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nucleo: PGO optimized compared to Release
taskset -c 0 ./benches_optimized
will git clone linux...
fatal: целевой путь «/home/zamazan4ik/open_source/nucleo/target/linux» уже существует и не является пустым каталогом.
did git clone linux...ExitStatus(unix_wait_status(32768))
Starting: Running benchmark(s). Stand by!
running "never_matches"...
running "copying"...
running "/doc/kernel"...
running "//.h"...
Method Mean Samples Change
nucleo "never_matches" 3.43 ms 2,464/2,500 -6.33%
skim "never_matches" 25.19 ms 394/397 -25.40%
nucleo "copying" 2.98 ms 2,481/2,500 -7.94%
skim "copying" 23.40 ms 422/427 -28.19%
nucleo "/doc/kernel" 3.62 ms 2,477/2,500 -7.43%
skim "/doc/kernel" 25.64 ms 386/390 -25.93%
nucleo "//.h" 12.83 ms 763/778 -14.58%
skim "//.h" 49.39 ms 203/203 -22.69%
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