propertiesComputed').forEach(function(prop) {
currentItem = item;
// if the item supports `get()`, use it
if (currentItem.get) {
currentItem = currentItem.get(prop);
// if the item doesn't support `get()`, take the hard way
} else {
currentItem = component.getFromEnum(Ember.makeArray(currentItem), prop);
// if an item was found add it to the matching queue
if (currentItem) {
compareItems = compareItems.concat(currentItem);
// return true if the specified indices were found and of those, at least
// one matched the query
if (!Ember.isEmpty(compareItems)) {
return component.arrayContainsMatch(compareItems, component.get('queryComputed'));
} else {
return false;
this.set('filteredContent', filteredItems);
* arrayContainsMatch
* @description a method to check whether an array contains a match for a query
* @memberof FilterContentComponent
* @param possibleMatches {array.<string>} an array of strings to match against
* @param query {string} the query used to match against `possibleMatches`
* @returns {boolean} whether `possibleMatches` contains a match
arrayContainsMatch: function(possibleMatches, query) {
var component = this;
var matchFound = false;
possibleMatches.forEach(function(item) {
if (!matchFound && component.isMatch(item, query)) {
matchFound = true;
return matchFound;
* getFromEnum
* @description provides `get()`-like functionality for enumerables
* @param {array} enumerable the array of items to search for `property`
* @param {string} property dot notation of desired property
* @returns {array} properties matching specified indices
getFromEnum: function(enumerable, property) {
var component = this;
var found = [];
var len = 0;
var properties = property.split('.') || [];
var skip = false;
var tempItem = null;
var tempProperties = properties;
len = properties.length;
// if no array was passed return an empty array
if (!enumerable) {
return [];
// if all that was requested was "@each" return what was passed in
} else if (property === '@each') {
return enumerable;
// iterate the passed array of items and attempt to "`get(property)`" from each
enumerable.forEach(function(item) {
// create copies that can be modified
tempItem = item;
tempProperties = properties;
// iterate each specified index chunk to...
tempProperties.forEach(function(index, y) {
// efficiency/safety check
if (!skip && tempItem) {
// if the specified index is "@each":
// - if current item is last
// - return whatever `tempItem` is
// - if current item is not last
// - recurse and continue looking for value(s)
// - set `skip=true` to prevent subsequent loops from incorrectly
// trying to whittle down `tempItem`
if (index === '@each') {
if (Ember.isArray(tempItem)) {
if (y + 1 !== len) {
// recurse and continue looking for value(s)
tempItem = Ember.makeArray(tempItem);
tempProperties = tempProperties.slice(y + 1, len).join('.');
tempItem = component.getFromEnum(tempItem, tempProperties);
} else {
tempItem = tempItem;
// if the item isn't an array return null to prevent problems
} else {
tempItem = null;
// prevent subsequent loops from incorrectly trying to whittle
// down `tempItem`
skip = true;
// if `tempItem` is an object, attempt to find a value at the
// specified index
} else if (typeof tempItem === 'object') {
tempItem = tempItem[index] || null;
// if the specified index was not "@each" and `item` isn't an object
} else {
tempItem = null;
skip = true;
// reset `skip` for the next iteration
skip = false;
// if `tempItem` still exists at this point, add it to the array of
// found items
if (tempItem) {
found = found.concat(tempItem);
return found;
* init
* @description use init to kick off an initial filtering
init: function() {
* isMatch
* @todo: seems like this would fail if either value was 'false', should
* probably fix this if that's the case...
* @description checks if valueA and valueB match; passed values are sloppily
* coerced to strings
* @memberof FilterContentComponent
* @param {(number|string)} valueA
* @param {(number|string)} valueA
* @returns {boolean} whether there was a match between the passed values
isMatch: function(valueA, valueB) {
var matched = false;
var typeA = Ember.typeOf(valueA);
var typeB = Ember.typeOf(valueB);
typeA = (typeA === 'undefined' || typeA === 'null' || typeA === 'number' || typeA === 'string' || typeA === 'boolean');
typeB = (typeB === 'undefined' || typeB === 'null' || typeB === 'number' || typeB === 'string' || typeB === 'boolean');
if (typeA && typeB) {
valueA = Ember.inspect(valueA).toLowerCase();
valueB = Ember.inspect(valueB).toLowerCase();
matched = (valueA.match(valueB) !== null);
return matched;
* willDestroy
* @todo: this may be elligible for deprecation
* @description runs before the component is destroyed and tears things down
willDestroy: function() {
this.set('debounceFilter', null);
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
appName:'Ember Twiddle'
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
testModel: [{
"items": [
"items": [
<h1>Welcome to {{appName}}</h1><br>
{{#if showInput}}
{{input value=query placeholder=placeholder class=inputClassNamesComputed}}
{{yield component}}
Index page
{{#filter-content content=testModel properties="items.@each.term items.@each.explanation" as |fc|}}
{{#each fc.filteredContent as |item|}}
{{#each item.items as |ii|}}
{{ii.term}} / {{ii.explanation}}<br>
"version": "0.4.6",
"dependencies": {
"jquery": "",
"ember": "",
"ember-data": "",
"ember-template-compiler": ""
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