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Last active February 3, 2021 12:58
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Produces a heatmap of commit activity from Unix timestamps.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# A Python 3.5+ script that prints a coloured heatmap of activity similar to
# the one shown in one's GitHub profile. It has some limitations such as not
# printing month and weekday names, because it is hard to predict where to put
# the month name. It should work in any terminal that supports 256 colors [1].
# The script accepts a list of Unix timestamps as piped or redirected
# input. For instance, to visualize the commit heatmap of a locally cloned
# repository, use the command below. Suggested additional flags to git-log(1)
# are --author/--committer, --since/--until, --no-merges etc.
# $ git -C /path/to/repo log --format="%at" | python
# If one has $HISTTIMEFORMAT set, then the Bash history file can also be parsed
# to extract timestamps, for example as done below.
# $ awk -F# '/^#[0-9]{10}/ {print $2}' $HISTFILE \
# | python
# [1]
from datetime import date, timedelta
from fileinput import input as finput
from math import log
dates = sorted(date.fromtimestamp(int(line)) for line in finput())
first, last = dates[0], dates[-1]
raise SystemExit("Empty or incorrect input!")
data = {last - timedelta(days=x): 0 for x in range((last - first).days + 1)}
for day in dates:
data[day] += 1
weekdays = {(i - 1) % 7: [] for i in range(7)}
for day in data.keys():
# ansi escape codes to set background to several shades of green
# range(236, 255, 2) gives a nice grayscale option
colors = [
"\x1b[48;5;{}m \x1b[0m".format(color)
for color in [8, 51, 86, 121, 156, 191, 226, 220, 214, 208, 202]
first_wk_day = first.weekday()
indent = 0 if first_wk_day != 6 else 7
for wkday, days in weekdays.items():
if indent <= first_wk_day:
print(" ", end="")
indent += 1
for day in sorted(days):
heat = min(int(log(data[day], 2) if data[day] else -1) + 1, 10)
print(colors[heat], end="")
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