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Created April 2, 2020 18:02
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import UIKit
import SwiftyJSON
import AVFoundation
import SVProgressHUD
let TheSpotifyManager = SpotifyManager.shared
class SpotifyManager: NSObject, BaseMusicManager, SPTSessionManagerDelegate {
static let shared = SpotifyManager()
var appRemoteDelegate: SPTAppRemoteDelegate?
var sessionDelegate: SPTSessionManagerDelegate?
lazy var configuration: SPTConfiguration = {
SPTConfiguration(clientID: AppConstants.Spotify.CLIENT_ID, redirectURL: AppConstants.Spotify.REDIRECT_URI)
var accessToken: String? {
get {
return self.appRemote.connectionParameters.accessToken
lazy var appRemote: SPTAppRemote = {
let appRemote = SPTAppRemote(configuration: self.configuration, logLevel: .debug)
appRemote.delegate = self.appRemoteDelegate
return appRemote
lazy var sessionManager: SPTSessionManager = {
if let tokenSwapURL = URL(string: "LINK_TO_TOKEN_URL"), //ensure that this is supplied
let tokenRefreshURL = URL(string: "LINK_TO_TOKEN_REFRESH_URL") { //ensure that this is supplied
self.configuration.tokenSwapURL = tokenSwapURL
self.configuration.tokenRefreshURL = tokenRefreshURL
self.configuration.playURI = nil//spotify:playlist:\(AppConstants.Spotify.PLAYLIST_ID)"
let manager = SPTSessionManager(configuration: configuration, delegate: self.sessionDelegate)
return manager
fileprivate func sendRequest(playlist:Playlist, url: String, completion:@escaping ((Playlist?, Error?) -> Void)) {
TheSpotifyWebServiceAPI.sendGetRequestWithHeader(url) { (response, error) in
if (response != nil) {
if let dictResponse = JSON(response!).dictionary {
if let dictError = dictResponse["error"]?.dictionary {
let strErrMsg = dictError["message"]?.string ?? AppConstants.SomethingWentWrong
SVProgressHUD.showError(withStatus: strErrMsg)
SVProgressHUD.dismiss(withDelay: 3)
} else if let arrItems = dictResponse["items"]?.array {
// if playlist == nil {
// playlist = SpotifyPlaylist.init(withDict: dictResponse)
// }
for nIdx in 0..<arrItems.count {
if let eachItem = arrItems[nIdx].dictionary, let eachTrack = eachItem["track"]?.dictionary {
let track = SpotifyTrack.init(from: eachTrack)
if let nextUrl = dictResponse["next"]?.string {
self.sendRequest(playlist: playlist, url: nextUrl, completion: completion)
} else {
completion(playlist, nil)
} else {
SVProgressHUD.showError(withStatus: AppConstants.SomethingWentWrong)
SVProgressHUD.dismiss(withDelay: 3)
completion(nil, nil)
} else {
SVProgressHUD.showError(withStatus: AppConstants.SomethingWentWrong)
SVProgressHUD.dismiss(withDelay: 3)
completion(nil, nil)
func fetchPlaylist(_ playlistID: String, completionHandler completion:@escaping ((Playlist?, Error?) -> Void)) {
let playlist = SpotifyPlaylist.init(withDict: ["id":playlistID])
let url = "\(playlistID)/tracks"
sendRequest(playlist: playlist, url: url, completion: completion)
func followArtist(_ artistId: String) {
let url = "\(artistId)"
TheSpotifyWebServiceAPI.sendPutRequestWithHeader(url, params: nil, completion: { (result, error) in
print("Following an artist result - ", result ?? "No result", error ?? "No error")
func requestAuthorization(appRemoteDelegate: SPTAppRemoteDelegate) {
let scope: SPTScope = [.appRemoteControl, .userFollowModify, .streaming]
SpotifyManager.shared.sessionManager.delegate = self
SpotifyManager.shared.appRemote.delegate = appRemoteDelegate
SpotifyManager.shared.sessionManager.initiateSession(with: scope, options: AuthorizationOptions.default)
func saveToDefaults() {
// UserDefaults.standard.set(SpotifyManager.shared.appRemote.connectionParameters.accessToken, forKey:"SpotifyAccessTOken")
func restoreFromDefaults() {
// if let accessToken = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: "SpotifyAccessTOken") as? String {
// SpotifyManager.shared.appRemote.connectionParameters.accessToken = accessToken
// }
extension SpotifyManager {
func sessionManager(manager: SPTSessionManager, didFailWith error: Error) {
print("sessionManager didFailWith ", error)
func sessionManager(manager: SPTSessionManager, didRenew session: SPTSession) {
print("sessionManager didRenew ", session)
func sessionManager(manager: SPTSessionManager, didInitiate session: SPTSession) {
print("sessionManager didInitiate ", session)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
SpotifyManager.shared.appRemote.connectionParameters.accessToken = session.accessToken
// MARK: following the artist automatically
func sessionManager(manager: SPTSessionManager, shouldRequestAccessTokenWith code: String) -> Bool {
return true
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