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Created April 12, 2023 03:36
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Gen 6 friend safari calculator. Make sure to use the local friend code and not the principal id.
const MT = require("./mt.js");
["Lillipup", "Dunsparce", "Teddiursa", "Aipom"],
["Kecleon", "Minccino", "Loudred", "Audino"],
["Eevee", "Ditto", "Smeargle", "Chansey"],
["Meditite", "Mankey", "Machoke", "Mienfoo"],
["Pancham", "Pancham", "Throh", "Sawk"],
["Hariyama", "Tyrogue", "Riolu", "Breloom"],
["Pidgey", "Spearow", "Farfetch’d", "Doduo"],
["Hoothoot", "Tranquill", "Swanna", "Woobat"],
["Rufflet", "Tropius", "Fletchinder", "Hawlucha"],
["Kakuna", "Cascoon", "Seviper", "Gloom"],
["Venomoth", "Swalot", "Garbodor", "Ariados"],
["Toxicroak", "Drapion", "Muk", "Whirlipede"],
["Phanpy", "Wooper", "Trapinch", "Sandshrew"],
["Marowak", "Camerupt", "Dugtrio", "Nincada"],
["Palpitoad", "Gastrodon", "Diggersby", "Diggersby"],
["Dwebble", "Dwebble", "Nosepass", "Boldore"],
["Pupitar", "Corsola", "Onix", "Magcargo"],
["Rhydon", "Shuckle", "Barbaracle", "Barbaracle"],
["Butterfree", "Combee", "Ledyba", "Paras"],
["Beautifly", "Masquerain", "Volbeat", "Illumise"],
["Vivillon", "Venomoth", "Pinsir", "Heracross"],
["Shuppet", "Shuppet", "Lampent", "Lampent"],
["Phantump", "Phantump", "Pumpkaboo", "Pumpkaboo"],
["Golurk", "Drifblim", "Dusclops", "Spiritomb"],
["Ferroseed", "Ferroseed", "Mawile", "Magneton"],
["Metang", "Klang", "Skarmory", "Forretress"],
["Bronzong", "Excadrill", "Klefki", "Klefki"],
["Ponyta", "Growlithe", "Pansear", "Magmar"],
["Charmeleon", "Pyroar", "Slugma", "Larvesta"],
["Braixen", "Braixen", "Fletchinder", "Ninetales"],
["Krabby", "Bibarel", "Panpour", "Octillery"],
["Wartortle", "Quagsire", "Gyarados", "Floatzel"],
["Frogadier", "Frogadier", "Azumarill", "Poliwhirl"],
["Oddish", "Tangela", "Pansage", "Sunkern"],
["Ivysaur", "Petilil", "Sawsbuck", "Swadloon"],
["Quilladin", "Quilladin", "Maractus", "Gogoat"],
["Electrode", "Emolga", "Dedenne", "Pachirisu"],
["Pikachu", "Helioptile", "Electabuzz", "Stunfisk"],
["Luxio", "Galvantula", "Zebstrika", "Manectric"],
["Abra", "Drowzee", "Grumpig", "Munna"],
["Wobbuffet", "Sigilyph", "Espurr", "Espurr"],
["Duosion", "Xatu", "Girafarig", "Gothorita"],
["Snorunt", "Delibird", "Spheal", "Snover"],
["Bergmite", "Bergmite", "Sneasel", "Beartic"],
["Lapras", "Cloyster", "Dewgong", "Piloswine"],
["Gabite", "Gabite", "Fraxure", "Fraxure"],
["Shelgon", "Dragonair", "Noibat", "Noibat"],
["Druddigon", "Druddigon", "Sliggoo", "Sliggoo"],
["Pawniard", "Vullaby", "Nuzleaf", "Mightyena"],
["Sneasel", "Sandile", "Cacturne", "Crawdaunt"],
["Liepard", "Inkay", "Absol", "Sableye"],
["Kirlia", "Snubbull", "Togepi", "Dedenne"],
["Mawile", "Jigglypuff", "Spritzee", "Swirlix"],
["Floette", "Clefairy", "Floette", "Floette"],
0, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 1, 3, 4, 2, 13, 6, 5, 7, 15, 16, 8, 17, 0, 9, 10, 11,
12, 14, 1, 3, 4, 2, 13, 6, 5, 7,
const FRIEND_SAFARI_SHIFT_NUMS = [3, 6, 9, 12, 16];
const SLOT_1_SHIFT_NUMS = [20, 23];
const SLOT_2_SHIFT_NUMS = [27, 30];
const SLOT_3_SHIFT_NUMS = [15, 24];
const twistRand = (rand, shiftNums) => {
let result = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < shiftNums.length; i++) {
const shiftNum = shiftNums[i] - 1;
result |= ((rand & (1 << shiftNum)) >> shiftNum) << i;
return result;
const getSafarisFromLocalFriendCode = (localFriendCode) => {
const maskedSeed = localFriendCode | 0x81000008000801n;
const seedLow = Number(maskedSeed & 0xffffffffn);
const seedHigh = Number(maskedSeed >> 32n);
const seedArr = [seedLow, seedHigh];
const mt = new MT();
mt.init_by_array(seedArr, seedArr.length);
const rand = mt.genrand_int32();
const friendSafariIndex =
const slot1Index = twistRand(rand, SLOT_1_SHIFT_NUMS);
const slot2Index = twistRand(rand, SLOT_2_SHIFT_NUMS);
const slot3Index = twistRand(rand, SLOT_3_SHIFT_NUMS);
const friendSafari = FRIEND_SAFARIS[friendSafariIndex];
return [
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