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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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two way binding with contenteditable in Meteor (concept)

Bindings With Meteor

Two way bindings between Collections and contenteditable elements With Meteor UI

I've been missing two way bindings from Meteor. I wanted to figure out the lightest way to achive two way bindings with a contenteditable Span. This seems to be working, and easy super easy to integrate.

Misses even basic Error handling and a little more attention updating the innerText of the span element


{{>Edit name="propertyName"}}

if Meteor.isClient
Template.EditText = UI.Component.extend
kind: "Edit"
init: ()->
self = this
self.textDep = new Deps.Dependency
self.getText = ()->
Deps.autorun ()->
data = self.get()
propertyName = self.get("bind")
value = data.get(propertyName)
unless self.isFocused
self.text = value
self.textDep.changed() =
keydown: (event, template)->
if event.keyCode == 13
input: (event, template)->
model = self.get()
propertyName = self.get("bind")
json = {}
json[propertyName] = $(
model.update {$set: json}
focus: ()->
self.isFocused = true
blur: ()->
self.isFocused = false
render: ()->
# UI.materialize accepts
# ----------------------
# - string, boolean, number
# - Array
# - function, (with reactivity)
# - Components
# - HTML.Tag, HTML.Raw, HTML.Comment, HTML.CharRef
self = this
return HTML.DIV {
contenteditable: ()-> !self.get("disabled")
()-> return self.getText()
<template name="Edit">
<span contenteditable name='{{name}}' placeholder='{{name}}' class="Edit"></span>
# DB Collection
collection = new Meteor.Collection "collection",
transform: (doc)->
return new Model doc
# Model class
class Model
constructor: (doc)->
for key in Object.keys doc
this[key] = doc[key]
update: (modifier, options, callback)->
collection.update this._id, modifier, options, callback
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This gist is broken in latest Meteor due to changes in the Blaze api etc. Any chance of a rewrite to support it?

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