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Created January 29, 2024 01:36
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tracing libraries: PGO optimized compared to Release
cargo pgo optimize bench -- --all-features --workspace
[2024-01-29T01:21:27Z INFO cargo_pgo::pgo::optimize] Found 9 PGO profile files with total size 10.29 MiB at /home/zamazan4ik/open_source/minitrace-rust/target/pgo-profiles.
[2024-01-29T01:21:27Z INFO cargo_pgo::pgo::optimize] Merged PGO profile(s) to /home/zamazan4ik/open_source/minitrace-rust/target/pgo-profiles/merged-c8c18fd211cedb76a07a189ce4c3d1f0465b5c6872895b35fb14013edd6b2cc8.profdata.
Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0
Compiling once_cell v1.19.0
Compiling memchr v2.7.1
Compiling pin-project-lite v0.2.13
Compiling futures-core v0.3.30
Compiling futures-sink v0.3.30
Compiling smallvec v1.13.1
Compiling scopeguard v1.2.0
Compiling futures-io v0.3.30
Compiling pin-utils v0.1.0
Compiling futures-task v0.3.30
Compiling hashbrown v0.14.3
Compiling bytes v1.5.0
Compiling ppv-lite86 v0.2.17
Compiling fnv v1.0.7
Compiling itoa v1.0.10
Compiling libc v0.2.152
Compiling crossbeam-utils v0.8.19
Compiling slab v0.4.9
Compiling equivalent v1.0.1
Compiling percent-encoding v2.3.1
Compiling log v0.4.20
Compiling num-traits v0.2.17
Compiling serde v1.0.196
Compiling lock_api v0.4.11
Compiling pin-project v1.1.4
Compiling hashbrown v0.12.3
Compiling tower-service v0.3.2
Compiling try-lock v0.2.5
Compiling thiserror v1.0.56
Compiling futures-channel v0.3.30
Compiling httparse v1.8.0
Compiling httpdate v1.0.3
Compiling want v0.3.1
Compiling bitflags v2.4.2
Compiling mime v0.3.17
Compiling cache-padded v1.3.0
Compiling web-time v1.0.0
Compiling foreign-types-shared v0.1.1
Compiling tracing-core v0.1.32
Compiling rtrb v0.2.3
Compiling foreign-types v0.3.2
Compiling tinyvec_macros v0.1.1
Compiling byteorder v1.5.0
Compiling tower-layer v0.3.2
Compiling bitflags v1.3.2
Compiling base64 v0.21.7
Compiling urlencoding v2.1.3
Compiling ryu v1.0.16
Compiling tinyvec v1.6.0
Compiling lazy_static v1.4.0
Compiling either v1.9.0
Compiling regex-syntax v0.8.2
Compiling openssl-probe v0.1.5
Compiling form_urlencoded v1.2.1
Compiling sync_wrapper v0.1.2
Compiling matchit v0.7.3
Compiling unicode-bidi v0.3.15
Compiling trackable v1.3.0
Compiling half v2.3.1
Compiling encoding_rs v0.8.33
Compiling overload v0.1.1
Compiling itertools v0.10.5
Compiling linux-raw-sys v0.4.13
Compiling predicates-core v1.0.6
Compiling os_str_bytes v6.6.1
Compiling adler v1.0.2
Compiling http v0.2.11
Compiling prost v0.11.9
Compiling crossbeam-channel v0.5.11
Compiling tracing v0.1.40
Compiling crossbeam-epoch v0.9.18
Compiling futures-util v0.3.30
Compiling indexmap v1.9.3
Compiling aho-corasick v1.1.2
Compiling plotters-backend v0.3.5
Compiling gimli v0.28.1
Compiling ipnet v2.9.0
Compiling indexmap v2.2.1
Compiling ciborium-io v0.2.2
Compiling parking_lot_core v0.9.9
Compiling getrandom v0.2.12
Compiling socket2 v0.5.5
Compiling mio v0.8.10
Compiling signal-hook-registry v1.4.1
Compiling num_cpus v1.16.0
Compiling coarsetime v0.1.33
Compiling rand_core v0.6.4
Compiling openssl-sys v0.9.99
Compiling crossbeam-deque v0.8.5
Compiling parking_lot v0.12.1
Compiling rand_chacha v0.3.1
Compiling minstant v0.1.6
Compiling ordered-float v4.2.0
Compiling unicode-normalization v0.1.22
Compiling dashmap v5.5.3
Compiling rmp v0.8.12
Compiling rayon-core v1.12.1
Compiling float-cmp v0.9.0
Compiling tokio v1.35.1
Compiling rand v0.8.5
Compiling rustix v0.38.30
Compiling plotters-svg v0.3.5
Compiling http-body v0.4.6
Compiling opentelemetry v0.21.0
Compiling ciborium-ll v0.2.2
Compiling clap_lex v0.2.4
Compiling object v0.32.2
Compiling tracing-log v0.2.0
Compiling miniz_oxide v0.7.1
Compiling thrift_codec v0.2.0
Compiling nu-ansi-term v0.46.0
Compiling idna v0.5.0
Compiling sharded-slab v0.1.7
Compiling thread_local v1.1.7
Compiling rustc-demangle v0.1.23
Compiling same-file v1.0.6
Compiling normalize-line-endings v0.3.0
Compiling cast v0.3.0
Compiling termtree v0.4.1
Compiling textwrap v0.16.0
Compiling difflib v0.4.0
Compiling criterion-plot v0.5.0
Compiling predicates-tree v1.0.9
Compiling walkdir v2.4.0
Compiling opentelemetry-semantic-conventions v0.13.0
Compiling rayon v1.8.1
Compiling plotters v0.3.5
Compiling openssl v0.10.63
Compiling url v2.5.0
Compiling clap v3.2.25
Compiling is-terminal v0.4.10
Compiling atty v0.2.14
Compiling tracing-log v0.1.4
Compiling regex-automata v0.4.5
Compiling tracing-subscriber v0.3.18
Compiling crossbeam-queue v0.3.11
Compiling oorandom v11.1.3
Compiling fragile v2.0.0
Compiling humantime v2.1.0
Compiling anes v0.1.6
Compiling termcolor v1.4.1
Compiling downcast v0.11.0
Compiling crossbeam v0.8.4
Compiling futures-timer v3.0.2
Compiling addr2line v0.21.0
Compiling serde_urlencoded v0.7.1
Compiling serde_json v1.0.112
Compiling rmp-serde v1.1.2
Compiling ciborium v0.2.2
Compiling futures-executor v0.3.30
Compiling axum-core v0.3.4
Compiling opentelemetry_api v0.18.0
Compiling futures v0.3.30
Compiling opentelemetry_sdk v0.21.2
Compiling minitrace v0.6.3 (/home/zamazan4ik/open_source/minitrace-rust/minitrace)
Compiling serial_test v2.0.0
Compiling tinytemplate v1.2.1
Compiling minitrace-jaeger v0.6.3 (/home/zamazan4ik/open_source/minitrace-rust/minitrace-jaeger)
Compiling opentelemetry_sdk v0.18.0
Compiling minitrace-opentelemetry v0.6.3 (/home/zamazan4ik/open_source/minitrace-rust/minitrace-opentelemetry)
Compiling regex v1.10.3
Compiling test-statically-disable v0.0.1 (/home/zamazan4ik/open_source/minitrace-rust/test-statically-disable)
warning: 228 warnings emitted=====> ] 294/338: opentelemetry_sdk, openssl, regex-automata, tokio, regex, minitrace-opentelemetry, minitrace-jaeger(test), minitrace-jaeger, axu...
warning: 126 warnings emitted=====> ] 295/338: opentelemetry_sdk, openssl, regex-automata, tokio, regex, minitrace-opentelemetry, minitrace-jaeger(test), axum-core, clap, obje...
Compiling backtrace v0.3.69
Compiling predicates v2.1.5
Compiling env_logger v0.10.2
Compiling criterion v0.4.0
Compiling rustracing v0.6.0
Compiling opentelemetry v0.18.0
Compiling tracing-opentelemetry v0.18.0
Compiling mockall v0.11.4
Compiling native-tls v0.2.11
Compiling tokio-util v0.7.10
Compiling tokio-io-timeout v1.2.0
Compiling tokio-native-tls v0.3.1
Compiling tokio-stream v0.1.14
Compiling h2 v0.3.24
Compiling tower v0.4.13
Compiling hyper v0.14.28
Compiling axum v0.6.20
Compiling hyper-timeout v0.4.1
Compiling hyper-tls v0.5.0
Compiling reqwest v0.11.23
Compiling minitrace-datadog v0.6.3 (/home/zamazan4ik/open_source/minitrace-rust/minitrace-datadog)
warning: 308 warnings emitted=======> ] 323/338: minitrace-datadog, minitrace-jaeger(test), axum, reqwest, test-statically-disable(bin test)
Compiling tonic v0.9.2
Compiling opentelemetry-proto v0.4.0
Compiling opentelemetry-otlp v0.14.0
Finished bench [optimized] target(s) in 40.24s
PGO optimized build successfully finished.
Running unittests src/ (target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/deps/minitrace-54b199aacc92e077)
running 32 tests
test collector::id::tests::unique_id ... ignored
test collector::tests::w3c_traceparent ... ignored
test local::local_collector::tests::drop_without_collect ... ignored
test local::local_collector::tests::local_collector_basic ... ignored
test local::local_collector::tests::local_spans_to_span_record ... ignored
test local::local_span::tests::drop_out_of_order - should panic ... ignored
test local::local_span::tests::local_span_basic ... ignored
test local::local_span::tests::local_span_noop ... ignored
test local::local_span_line::tests::current_collect_token ... ignored
test local::local_span_line::tests::span_line_basic ... ignored
test local::local_span_line::tests::unmatched_epoch_add_properties ... ignored
test local::local_span_line::tests::unmatched_epoch_collect ... ignored
test local::local_span_line::tests::unmatched_epoch_finish_span ... ignored
test local::local_span_stack::tests::current_collect_token ... ignored
test local::local_span_stack::tests::span_stack_basic ... ignored
test local::local_span_stack::tests::span_stack_is_full ... ignored
test local::local_span_stack::tests::unmatched_span_line_add_properties - should panic ... ignored
test local::local_span_stack::tests::unmatched_span_line_collect - should panic ... ignored
test local::local_span_stack::tests::unmatched_span_line_exit_span - should panic ... ignored
test local::span_queue::tests::finish_span_out_of_order - should panic ... ignored
test local::span_queue::tests::last_span_id ... ignored
test local::span_queue::tests::span_add_properties ... ignored
test local::span_queue::tests::span_not_finished ... ignored
test local::span_queue::tests::span_queue_basic ... ignored
test local::span_queue::tests::span_queue_out_of_size ... ignored
test span::tests::noop_basic ... ignored
test span::tests::root_cancel ... ignored
test span::tests::root_collect ... ignored
test span::tests::span_communicate_via_stack ... ignored
test span::tests::span_push_child_spans ... ignored
test span::tests::span_with_parent ... ignored
test span::tests::span_with_parents ... ignored
test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 32 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s
Running benches/ (target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/deps/compare-7152467dcbcc6196)
Benchmarking compare/Tokio Tracing/1
Benchmarking compare/Tokio Tracing/1: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking compare/Tokio Tracing/1: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0018 s (3.4M iterations)
Benchmarking compare/Tokio Tracing/1: Analyzing
compare/Tokio Tracing/1 time: [1.4579 µs 1.4590 µs 1.4604 µs]
change: [-15.624% -15.571% -15.525%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 5 outliers among 100 measurements (5.00%)
1 (1.00%) low mild
2 (2.00%) high mild
2 (2.00%) high severe
Benchmarking compare/Rustracing/1
Benchmarking compare/Rustracing/1: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking compare/Rustracing/1: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0011 s (4.7M iterations)
Benchmarking compare/Rustracing/1: Analyzing
compare/Rustracing/1 time: [1.0478 µs 1.0487 µs 1.0498 µs]
change: [-3.4438% -3.3460% -3.2216%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 18 outliers among 100 measurements (18.00%)
4 (4.00%) high mild
14 (14.00%) high severe
Benchmarking compare/minitrace/1
Benchmarking compare/minitrace/1: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking compare/minitrace/1: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0002 s (17M iterations)
Benchmarking compare/minitrace/1: Analyzing
compare/minitrace/1 time: [280.40 ns 280.77 ns 281.27 ns]
change: [-9.9027% -9.4172% -8.9101%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 7 outliers among 100 measurements (7.00%)
1 (1.00%) low severe
2 (2.00%) low mild
3 (3.00%) high mild
1 (1.00%) high severe
Benchmarking compare/Tokio Tracing/10
Benchmarking compare/Tokio Tracing/10: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking compare/Tokio Tracing/10: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0221 s (611k iterations)
Benchmarking compare/Tokio Tracing/10: Analyzing
compare/Tokio Tracing/10
time: [8.2093 µs 8.2171 µs 8.2248 µs]
change: [-17.175% -17.065% -16.976%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 5 outliers among 100 measurements (5.00%)
1 (1.00%) low severe
1 (1.00%) low mild
3 (3.00%) high mild
Benchmarking compare/Rustracing/10
Benchmarking compare/Rustracing/10: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking compare/Rustracing/10: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0121 s (1.8M iterations)
Benchmarking compare/Rustracing/10: Analyzing
compare/Rustracing/10 time: [2.7701 µs 2.7704 µs 2.7710 µs]
change: [-1.6824% -1.6660% -1.6488%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 12 outliers among 100 measurements (12.00%)
2 (2.00%) low mild
5 (5.00%) high mild
5 (5.00%) high severe
Benchmarking compare/minitrace/10
Benchmarking compare/minitrace/10: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking compare/minitrace/10: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0017 s (8.9M iterations)
Benchmarking compare/minitrace/10: Analyzing
compare/minitrace/10 time: [526.97 ns 541.52 ns 564.60 ns]
change: [-15.335% -11.842% -9.1185%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 2 outliers among 100 measurements (2.00%)
1 (1.00%) high mild
1 (1.00%) high severe
Benchmarking compare/Tokio Tracing/100
Benchmarking compare/Tokio Tracing/100: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking compare/Tokio Tracing/100: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.3824 s (71k iterations)
Benchmarking compare/Tokio Tracing/100: Analyzing
compare/Tokio Tracing/100
time: [76.535 µs 76.634 µs 76.733 µs]
change: [-15.017% -14.880% -14.752%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 6 outliers among 100 measurements (6.00%)
1 (1.00%) low severe
1 (1.00%) low mild
3 (3.00%) high mild
1 (1.00%) high severe
Benchmarking compare/Rustracing/100
Benchmarking compare/Rustracing/100: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking compare/Rustracing/100: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0463 s (242k iterations)
Benchmarking compare/Rustracing/100: Analyzing
compare/Rustracing/100 time: [20.205 µs 20.207 µs 20.210 µs]
change: [-3.6934% -3.6784% -3.6631%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 6 outliers among 100 measurements (6.00%)
5 (5.00%) high mild
1 (1.00%) high severe
Benchmarking compare/minitrace/100
Benchmarking compare/minitrace/100: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking compare/minitrace/100: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0020 s (1.5M iterations)
Benchmarking compare/minitrace/100: Analyzing
compare/minitrace/100 time: [3.2186 µs 3.2235 µs 3.2287 µs]
change: [-2.7096% -2.0405% -1.1832%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 8 outliers among 100 measurements (8.00%)
4 (4.00%) high mild
4 (4.00%) high severe
Benchmarking compare/Tokio Tracing/1000
Benchmarking compare/Tokio Tracing/1000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking compare/Tokio Tracing/1000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 7.6890 s (10k iterations)
Benchmarking compare/Tokio Tracing/1000: Analyzing
compare/Tokio Tracing/1000
time: [761.94 µs 762.38 µs 762.80 µs]
change: [-14.856% -14.798% -14.739%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 1 outliers among 100 measurements (1.00%)
1 (1.00%) high mild
Benchmarking compare/Rustracing/1000
Benchmarking compare/Rustracing/1000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking compare/Rustracing/1000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0253 s (25k iterations)
Benchmarking compare/Rustracing/1000: Analyzing
compare/Rustracing/1000 time: [192.86 µs 192.89 µs 192.93 µs]
change: [-3.2871% -3.2472% -3.2153%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 14 outliers among 100 measurements (14.00%)
2 (2.00%) low mild
7 (7.00%) high mild
5 (5.00%) high severe
Benchmarking compare/minitrace/1000
Benchmarking compare/minitrace/1000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking compare/minitrace/1000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.1421 s (157k iterations)
Benchmarking compare/minitrace/1000: Analyzing
compare/minitrace/1000 time: [32.732 µs 32.781 µs 32.833 µs]
change: [-23.542% -21.373% -19.178%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 6 outliers among 100 measurements (6.00%)
4 (4.00%) high mild
2 (2.00%) high severe
Running benches/ (target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/deps/object_pool-bdf22228cad272dc)
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/object-pool/1
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/object-pool/1: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/object-pool/1: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0000 s (222M iterations)
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/object-pool/1: Analyzing
time: [8.0166 ns 8.0228 ns 8.0302 ns]
change: [-3.9033% -3.4881% -3.0949%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 7 outliers among 100 measurements (7.00%)
4 (4.00%) high mild
3 (3.00%) high severe
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/alloc/1
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/alloc/1: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/alloc/1: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0001 s (176M iterations)
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/alloc/1: Analyzing
time: [12.450 ns 12.460 ns 12.470 ns]
change: [-2.4639% -1.8964% -1.3713%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 2 outliers among 100 measurements (2.00%)
2 (2.00%) low mild
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/object-pool/10
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/object-pool/10: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/object-pool/10: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0000 s (213M iterations)
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/object-pool/10: Analyzing
time: [8.0675 ns 8.0724 ns 8.0779 ns]
change: [-1.8728% -1.7772% -1.6905%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 7 outliers among 100 measurements (7.00%)
1 (1.00%) low mild
3 (3.00%) high mild
3 (3.00%) high severe
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/alloc/10
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/alloc/10: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/alloc/10: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0001 s (167M iterations)
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/alloc/10: Analyzing
time: [12.929 ns 12.958 ns 12.998 ns]
change: [+2.1802% +2.6561% +3.2349%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has regressed.
Found 6 outliers among 100 measurements (6.00%)
5 (5.00%) low mild
1 (1.00%) high severe
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/object-pool/100
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/object-pool/100: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/object-pool/100: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0000 s (221M iterations)
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/object-pool/100: Analyzing
time: [8.0402 ns 8.0425 ns 8.0450 ns]
change: [-2.1678% -2.0819% -1.9974%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 6 outliers among 100 measurements (6.00%)
3 (3.00%) high mild
3 (3.00%) high severe
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/alloc/100
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/alloc/100: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/alloc/100: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0001 s (183M iterations)
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/alloc/100: Analyzing
time: [12.155 ns 12.157 ns 12.158 ns]
change: [-9.5403% -9.3861% -9.2631%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 9 outliers among 100 measurements (9.00%)
1 (1.00%) low mild
4 (4.00%) high mild
4 (4.00%) high severe
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/object-pool/1000
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/object-pool/1000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/object-pool/1000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0001 s (222M iterations)
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/object-pool/1000: Analyzing
time: [8.0452 ns 8.0477 ns 8.0504 ns]
change: [-3.9569% -2.5118% -1.0054%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 5 outliers among 100 measurements (5.00%)
1 (1.00%) high mild
4 (4.00%) high severe
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/alloc/1000
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/alloc/1000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/alloc/1000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0000 s (188M iterations)
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/alloc/1000: Analyzing
time: [11.383 ns 11.395 ns 11.408 ns]
change: [-99.183% -99.179% -99.175%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/object-pool/10000
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/object-pool/10000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/object-pool/10000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0000 s (214M iterations)
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/object-pool/10000: Analyzing
time: [8.0421 ns 8.0450 ns 8.0482 ns]
change: [-5.5876% -3.1273% -0.6603%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Change within noise threshold.
Found 6 outliers among 100 measurements (6.00%)
3 (3.00%) high mild
3 (3.00%) high severe
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/alloc/10000
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/alloc/10000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/alloc/10000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0011 s (2.2M iterations)
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/alloc/10000: Analyzing
time: [1.9800 µs 1.9806 µs 1.9813 µs]
change: [+0.0296% +0.1209% +0.1978%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Change within noise threshold.
Found 18 outliers among 100 measurements (18.00%)
2 (2.00%) low severe
11 (11.00%) low mild
2 (2.00%) high mild
3 (3.00%) high severe
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/object-pool/100000
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/object-pool/100000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/object-pool/100000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0000 s (214M iterations)
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/object-pool/100000: Analyzing
time: [8.0420 ns 8.0451 ns 8.0487 ns]
change: [-6.3353% -3.6069% -1.2728%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 6 outliers among 100 measurements (6.00%)
6 (6.00%) high severe
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/alloc/100000
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/alloc/100000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/alloc/100000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0025 s (1.6M iterations)
Benchmarking Vec::with_capacity/alloc/100000: Analyzing
time: [2.7121 µs 2.7123 µs 2.7126 µs]
change: [-0.0158% +0.2070% +0.3860%] (p = 0.04 < 0.05)
Change within noise threshold.
Found 8 outliers among 100 measurements (8.00%)
1 (1.00%) low mild
3 (3.00%) high mild
4 (4.00%) high severe
Running benches/ (target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/deps/spsc-25cbbfa2636fbf4b)
Benchmarking spsc channel/crossbeam/1
Benchmarking spsc channel/crossbeam/1: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel/crossbeam/1: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0232 s (157k iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel/crossbeam/1: Analyzing
spsc channel/crossbeam/1
time: [28.165 µs 28.297 µs 28.422 µs]
change: [-1.0019% +0.0889% +1.2735%] (p = 0.88 > 0.05)
No change in performance detected.
Found 13 outliers among 100 measurements (13.00%)
4 (4.00%) low severe
4 (4.00%) low mild
4 (4.00%) high mild
1 (1.00%) high severe
Benchmarking spsc channel/ringbuffer/1
Benchmarking spsc channel/ringbuffer/1: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel/ringbuffer/1: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0035 s (177k iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel/ringbuffer/1: Analyzing
spsc channel/ringbuffer/1
time: [27.562 µs 27.713 µs 27.843 µs]
change: [+1.1932% +1.7450% +2.2779%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has regressed.
Found 14 outliers among 100 measurements (14.00%)
3 (3.00%) low severe
2 (2.00%) low mild
4 (4.00%) high mild
5 (5.00%) high severe
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace/1
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace/1: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace/1: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0063 s (177k iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace/1: Analyzing
spsc channel/minitrace/1
time: [27.478 µs 27.633 µs 27.769 µs]
change: [+0.0070% +0.8829% +1.8059%] (p = 0.05 > 0.05)
No change in performance detected.
Found 13 outliers among 100 measurements (13.00%)
4 (4.00%) low severe
4 (4.00%) low mild
3 (3.00%) high mild
2 (2.00%) high severe
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace-legacy/1
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace-legacy/1: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace-legacy/1: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.1119 s (177k iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace-legacy/1: Analyzing
spsc channel/minitrace-legacy/1
time: [28.052 µs 28.191 µs 28.327 µs]
change: [-0.1892% +0.4509% +1.1130%] (p = 0.18 > 0.05)
No change in performance detected.
Found 8 outliers among 100 measurements (8.00%)
2 (2.00%) low severe
3 (3.00%) low mild
2 (2.00%) high mild
1 (1.00%) high severe
Benchmarking spsc channel/crossbeam/10
Benchmarking spsc channel/crossbeam/10: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel/crossbeam/10: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.1360 s (157k iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel/crossbeam/10: Analyzing
spsc channel/crossbeam/10
time: [29.283 µs 29.454 µs 29.607 µs]
change: [+2.3913% +3.1306% +3.9462%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has regressed.
Found 9 outliers among 100 measurements (9.00%)
2 (2.00%) low severe
3 (3.00%) low mild
4 (4.00%) high mild
Benchmarking spsc channel/ringbuffer/10
Benchmarking spsc channel/ringbuffer/10: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel/ringbuffer/10: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0224 s (177k iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel/ringbuffer/10: Analyzing
spsc channel/ringbuffer/10
time: [27.358 µs 27.508 µs 27.636 µs]
change: [-0.1552% +0.5591% +1.3367%] (p = 0.15 > 0.05)
No change in performance detected.
Found 12 outliers among 100 measurements (12.00%)
4 (4.00%) low severe
4 (4.00%) low mild
3 (3.00%) high mild
1 (1.00%) high severe
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace/10
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace/10: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace/10: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0197 s (177k iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace/10: Analyzing
spsc channel/minitrace/10
time: [27.518 µs 27.651 µs 27.776 µs]
change: [-0.4743% +0.0900% +0.6631%] (p = 0.76 > 0.05)
No change in performance detected.
Found 14 outliers among 100 measurements (14.00%)
4 (4.00%) low severe
2 (2.00%) low mild
4 (4.00%) high mild
4 (4.00%) high severe
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace-legacy/10
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace-legacy/10: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace-legacy/10: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0533 s (167k iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace-legacy/10: Analyzing
spsc channel/minitrace-legacy/10
time: [29.119 µs 29.262 µs 29.395 µs]
change: [-2.3164% -1.4090% -0.5326%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Change within noise threshold.
Found 5 outliers among 100 measurements (5.00%)
1 (1.00%) low severe
2 (2.00%) low mild
2 (2.00%) high severe
Benchmarking spsc channel/crossbeam/100
Benchmarking spsc channel/crossbeam/100: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel/crossbeam/100: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.1198 s (152k iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel/crossbeam/100: Analyzing
spsc channel/crossbeam/100
time: [29.703 µs 30.059 µs 30.310 µs]
change: [-5.3644% -4.1001% -2.8158%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 20 outliers among 100 measurements (20.00%)
8 (8.00%) low severe
7 (7.00%) low mild
2 (2.00%) high mild
3 (3.00%) high severe
Benchmarking spsc channel/ringbuffer/100
Benchmarking spsc channel/ringbuffer/100: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel/ringbuffer/100: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0810 s (177k iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel/ringbuffer/100: Analyzing
spsc channel/ringbuffer/100
time: [27.911 µs 27.993 µs 28.072 µs]
change: [+0.7579% +1.2186% +1.6867%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Change within noise threshold.
Found 11 outliers among 100 measurements (11.00%)
4 (4.00%) low mild
4 (4.00%) high mild
3 (3.00%) high severe
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace/100
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace/100: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace/100: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.1264 s (177k iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace/100: Analyzing
spsc channel/minitrace/100
time: [28.190 µs 28.288 µs 28.385 µs]
change: [+0.6318% +1.1718% +1.7586%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Change within noise threshold.
Found 9 outliers among 100 measurements (9.00%)
1 (1.00%) low severe
2 (2.00%) low mild
5 (5.00%) high mild
1 (1.00%) high severe
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace-legacy/100
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace-legacy/100: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace-legacy/100: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.1498 s (157k iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace-legacy/100: Analyzing
spsc channel/minitrace-legacy/100
time: [31.389 µs 31.521 µs 31.658 µs]
change: [+2.6245% +3.2507% +3.9076%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has regressed.
Found 7 outliers among 100 measurements (7.00%)
1 (1.00%) low severe
2 (2.00%) low mild
3 (3.00%) high mild
1 (1.00%) high severe
Benchmarking spsc channel/crossbeam/1000
Benchmarking spsc channel/crossbeam/1000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel/crossbeam/1000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.1771 s (111k iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel/crossbeam/1000: Analyzing
spsc channel/crossbeam/1000
time: [43.418 µs 43.656 µs 43.897 µs]
change: [-3.1394% -2.0279% -0.6781%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Change within noise threshold.
Found 9 outliers among 100 measurements (9.00%)
1 (1.00%) low severe
3 (3.00%) low mild
5 (5.00%) high mild
Benchmarking spsc channel/ringbuffer/1000
Benchmarking spsc channel/ringbuffer/1000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel/ringbuffer/1000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.1228 s (157k iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel/ringbuffer/1000: Analyzing
spsc channel/ringbuffer/1000
time: [31.874 µs 31.950 µs 32.020 µs]
change: [-1.8957% -1.0864% -0.5025%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Change within noise threshold.
Found 2 outliers among 100 measurements (2.00%)
1 (1.00%) low severe
1 (1.00%) high mild
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace/1000
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace/1000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace/1000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.1384 s (157k iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace/1000: Analyzing
spsc channel/minitrace/1000
time: [31.975 µs 32.057 µs 32.136 µs]
change: [-1.2655% -0.7623% -0.2480%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Change within noise threshold.
Found 8 outliers among 100 measurements (8.00%)
1 (1.00%) low severe
7 (7.00%) high mild
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace-legacy/1000
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace-legacy/1000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace-legacy/1000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.1004 s (106k iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace-legacy/1000: Analyzing
spsc channel/minitrace-legacy/1000
time: [45.987 µs 46.197 µs 46.412 µs]
change: [-3.1926% -2.2493% -1.3145%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 7 outliers among 100 measurements (7.00%)
3 (3.00%) low mild
4 (4.00%) high mild
Benchmarking spsc channel/crossbeam/10000
Benchmarking spsc channel/crossbeam/10000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel/crossbeam/10000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.7996 s (30k iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel/crossbeam/10000: Analyzing
spsc channel/crossbeam/10000
time: [185.67 µs 187.01 µs 187.96 µs]
change: [-11.157% -10.221% -9.2033%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 12 outliers among 100 measurements (12.00%)
5 (5.00%) low severe
3 (3.00%) low mild
4 (4.00%) high mild
Benchmarking spsc channel/ringbuffer/10000
Benchmarking spsc channel/ringbuffer/10000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel/ringbuffer/10000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.2951 s (71k iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel/ringbuffer/10000: Analyzing
spsc channel/ringbuffer/10000
time: [73.902 µs 74.273 µs 74.652 µs]
change: [-6.1200% -5.4457% -4.7447%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 6 outliers among 100 measurements (6.00%)
2 (2.00%) low mild
3 (3.00%) high mild
1 (1.00%) high severe
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace/10000
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace/10000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace/10000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.3245 s (71k iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace/10000: Analyzing
spsc channel/minitrace/10000
time: [74.790 µs 75.262 µs 75.761 µs]
change: [-10.457% -9.8592% -9.1774%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 2 outliers among 100 measurements (2.00%)
2 (2.00%) high mild
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace-legacy/10000
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace-legacy/10000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace-legacy/10000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.3757 s (25k iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel/minitrace-legacy/10000: Analyzing
spsc channel/minitrace-legacy/10000
time: [202.95 µs 206.21 µs 209.51 µs]
change: [-3.3391% -1.2268% +0.8946%] (p = 0.28 > 0.05)
No change in performance detected.
Found 12 outliers among 100 measurements (12.00%)
1 (1.00%) low mild
8 (8.00%) high mild
3 (3.00%) high severe
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/crossbeam/1
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/crossbeam/1: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/crossbeam/1: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0086 s (2.0M iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/crossbeam/1: Analyzing
spsc channel send only/crossbeam/1
time: [31.898 ns 31.931 ns 31.971 ns]
change: [-3.0946% -2.9478% -2.7974%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 6 outliers among 100 measurements (6.00%)
4 (4.00%) high mild
2 (2.00%) high severe
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/ringbuffer/1
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/ringbuffer/1: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/ringbuffer/1: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0001 s (44M iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/ringbuffer/1: Analyzing
spsc channel send only/ringbuffer/1
time: [26.408 ns 26.419 ns 26.431 ns]
change: [-1.1296% -1.0345% -0.9458%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Change within noise threshold.
Found 1 outliers among 100 measurements (1.00%)
1 (1.00%) high mild
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace/1
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace/1: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace/1: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0003 s (44M iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace/1: Analyzing
spsc channel send only/minitrace/1
time: [26.423 ns 26.435 ns 26.446 ns]
change: [-1.2125% -1.1349% -1.0596%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 2 outliers among 100 measurements (2.00%)
1 (1.00%) high mild
1 (1.00%) high severe
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace-legacy/1
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace-legacy/1: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace-legacy/1: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0006 s (35M iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace-legacy/1: Analyzing
spsc channel send only/minitrace-legacy/1
time: [31.390 ns 31.395 ns 31.401 ns]
change: [-0.4051% -0.3427% -0.2790%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Change within noise threshold.
Found 10 outliers among 100 measurements (10.00%)
1 (1.00%) low severe
2 (2.00%) low mild
5 (5.00%) high mild
2 (2.00%) high severe
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/crossbeam/10
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/crossbeam/10: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/crossbeam/10: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0095 s (2.1M iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/crossbeam/10: Analyzing
spsc channel send only/crossbeam/10
time: [60.862 ns 60.912 ns 60.965 ns]
change: [-13.177% -13.071% -12.945%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 1 outliers among 100 measurements (1.00%)
1 (1.00%) high severe
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/ringbuffer/10
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/ringbuffer/10: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/ringbuffer/10: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0004 s (37M iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/ringbuffer/10: Analyzing
spsc channel send only/ringbuffer/10
time: [34.280 ns 34.302 ns 34.324 ns]
change: [-0.2620% -0.1686% -0.0774%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Change within noise threshold.
Found 5 outliers among 100 measurements (5.00%)
2 (2.00%) low mild
3 (3.00%) high mild
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace/10
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace/10: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace/10: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0006 s (40M iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace/10: Analyzing
spsc channel send only/minitrace/10
time: [35.493 ns 35.508 ns 35.523 ns]
change: [-0.9774% -0.8988% -0.7994%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Change within noise threshold.
Found 3 outliers among 100 measurements (3.00%)
2 (2.00%) high mild
1 (1.00%) high severe
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace-legacy/10
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace-legacy/10: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace-legacy/10: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0001 s (28M iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace-legacy/10: Analyzing
spsc channel send only/minitrace-legacy/10
time: [70.741 ns 70.807 ns 70.871 ns]
change: [-0.2127% -0.0928% +0.0217%] (p = 0.13 > 0.05)
No change in performance detected.
Found 5 outliers among 100 measurements (5.00%)
2 (2.00%) low mild
3 (3.00%) high mild
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/crossbeam/100
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/crossbeam/100: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/crossbeam/100: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0116 s (1.8M iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/crossbeam/100: Analyzing
spsc channel send only/crossbeam/100
time: [374.49 ns 374.58 ns 374.67 ns]
change: [-23.902% -23.861% -23.823%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 10 outliers among 100 measurements (10.00%)
6 (6.00%) low mild
4 (4.00%) high mild
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/ringbuffer/100
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/ringbuffer/100: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/ringbuffer/100: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0010 s (18M iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/ringbuffer/100: Analyzing
spsc channel send only/ringbuffer/100
time: [154.30 ns 154.36 ns 154.43 ns]
change: [-14.572% -14.397% -14.226%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 1 outliers among 100 measurements (1.00%)
1 (1.00%) high mild
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace/100
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace/100: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace/100: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0002 s (17M iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace/100: Analyzing
spsc channel send only/minitrace/100
time: [181.45 ns 181.55 ns 181.63 ns]
change: [-14.322% -14.282% -14.241%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace-legacy/100
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace-legacy/100: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace-legacy/100: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0008 s (8.4M iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace-legacy/100: Analyzing
spsc channel send only/minitrace-legacy/100
time: [485.28 ns 485.64 ns 486.00 ns]
change: [+0.3588% +0.4407% +0.5155%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Change within noise threshold.
Found 10 outliers among 100 measurements (10.00%)
3 (3.00%) low mild
6 (6.00%) high mild
1 (1.00%) high severe
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/crossbeam/1000
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/crossbeam/1000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/crossbeam/1000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0169 s (858k iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/crossbeam/1000: Analyzing
spsc channel send only/crossbeam/1000
time: [3.5587 µs 3.5589 µs 3.5592 µs]
change: [-23.606% -23.577% -23.531%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 6 outliers among 100 measurements (6.00%)
1 (1.00%) low severe
1 (1.00%) low mild
1 (1.00%) high mild
3 (3.00%) high severe
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/ringbuffer/1000
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/ringbuffer/1000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/ringbuffer/1000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0002 s (2.8M iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/ringbuffer/1000: Analyzing
spsc channel send only/ringbuffer/1000
time: [1.3816 µs 1.3817 µs 1.3818 µs]
change: [-19.205% -19.040% -18.921%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 6 outliers among 100 measurements (6.00%)
1 (1.00%) low mild
3 (3.00%) high mild
2 (2.00%) high severe
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace/1000
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace/1000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace/1000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0013 s (2.5M iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace/1000: Analyzing
spsc channel send only/minitrace/1000
time: [1.6518 µs 1.6519 µs 1.6520 µs]
change: [-14.109% -14.092% -14.076%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 8 outliers among 100 measurements (8.00%)
3 (3.00%) low mild
3 (3.00%) high mild
2 (2.00%) high severe
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace-legacy/1000
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace-legacy/1000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace-legacy/1000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0092 s (1.0M iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace-legacy/1000: Analyzing
spsc channel send only/minitrace-legacy/1000
time: [4.7527 µs 4.7544 µs 4.7560 µs]
change: [-0.1414% -0.0946% -0.0423%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Change within noise threshold.
Found 1 outliers among 100 measurements (1.00%)
1 (1.00%) low mild
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/crossbeam/10000
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/crossbeam/10000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/crossbeam/10000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0970 s (136k iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/crossbeam/10000: Analyzing
spsc channel send only/crossbeam/10000
time: [34.995 µs 35.058 µs 35.168 µs]
change: [-25.147% -24.793% -24.478%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 11 outliers among 100 measurements (11.00%)
4 (4.00%) high mild
7 (7.00%) high severe
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/ringbuffer/10000
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/ringbuffer/10000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/ringbuffer/10000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0720 s (308k iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/ringbuffer/10000: Analyzing
spsc channel send only/ringbuffer/10000
time: [13.636 µs 13.637 µs 13.638 µs]
change: [-19.533% -19.497% -19.471%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 4 outliers among 100 measurements (4.00%)
3 (3.00%) high mild
1 (1.00%) high severe
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace/10000
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace/10000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace/10000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0162 s (258k iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace/10000: Analyzing
spsc channel send only/minitrace/10000
time: [16.632 µs 16.637 µs 16.643 µs]
change: [-13.099% -12.798% -12.603%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 6 outliers among 100 measurements (6.00%)
2 (2.00%) high mild
4 (4.00%) high severe
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace-legacy/10000
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace-legacy/10000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace-legacy/10000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.1130 s (111k iterations)
Benchmarking spsc channel send only/minitrace-legacy/10000: Analyzing
spsc channel send only/minitrace-legacy/10000
time: [45.755 µs 45.841 µs 45.975 µs]
change: [-0.1107% +0.0115% +0.1976%] (p = 0.89 > 0.05)
No change in performance detected.
Found 15 outliers among 100 measurements (15.00%)
1 (1.00%) low mild
4 (4.00%) high mild
10 (10.00%) high severe
Running benches/ (target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/deps/trace-c043bfd232ef4b4b)
Benchmarking trace_wide_raw/1
Benchmarking trace_wide_raw/1: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking trace_wide_raw/1: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0004 s (42M iterations)
Benchmarking trace_wide_raw/1: Analyzing
trace_wide_raw/1 time: [116.23 ns 116.24 ns 116.26 ns]
change: [-26.254% -26.238% -26.221%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 9 outliers among 100 measurements (9.00%)
4 (4.00%) high mild
5 (5.00%) high severe
Benchmarking trace_wide_raw/10
Benchmarking trace_wide_raw/10: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking trace_wide_raw/10: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0019 s (8.3M iterations)
Benchmarking trace_wide_raw/10: Analyzing
trace_wide_raw/10 time: [596.76 ns 596.82 ns 596.89 ns]
change: [-35.303% -35.071% -34.911%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 9 outliers among 100 measurements (9.00%)
2 (2.00%) low mild
3 (3.00%) high mild
4 (4.00%) high severe
Benchmarking trace_wide_raw/100
Benchmarking trace_wide_raw/100: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking trace_wide_raw/100: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0110 s (929k iterations)
Benchmarking trace_wide_raw/100: Analyzing
trace_wide_raw/100 time: [5.3888 µs 5.3892 µs 5.3896 µs]
change: [-36.134% -36.121% -36.111%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 7 outliers among 100 measurements (7.00%)
2 (2.00%) low mild
4 (4.00%) high mild
1 (1.00%) high severe
Benchmarking trace_wide_raw/1000
Benchmarking trace_wide_raw/1000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking trace_wide_raw/1000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0917 s (91k iterations)
Benchmarking trace_wide_raw/1000: Analyzing
trace_wide_raw/1000 time: [55.695 µs 55.707 µs 55.721 µs]
change: [-34.172% -34.154% -34.136%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 7 outliers among 100 measurements (7.00%)
1 (1.00%) low mild
3 (3.00%) high mild
3 (3.00%) high severe
Benchmarking trace_wide_raw/10000
Benchmarking trace_wide_raw/10000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking trace_wide_raw/10000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.8745 s (10k iterations)
Benchmarking trace_wide_raw/10000: Analyzing
trace_wide_raw/10000 time: [556.82 µs 557.24 µs 558.08 µs]
change: [-34.128% -33.942% -33.630%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 6 outliers among 100 measurements (6.00%)
3 (3.00%) high mild
3 (3.00%) high severe
Benchmarking trace_wide/1
Benchmarking trace_wide/1: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking trace_wide/1: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0006 s (21M iterations)
Benchmarking trace_wide/1: Analyzing
trace_wide/1 time: [234.76 ns 236.26 ns 238.23 ns]
change: [-12.241% -9.9384% -7.8922%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 13 outliers among 100 measurements (13.00%)
2 (2.00%) low severe
2 (2.00%) low mild
2 (2.00%) high mild
7 (7.00%) high severe
Benchmarking trace_wide/10
Benchmarking trace_wide/10: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking trace_wide/10: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0017 s (6.8M iterations)
Benchmarking trace_wide/10: Analyzing
trace_wide/10 time: [718.39 ns 722.95 ns 727.53 ns]
change: [-33.329% -32.667% -32.090%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 10 outliers among 100 measurements (10.00%)
8 (8.00%) high mild
2 (2.00%) high severe
Benchmarking trace_wide/100
Benchmarking trace_wide/100: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking trace_wide/100: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0269 s (899k iterations)
Benchmarking trace_wide/100: Analyzing
trace_wide/100 time: [5.5853 µs 5.5923 µs 5.5992 µs]
change: [-35.973% -35.696% -35.408%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 4 outliers among 100 measurements (4.00%)
2 (2.00%) high mild
2 (2.00%) high severe
Benchmarking trace_wide/1000
Benchmarking trace_wide/1000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking trace_wide/1000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.1689 s (91k iterations)
Benchmarking trace_wide/1000: Analyzing
trace_wide/1000 time: [56.741 µs 56.814 µs 56.886 µs]
change: [-34.425% -33.998% -33.541%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 5 outliers among 100 measurements (5.00%)
2 (2.00%) high mild
3 (3.00%) high severe
Benchmarking trace_wide/10000
Benchmarking trace_wide/10000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking trace_wide/10000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.6826 s (10k iterations)
Benchmarking trace_wide/10000: Analyzing
trace_wide/10000 time: [562.25 µs 562.60 µs 562.93 µs]
change: [-34.338% -34.228% -34.105%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 5 outliers among 100 measurements (5.00%)
3 (3.00%) high mild
2 (2.00%) high severe
Benchmarking trace_deep_raw/1
Benchmarking trace_deep_raw/1: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking trace_deep_raw/1: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0001 s (42M iterations)
Benchmarking trace_deep_raw/1: Analyzing
trace_deep_raw/1 time: [116.28 ns 116.31 ns 116.34 ns]
change: [-26.168% -26.145% -26.119%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 10 outliers among 100 measurements (10.00%)
3 (3.00%) high mild
7 (7.00%) high severe
Benchmarking trace_deep_raw/10
Benchmarking trace_deep_raw/10: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking trace_deep_raw/10: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0032 s (7.6M iterations)
Benchmarking trace_deep_raw/10: Analyzing
trace_deep_raw/10 time: [652.11 ns 652.19 ns 652.27 ns]
change: [-22.752% -22.723% -22.692%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 12 outliers among 100 measurements (12.00%)
1 (1.00%) low mild
6 (6.00%) high mild
5 (5.00%) high severe
Benchmarking trace_deep_raw/100
Benchmarking trace_deep_raw/100: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking trace_deep_raw/100: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0208 s (838k iterations)
Benchmarking trace_deep_raw/100: Analyzing
trace_deep_raw/100 time: [5.9954 µs 5.9956 µs 5.9959 µs]
change: [-21.591% -21.557% -21.504%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 12 outliers among 100 measurements (12.00%)
1 (1.00%) low severe
3 (3.00%) low mild
3 (3.00%) high mild
5 (5.00%) high severe
Benchmarking trace_deep_raw/1000
Benchmarking trace_deep_raw/1000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking trace_deep_raw/1000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0365 s (81k iterations)
Benchmarking trace_deep_raw/1000: Analyzing
trace_deep_raw/1000 time: [62.446 µs 62.466 µs 62.490 µs]
change: [-18.540% -18.475% -18.391%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 6 outliers among 100 measurements (6.00%)
4 (4.00%) high mild
2 (2.00%) high severe
Benchmarking trace_deep/1
Benchmarking trace_deep/1: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking trace_deep/1: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0010 s (18M iterations)
Benchmarking trace_deep/1: Analyzing
trace_deep/1 time: [284.38 ns 290.79 ns 296.34 ns]
change: [-24.213% -22.891% -21.466%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 21 outliers among 100 measurements (21.00%)
1 (1.00%) high mild
20 (20.00%) high severe
Benchmarking trace_deep/10
Benchmarking trace_deep/10: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking trace_deep/10: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0018 s (6.5M iterations)
Benchmarking trace_deep/10: Analyzing
trace_deep/10 time: [765.23 ns 770.22 ns 774.71 ns]
change: [-23.147% -22.708% -22.231%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 1 outliers among 100 measurements (1.00%)
1 (1.00%) high mild
Benchmarking trace_deep/100
Benchmarking trace_deep/100: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking trace_deep/100: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0017 s (813k iterations)
Benchmarking trace_deep/100: Analyzing
trace_deep/100 time: [6.1463 µs 6.1540 µs 6.1619 µs]
change: [-22.163% -21.639% -21.014%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 5 outliers among 100 measurements (5.00%)
3 (3.00%) high mild
2 (2.00%) high severe
Benchmarking trace_deep/1000
Benchmarking trace_deep/1000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking trace_deep/1000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0978 s (81k iterations)
Benchmarking trace_deep/1000: Analyzing
trace_deep/1000 time: [63.092 µs 63.163 µs 63.232 µs]
change: [-19.846% -19.036% -18.470%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 3 outliers among 100 measurements (3.00%)
2 (2.00%) high mild
1 (1.00%) high severe
Benchmarking trace_future/1
Benchmarking trace_future/1: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking trace_future/1: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0009 s (22M iterations)
Benchmarking trace_future/1: Analyzing
trace_future/1 time: [247.94 ns 249.51 ns 252.64 ns]
change: [-10.079% -9.2730% -8.4699%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 11 outliers among 100 measurements (11.00%)
2 (2.00%) low severe
5 (5.00%) low mild
1 (1.00%) high mild
3 (3.00%) high severe
Benchmarking trace_future/10
Benchmarking trace_future/10: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking trace_future/10: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0007 s (8.9M iterations)
Benchmarking trace_future/10: Analyzing
trace_future/10 time: [562.29 ns 562.92 ns 563.61 ns]
change: [-13.133% -12.707% -12.279%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 6 outliers among 100 measurements (6.00%)
3 (3.00%) low severe
1 (1.00%) high mild
2 (2.00%) high severe
Benchmarking trace_future/100
Benchmarking trace_future/100: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking trace_future/100: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0128 s (1.5M iterations)
Benchmarking trace_future/100: Analyzing
trace_future/100 time: [3.3050 µs 3.3090 µs 3.3131 µs]
change: [-15.386% -14.729% -14.195%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 8 outliers among 100 measurements (8.00%)
6 (6.00%) high mild
2 (2.00%) high severe
Benchmarking trace_future/1000
Benchmarking trace_future/1000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking trace_future/1000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0527 s (146k iterations)
Benchmarking trace_future/1000: Analyzing
trace_future/1000 time: [33.483 µs 33.527 µs 33.571 µs]
change: [-11.220% -10.836% -10.437%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 4 outliers among 100 measurements (4.00%)
2 (2.00%) high mild
2 (2.00%) high severe
Benchmarking trace_future/10000
Benchmarking trace_future/10000: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Benchmarking trace_future/10000: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 5.0483 s (15k iterations)
Benchmarking trace_future/10000: Analyzing
trace_future/10000 time: [331.78 µs 332.13 µs 332.49 µs]
change: [-12.226% -11.472% -10.978%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
Performance has improved.
Found 2 outliers among 100 measurements (2.00%)
1 (1.00%) high mild
1 (1.00%) high severe
Running unittests src/ (target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/deps/minitrace_datadog-d9853affcb757213)
running 0 tests
test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s
Running unittests src/ (target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/deps/minitrace_jaeger-4b5868918e2f3a45)
running 0 tests
test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s
Running unittests src/ (target/release/deps/minitrace_macro-20a4085d495ba28e)
running 0 tests
test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s
Running unittests src/ (target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/deps/minitrace_opentelemetry-e81f70e9a4235209)
running 0 tests
test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s
Running unittests src/ (target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/deps/test_statically_disable-654005f2c5918ed9)
running 0 tests
test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s
[2024-01-29T01:36:09Z WARN cargo_pgo::pgo::optimize] PGO profile data was not found for 662 functions.
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