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Created November 18, 2020 04:29
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File size vs time as given by a Git repository. Inspired by
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# shellcheck disable=SC2214
# A shell script that shows the size of a file in each commit that modifies it,
# alongside the timestamp taken from the author of the commit. This is useful
# to visualize the size evolution of a file.
# It accepts a single option to customize its behavior, described as
# follows. The last argument must be a valid file tracked by its respective
# repository, with the first file obtained from git-ls-files(1) as default.
# -C, --directory=<path>
# Pass the path of the desired directory to Git tools.
# For instance, to visualize the size breakdown of file "bar" inside directory
# "foo" in a graph, one can use the command below.
# $ bash -C foo bar \
# | gnuplot -e 'set term dumb; set xdata time; set timefmt "%s";
# plot "-" using 1:2 with lines notitle'
# Parsing of long options is adapted from
while getopts C:-: OPT ; do
if [ "$OPT" = "-" ] ; then
case "$OPT" in
C | directory ) DIR_PATH="${OPTARG:-$DIR_PATH}" ;;
??* ) exit 1 ;;
\? ) exit 2 ;;
shift $((OPTIND-1))
FILE_PATH="${1:-$(git -C "$DIR_PATH" ls-files | head -1)}"
if ! git -C "$DIR_PATH" ls-files --error-unmatch "$FILE_PATH" >/dev/null ; then
cat <<-EOF
Usage: sh ${0##*/} [options] [file]
-C, --directory=<path>
exit 1
paste \
<(git -C "$DIR_PATH" rev-list --all "$FILE_PATH" \
| sed -e "s/$/:$FILE_PATH/g" \
| git -C "$DIR_PATH" cat-file --batch-check) \
<(git -C "$DIR_PATH" --no-pager log --format="%at" "$FILE_PATH") \
| awk '{print $(NF), $(NF - 1) }'
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