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Last active May 10, 2018 14:55
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[JS] Map flatten array to tree
import _ from 'lodash';
const originKey = '__origin';
const traverseTree = (root, test) => {
let stack = [root];
while (stack.length > 0) {
const node = stack.pop();
if (_.isArray(node)) {
stack = [...stack, ...node];
} else if (_.isObject(node)) {
if (!test(node)) {
const subtree = _.values(node);
stack = [...stack, ...subtree];
} else {
return node;
return null;
const mapFlattenToTree = (flatten, mapElementToNode, isParent, childrenKey) => {
const decoupledRoots = _.reduce(
(tree, element) => {
const parent = traverseTree(tree, node => isParent(node, element));
const isOrphan = _.isNil(parent);
const node = mapElementToNode(element);
if (!isOrphan) {
parent[childrenKey] = [...parent[childrenKey], node];
return isOrphan ? [...tree, { ...node, __origin: element }] : tree;
return _.reduce(
(tree, root) => {
const element = root[originKey];
const cleanRoot = _.omit(root, originKey);
const parent = traverseTree(tree, node => isParent(node, element));
const isOrphan = _.isNil(parent);
if (!isOrphan) {
parent[childrenKey] = [...parent[childrenKey], cleanRoot];
const reducedTree = _.filter(tree, node => node !== root);
return isOrphan ? [...reducedTree, cleanRoot] : reducedTree;
const flatten = [{
label: 'The 7',
value: '7',
parent_value: '6'
}, {
label: 'The 1',
value: '1',
parent_value: '0'
}, {
label: 'The 2',
value: '2',
parent_value: '0'
}, {
label: 'The 3',
value: '3',
parent_value: '0'
}, {
label: 'The 4',
value: '4',
parent_value: '1'
}, {
label: 'The 5',
value: '5',
parent_value: '2'
}, {
label: 'The 6',
value: '6',
parent_value: '2'
const tree = mapFlattenToTree(
// Flatten collection used to build a tree
// Convert flatten collection element into tree node, including empty children list
element => ({
label: element.label,
value: element.value,
children: []
// Test for parent-child relation
(parent, child) =>
parent.value === child.parent_value,
// Name of children property (the one used in node mapping above)
// [{
// "label": "The 1",
// "value": "1",
// "children": [{
// "label": "The 4",
// "value": "4",
// "children": []
// }]
// }, {
// "label": "The 2",
// "value": "2",
// "children": [{
// "label": "The 5",
// "value": "5",
// "children": []
// }, {
// "label": "The 6",
// "value": "6",
// "children": [{
// "label": "The 7",
// "value": "7",
// "children": []
// }]
// }]
// }, {
// "label": "The 3",
// "value": "3",
// "children": []
// }]
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